It also showed that many individuals had bright ideas and just needed the proper support to bring their projects to life. Students learn appropriate ways to address an issue or idea, and how to respond to new situations when they arise. In addition, being a nonprofit CEO and aspiring social entrepreneur who wishes to contribute to reducing inequality worldwide through education will surely share the school and peers' perspectives.I think of myself as a bridge-builder who connects people, initiates relationships, and shares ideas and resources through my communication skills. I know this because I have been working at Harvard for years. Cover the content youll be posting, the outreach programs youll be initiating, and others. (202)741-0886 or Oce of the Student Advocate It is our mission to empower students, parents, families, and community members to achieve equal access to public education through advocacy, outreach, and information Walk-a-thon. GPA is pleased to be affiliated with or accredited by the following organizations: Student Council: A Tool for Effective Self-Advocacy, on Student Council: A Tool for Effective Self-Advocacy, Garfield Park Academy, a New Jersey non-profit corporation, does not discriminate in any form against students, employees or applicants on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or disability. I began with an affinity group for Queer students, which rapidly grew to include over eight other groups. I have advocated for my teenaged and young adult students to have better access to their school and community, particularly after witnessing the worsening accessibility conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Provide a brief foreshadowing of your call to action. As a student, you may want to do your part in protecting a cause thats close to your heart. Using single-use plastic containers should be banned. Thus, I am imbued with a sense of profound responsibility and motivation to canvas for the prestigious role of the senator at the Student Advocacy and Issue Committee. Advocacy campaigns may sound daunting at first, but they dont have to be. Make sure to explain the program to principals or other school administrators and obtain support. Under the supervision of the Head of Programs, the PIM and Advocacy specialist will be responsible for providing technical support for data collection by field offices and produce regular protection monitoring reports and advocacy products for a range of stakeholders, including government actors, humanitarian agencies and donors at country level. and eciently in all areas that affect student learning. This initiative invited the youth to submit proposals on project ideas to promote climate change action. Below is a list of advocacy strategies and activities states that have been used to engage members, raise awareness of CTE and influence policy. But lending a hand with tangible efforts like donation drives and food programs can make a huge difference to the individuals suffering from poverty. Students at Garfield Park Academy are getting hands-on experience in leadership, democracy, and self-advocacy through student government. Hi! Legal Advocacy Fund 2022 Social CHER Community Learning Research Fellows Katie Cerulle Acces to Gender- . I have an itch in my activist bones and I would use this opportunity very well.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?I have not served on the school level council before, but I have held positions of leadership at the department level. As a part-time remote student, I am fully aware that some of us are very disappointed in how our program has turned out this year. I was able to connect with other teachers and community members, both within the school and outside of the school. Informally, I am proud to have worked to increase pay transparency among my colleagues, as well as encouraging them to seek out professional development opportunities and supported them through salary negotiations or promotion discussions. Empowering students through exploration and authentic mathematics experiences can be transformative for teaching and learning. "Bad ideas in D.C. are a lot like weeds: no matter what you do, they keep coming back. One such program is the "Sandigan, Sandalan Training and Advocacy Programs for Mental Health." A component project under the "Sandigan, Sandalan" initiative is the Search for UP Student Mental Health Advocacy Projects, a UP System-wide search for innovative mental health promotion ideas from eligible student organizations and groups. Instead of aiming to raise awareness, rewrite your goal to be more specific. SAC has scheduled meetings with the dean and other senior school administrators to voice student concerns and provide . . In celebration of World Tourism Day, the Center for Energy, Ecology, and Development launched the #VIPforVIP campaign on September 27, 2021. Lets say youre starting a campaign to raise awareness on the climate change problem. This is interpersonal communication at its most effective. 2013 - 20149 . If youre passionate about the environment and want to help protect the planet, this advocacy will be suitable for you. While this is still far from their target, their progress in one year was notable. In July 2021, the Climate Reality Project Philippines partnered with East-West Center and Wavefarers to launch the Niche campaign. And I hope to change that by relaying your concerns and thinking of innovative ways to enhance our experience academically and socially. Thank you for your time and consideration. When they are ready to leave Garfield Park Academy, they will take these skills with them as they build self-determination, she concluded. If they do, students write a letter of encouragement and support, pledging their intentions to remain a loyal customer. I would like to serve on the Student Council because I want to be YOUR advocate in addressing issues. I genuinely love listening to people, hear about their problems, and care about their well-being. Welcome to the Student Advocacy page. Erica HyoWan Jang (SSP)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As a returning part-time virtual student, I witnessed what my classmates were going through and how the school responded last year. The students who are highly motivated to lead and take ownership of a role usually make it a point to run for student council at some point in their academic lives. At Thrive Scholars, a community based organization focused on helping high-achieving, low-income, underrepresented students get into and graduate from top colleges, I worked directly with incredible teens confronting the same inhospitable system I did years ago. Here are student council project ideas you can use: 1. Send a letter to those individuals, inviting them to an initial meeting of your Key Communicator group. Brainstorm the names of key leaders in your state or community. In the sample essay below, the author outlines the many reasons why she wants to run and be a good student council member. This meant over 17 million people couldnt sustain their lives as they dont have access to food, housing, and other needs. Use a quick attention getter or theme. Unit 204 Pacific Century Tower, Brgy. Texting while driving should be illegal. Bring together colleagues and brainstorm three items: When completed, list your successes on a card, laminate that card, and provide copies to local social studies educators or members of your council. This experience has been eye opening, illustrating the importance of codifying historical documents in inclusive spaces. Opinion leaders (Key Communicators) are determined by how many people they influence--they have people power, not necessarily position power. One of the major effects of poverty is the lack of adequate housing, forcing millions of people to live in unsanitary conditions. International Education Council 777 6th Street NW, Suite 510 Washington, DC 20001, USA Tele: +1-202-888-9168 Many campaigns aim to address a small subset of a much larger issue. We spent our first hour of the morning meeting with other leaders at our association building to receive a summary of the latest bills affecting education. For example, if your advocacy campaign focuses on increasing the pet adoption rates in a certain area, it makes no sense to dedicate placements to talking about global warming. Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues today. Originally from Colombia, I immigrated to a small town in rural North Carolina at the age of 5. Combing with the work as a wellness coach, my experience as a hotline volunteer in Buckeye Peer Access Line at OSU allows me to serve on Student Council more effectively. Delivered an awareness campaign . So get a team to help you out and distribute tasks based on everyones skillsets. . It actively lobbies for animal protection laws and educates people about taking care of their pets. Student-led campaigns are usually measurable through the number of donations you collect from fundraising or the number of supporters you reach through engagement. Students having a say in how their education is delivered. It strives to provide a forum for students to voice their concerns and to . Besides the experiences of working with students who need assistance, I gradually learned to become an active listener instead of a talker through the process of consulting. One of the competencies is "Thinking Strategically and Leading Change," which challenges us to disrupt inequitable systems. The NEA Representative Assembly represents all 50 states in strong advocacy for teachers and students. In ELOE, we have been tasked to reflect upon our strengths and weaknesses as individuals through a series of competencies. SPS provided teachers with marine science education training and gave phones to the Bantay Dagats or sea watchers to stay connected with local officials. Dessiree Cuevas (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?After being heavily involved with Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) at the California State University East Bay (CSUEB), I strongly believe I will contribute positively and professionally on a graduate level. If your district does, seek the opportunity to communicate with that group regarding social studies. Even though we have only been at HGSE for a few weeks, I've learned so much from my fellow students and I am eager to give back to our community by serving on Student Council.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?Harvard politics and administrative systems are a conundrum. has been vocal about the growing number of human rights violations in the Philippines. Taking care of the elderly is an innate part of Filipino culture, but theres a dire lack of infrastructure that caters to the elderly. Angie Estevez Prada (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As the first class to go through the revamped curriculum at HGSE, we have the opportunity to set a precedent that will engender more positive change in this program. This trait encompasses academic, social and physical needs. Max Tang (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As a victim of unbiased discrimination against my identity, I was subjected to various forms of humiliation such as being ridiculed as a queer or fairy during my early childhood. However, while we are heading to the post-pandemic era, different systems and administrations can be necessary for embracing both in-person and virtual students.I would like to participate in ongoing deliberation for improving students' academic, social, and emotional experiences here at HGSE and within the whole of Harvard, on behalf of part-time, virtual, international, female students. Moreover, I have also served in prominent leadership roles at multiple students' associations during my undergraduate study at UCLA. Good afternoon, students and staff members! If given the opportunity to serve on the Student Council, I know I will make sure to find solutions to the current issues impacting our community. With your foundations in place, it's time to start spreading the word! By 2015, Malapascua Island and Gato Island became the Philippines first shark and ray sanctuary via, Climate Reality Project Philippiness Niche Campaign, In July 2021, the Climate Reality Project Philippines partnered with East-West Center and Wavefarers to launch the. Garfield Park Academy complies with N.J.S.A. Here's an idea for councils or a small group of NCSS members to try. Besides the volunteering experiences, my identity as an international student and LGBTQ member can also be an advantage. 47) StuCo Suggestion Box: The student body can submit suggestions and new ideas for the council to try. American Counseling Association 2020 Advocacy Toolkit. Get to know each of your stakeholders positions, interests, and needs so that you can plan your implementation. Then, ask whether they have any questions about social studies, and distribute any appropriate handout materials. We are on the front lines of those working for the rights of Blacks, Latinos/as, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Muslims, immigrants, and refugees. Don't forget to highlight your qualifications one last time. While this change is so exciting and has been obviously thought through carefully by the faculty and staff, as with any change there are going to be growing pains. I believe I will not only be an effective member of the Student Council but a transformative one as well. This involves identifying individuals who can empower or hinder you from achieving your goals, assessing how much influence they can have on your campaign, then thinking of ways to engage with them. By serving on the Student Council, I believe that I will have more chances to speak up for my peers and deliver their voices which I've been hearing from both in-person and virtual students.Moreover, actively participating in Student Council activities will allow me to develop diverse skills that I would need after graduation. To give you an idea, some of the most relevant advocacies for the youth include climate change, mental health, education, and gender equality. Here are five ways that have helped me promote student voice and self-advocacy on our campus: Be Visible on Campus and Open to Hearing Student Opinion. etc. Thanks to TASC Partners for Supporting Texas Student Leaders. 3. You can contact them at x to learn more about their activities and initiatives. Ideally, these will be attention-grabbing and help you stand out as a really strong candidate. Through teamwork, deep listening, and dedication we can make such progress. Theyve also mastered the power of social media, strengthening their voices in the advocacy sphere. Keep in mind that opinion leaders are not always what might be called the "most important people" in a community. Make sure to include all these in your campaign to cover all your bases. My initiative in this position was to create an inclusive community. Based on my previous experience both as a student and wellness coach, I find students, including myself, often feel more comfortable talking to people who share similar cultural backgrounds. Principle #2: Increase Equity Self-determination is a key element of the evidence-based Teaching-Family Model used throughout the school. When they help shape changes here at the school, students learn to feel more confident and capable of affecting change outside of school. Animal advocacy campaigns focus on providing shelters for stray animals and preventing animal cruelty. Regardless of what your campaign is about, you need to send the right message to your audience. 5 Tips on Advocacy with Students. As a result, more and more NGOs are stepping in to defend this cause. A Walk-a-thon is a great way to raise funds and encourage healthy habits within your school community. Finally, a personal initiative of mine if elected is to continue to actively listen. It called for the preservation of Verde Island Passage (VIP), given the alarming issues posed by the potential establishment of fossil fuel plants in Batangas. Match Group's Chispa, the #1 dating app made for Latine singles, is proud to announce the launch of its new Advocacy Council. Key activities Advocacy. I have been a special education teacher for the past 4 years, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. I've had to practice this balance in my own work at HMS as well, and I'm confident that my skills in this area can help HGSE's Student Council as it collaborates with HGSE administration on the issues of community, academics, and policies. Living with refugees from other countries. What brought me to working with learners at the margins was being always uncomfortable with exclusion. Along with this, we are also learning to navigate a hybrid experience amongst a launch of a new curriculum. My hope is that every student is called into HGSE so that it is a home they are proud of. Having them on board encouraged more private businesses to donate funds to support the Bantay Dagats. Given this premise, CEED initiated an online petition in calling on the local and national government to not issue the permits for the projects. If youre willing to put in more effort to advocate for the planet, you can take it a step further by volunteering for an environment-focused NGO before trying any of the advocacy campaign examples for students discussed above. Furthermore, I have actively promoted the rich heritage of Asian culture and harbored the welfare of Chinese students at UCLA through consistent advocacy and conducting school-wide events. What Makes an Advocacy Campaign Successful? If youre, Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Philippines, yet the. As a part of the Lean In Los Angeles leadership team, I supported outreach, helped train small group facilitators, and assisted in planning networking events. First, the programs are different. I hope that by serving on the Student Council, I can help us honestly connect, so that we can learn together now, reflect meaningfully on our pasts, and move forward in impactful ways. This initiative invited the youth to submit proposals on project ideas to promote climate change action. Government Affairs and Public Policy Advocacy Toolkit. Based on a, 2019 report by the Institute for Economics and Peace, , the Philippines has the highest climate risk in the world, particularly because of its geography. The Four Best School Advocacy Ideas 1. Theyre often led by a group of leaderssuch as studentswho mobilize volunteers to support a particular issue or call for new policies. But whether it's targeting a specific piece of legislation or bringing attention to an under-addressed issue, a well-run advocacy campaign doesn't happen overnight. 8555 16th St, Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910. web design & development by new target, inc. All Upcoming NCSS & Affiliate Council Events, Inquiry and Teaching with Primary Sources. advocacy ideas for student council . A prime example of that is the pending reintroduction of the PRO Act. By no means is this an exhaustive list. That's the same thing that makes me want to connect more deeply with peers during this unusually fragmented year. Roughly 30 students in grades K-12 were selected by their classmates either as representatives or alternates, to represent their homeroom class through the Student Council. This plan will serve as your roadmap to success. For starters, fill up the roles for the lead organizer, campaign marketer, and volunteer headthen branch out from there. That can be through art, social media, or volunteer efforts. Thus, youll need to tiptoe around to work toward goals that you can achieve. My way to overcome this is to integrate myself into the community. If youre willing to put in more effort to advocate for the planet, you can take it a step further by volunteering for an environment-focused NGO before trying any of the advocacy campaign examples for students discussed above. Students looking to learn more about student government and student council or get ideas for improving their current student government system can start their research at these websites: American Student Government Association (ASGA) ASGA is a go-to resource for members of collegiate student governments. At the meeting indicate that you believe they are leaders in your area, that they communicate with many other people, and that you hope to gain their understanding of the importance of social studies education so they can communicate about it. I have experience in managing budgets, organizing/creating events and have worked with large groups of volunteers. As a Student Council member I will seek out my HGSE colleagues who are in need of support, listen to my colleagues' voices and stories, collaborate with my colleagues to find solutions, and make solutions into actions towards change. I was able to work on projects with diverse stakeholders across a variety of communities. To make meaningful progress, I want to help make connections between people with aligned needs and goals. In addition to knowing how to play the Harvard game, I serve on the Black Staff Caucus at HMS as the Communications Committee Chair and previously served on the City of Newton, Mass Youth Commission Advisory Board, both of which have mechanics and goals similar to HGSE's Student Council. This is why I am interested in serving on the Student Council.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?I have served as the president of the Council of Exceptional Children chapter in my undergraduate program in which it was my job to connect students and faculty and organize speakers with a variety of perspectives. Our advocacy toolkit provides members resources on how to execute advocacy efforts and take action on a local, state, and federal level. Serving on Student Council can allow me to collaborate with other students in doing good for HGSE.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?My previous experiences as a math teacher and student leadership/student activities teacher have allowed me to with the Associated Student Body student officers and students to being about exciting change in student body activities and student life at my school. SPS provided teachers with marine science education training and gave phones to the Bantay Dagats or sea watchers to stay connected with local officials. Even the most minor actions can make a huge difference. I've witnessed Student Council members at Harvard Medical School balance the needs of their constituents with the inflexibility of the HMS administration. Again, while it seems like HGSE is at the front of innovation around changes related to COVID, students voices need to be heard on the benefits and consequences of virtual learning and flexible course offerings. Additionally, I think that diversity in the council is crucial when communicating peers' ideas to the HGSE Faculty and staff.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?I have been class representative in my previous program as well as university ambassador. Also, offer some materials on social studies. Encourage your classmates to unplug for the day and get outside! Follow up with a phone call to encourage their participation. The louder the conversations are, the higher the chances of normalizing mental illnesses and reducing the stigma surrounding them. Carson Quillinan (EPA)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?I genuinely believe in the Harvard Graduate School of Education motto "Learn to Change the World." A position I also served in as a California Teachers Association (CTA) Representative in National Education Association (NEA) Representative Assembly. At the end of the day, set aside some time to sit down with the leader and respond to any questions he or she may have. School days should start later in the day. In every position that I have served, I always give it my all. Specify what you want to achieve with the campaign. That can mean scaling down to reach a small community before coming up with a city-wide project. There I became involved in the constitutional committee, as we worked, and are still working, to take our 50 year old organization from an informal professional networking group to a 501(c)3 status non profit. As we re-enter a world that's post-lockdown, we will be realizing the collective effects we all endured, and some may have needs that we not realized pre-COVID. 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