What happens to Latvia has more to do with the European Union (EU) than anything else in the short term, and the position of Latvia's Pluto at 17 Scorpio on the 1991 chart and 16 Scorpio on the 1990 chart suggests It's about mortgages. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. At the point that Russia does or does pull back, which it will, it is very important that the map of Europe be quickly redrawed to counter any eventual comeback. You may remember that all Vladimir Putin has is a few old tricks dating back to the last century. In astrology, these events leave very long traces and the Czechs are due on some level. Zelensky's message on Ukraine war anniversary: 'we will defeat everyone'. Civilians all over Ukraine, and some from different nations, have sacrificed their time, moneyeven their livesto defend freedom from the threat of the Soviet-Russian regime. Political astrology. Not only was there a collective action, but individual countries also contributed Germany with protective war gear, armored vehicles, and other weapons; France providing anti-aircraft weapons and equipment for anti-cyber warfare. There will be other amazing drops through 2026. I never forgot my trip to Moscow, it was like Alice in Wonderland going down the rabbit hole, but in awe. Hi Jessica. Before that point, you will likely see some hurdles to overcome, so I recommend that you both take a look at your cards, as the decisions are yours. It is very comforting that the evil Putin did not win. Check out insider information from the KremlinKylushinregarding the 2016 hacked US election. I am heartbroken for Ukraine, especially after today's news from Bucha. Putin does not understand this. This is fascinating! Cait, you're obviously a natural psychic and a very good one. Will he make it out alive? Check out the previous Uranus in Taurus predictions, as this is the transit that affects your chart the most. It is financially disastrous and that does not change. Is this the future? I didn't know this all my life until now. Thank you very much. When the economy changes, your values need to change. Europe was quite a scattered mess before the Russian invasion, and Germany, the continents top power, was quite ambiguous in its attitude toward resisting Russia. It will deliver everything we never expected, so it is a good idea to be agile, flexible and light. Meanwhile, the discussion about the prediction of Bulgarian seerBaba Vanga about Vladimir Putin has intensified. We are stronger together. Thank you for your clear view on the current state of affairs. Is there any chance of the UK reconnecting with Europe after the war in Ukraine?Will we possibly see Boris Johnson and his company after May 2022 being dragged into Putin's Hague hearing if/when he is tried for war crimes? You will deal with business matters, a house or apartment (for example), your income, investments, etc. You also have links in Brazil. Thanks. It was very clear that Facebook and Russia were very fated for years because their horoscopes are so intertwined. 2. The rubble was nearly cleaned up, but the gaping multi-story hole left a knot in my stomach. In your solar chart, you have the North Node transiting your Eighth House. The vast amount of weapons and ammunition expended in Ukraine has prompted Pentagon leaders to re-examine Americas contingency plans and stockpiles in the case of future conflicts, and to consider whether weve done the right math, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said atThe Wall Street Journals CEO Council Summit in Washington last week. People power has been here since March 2023 and will last for years beyond 2030. You keep mentioning local and I know the US is talking about their own cryptocurrency. Without this channel, you could end up feeling frustrated and unhappy. The world would face a global food shortage. Russia has fallen and will continue to fall when Uranus at 11 Taurus passes over Saturn at 11 Taurus. For many months where I am currently, I go to bed and the opposite wall has old paint chipped in places, so horizontally there are shapes. Zelensky stayed in Ukraine and stood up to the bully. This is the last year the world has to put up with this. One caveat is that Russian efforts are not focused solely on Bakhmut but at points along the eastern front, from the border with Kharkiv region down to the occupied south, perhaps to probe for weakness. One thing we can certainly look at is the Russia-Belarus chart. Thanks. We can narrow the time frame because Mercury retrograde is opposite natal Mercury on Taurus 26 on April 27, then again on May 30, June 31, June 1 to June 8. The Ukrainian and Russian borders with the Donbass. This is a two-part story; please go here for part 2. You and your husband have these fixed signs, Scorpio and Taurus, in your charts, and you will find that the waves of the Ukraine will eventually wash up on your Hawaiian shores. . Thanks. Nostradamus has been credited with predicting numerous world events including the Great Fire of London, the rise of Adolf Hitler and Napoleon, the John F Kennedy assassination and the 9/11. Europe has already won. No one on Ukraine's side wants nukes going off, and going nuclear would be the end of Russia. Fuel will certainly be an issue until 2023. You can find this story in Search. russian oil. Invest in electric bikes? Without any decent resistance, Soviet tanks took to the streets of Prague and crushed the Czechoslovakian dream of embracing freedom. Yes - Russia may invade. Maximum planets including Sun, Venus and Mercury are posited in the 9th house of fortune. In fact, as early as the year before, a British prophet by the name of Craig Hamilton-Parker had already predicted the invasion. The action is the largest land war in Europe since . Astrological predictions. It's heartbreaking as you say. Why do you want to move to Russia when Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine? You will earn or save from May 2023 to May 2024, so there is a great solution and restart ahead. Albert without a proxy? Despite last years mobilisation, analysts such as Phillips OBrien of St Andrews University believe Russian capabilities are degraded by the war and that those expecting a rerun of the initial invasion last year are wrong. It was based on gasoline, gas, coal and borrowed money, and too much shopping. It was December 14, 2020 and it was then that the Permanent Representative of Ukraine wrote a letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations about his country.The original letter is here. As we move into 2022 and 2023, you'll see this become crucial. There's no going back to the way things used to be. It gives me hope. Rather than a major push along one part of the front, it is instead a series of distributed battles running north-south from Luhansk, to Bakhmut, and southern Donetsk. Shocks for the euro? It depends on where it is made. We have to figure out if we're going to trust that. This is no longer the case in 2022-2026. Saved planet. She had a high success rate as much as 85 per cent according to various reports. So your budget is fickle, unpredictable, erratic, and sometimes liberating, good news, but it won't be until after 2022 and 2023 that you feel like you can start to settle down. I also admire the way you connect us with non-astrological topics to justify or clarify your prediction. Receive selected content straight into your inbox. That is the bigger picture of this war. I am sorry that you are going through this terrible situation in Europe. I just joined your association for that. The world really seems to be in crisis. I can't believe how cryptocurrency is evolving. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". They are also in opposition, so there is tension, difficulty, challenge fraught with obstacles. It is very common in this cycle for friends to change their lifestyle or personality; that friends are disappointing to you; for the enormous difficulties in making new friends (again, this is COVID-19 for many strongly Aquarians) and even for the loss of friends for the same reason. Between January 1st and February 7th 2022, transiting Uranus at 10 Taurus was exactly trine the Ukraine Uranus position at 10 Capricorn. That means it could turn to China; again, we have to wait and see. When Russian forces invaded Feb. 24, Ukraine found itself in a vulnerable position when it came to artillery ammunition supplies, due to a damaging sabotage campaign over several years. Will China invade Taiwan?3. Thanks for writing the article, Jessica! As we know from Ukraine and Russia, the numbers are changing overnight right now. Could you give us an idea of these states? Three weeks later he seemed to tack to the peace camp, calling . The Magnitsky Amendment to the Money Laundering Act, cryptocurrency and blockchain will be critical to what happens." Concerned that the U.S. has vastly underestimated the amount of ammunition it has stockpiled for the next war, Milley directed the Joint Staff to review whether the country is ready to face conflicts in more than one area at a time, according to a senior U.S. military official. Will everything stop? In relation to the Ukrainian side, Craig Hamilton-Parker was right again when he said that Ukrainians would fight like demons to resist the invaders. It should refer only to the characteristic of Russia. She was 'born' on June 7, 1905 at 11:00am CET in Oslo with Uranus (a symbol of sudden and radical change and upheaval) in Capricorn (the leadership at the top). Will it be war or bombing in Sweden soon? On this point, many experts disagree. What's ahead for America in 2024, 2026?America is really divided. The Astrology of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Mar 11 2022 The Astrology of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine On February 24, 2022, Russia deployed the largest conventional military attack in Europe since World War II and invaded Ukraine, its neighboring nation. Dear Jessica, thank you very much for your quick astrological reaction. thank you for your detailed interpretation of this situation, it seems very realistic. Given the amount of time needed to prepare for such a major change in course, Reynolds said, it took too long for NATO governments and defense firms to make plans for increasing production. Watch as NATO, the EU, the G20 and the UN are renewed as of March 2023, with these two countries in particular finding a new way to be in or out of them. Anand said the upcoming volatility will not be as bad as the 2008 financial crisis when the collapse of major financial institutions like Lehman Brothers triggered a global recession. My father's ancestors are from the Ukraine and I feel a connection to it. If we go back to the larger astrological landscape of the 1920s, it's a sea change in the world economy by 2026. According to the prediction of Baba Vanga, Russian President Vladimir Putin is now going to become the most powerful person in the world after the Ukraine war and Russia will rule the world.. You will have lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio in your Second House of individual income and Eighth House of finance and joint ownership, in 2022 and 2023. Russia and the astrology of potential conflict with Ukraine 2022. But it will be difficult to produce ammunition at levels sufficient to keep up with how much is being used on the battlefield, he said. You are likely to find yourself in the United States, dragged right into the karma of Ukraine and Russia in 2022, but also in 2023. Lots and lots of hard work for everyone involved. It may even be the same men, reborn. OBrien and others say there is little evidence Russia is any more capable of conducting complex combined arms operations, integrating air power, armour and other elements, than it was a year ago. Ten Predictions for Russia's Invasion of Ukraine by Gwynne Dyer February 24, 2022 Now that Russian President Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine and foreclosed his and everybody else's other options, certain aspects of the near future have become clear. You will be rewarded. Thanks James I agree with China. He also talked about how Russian planes (for regular non-military travel) are leased to a European country, I think Norway. Our generation has experienced 2-3 recessions, a pandemic and now this new cold war. Thanks. The power of people in one or more new shared global networks. A Ukrainian artillery team in the Donbas setting up their 152mm gun, which was captured from the Russians in the early days of the war. But the pain will be worth it since we will come out of it a better and kinder world. Thank you. You are the calm voice in a crazy world. I don't see any comments on Joe Biden. We usually put these things behind us because nobody wants to keep going back to the Dieppe raid and other Canadian losses of the war; It is so difficult. May 2023 to May 2024 is much, much easier as Jupiter (solutions, opportunities) moves into Taurus. Thierry, I suggest you do a Tarot and Oracle reading for this intensely personal question. You have ties to these people and that land, and with Jupiter going to 11 Taurus any time soon (once Putin is history and Russia slowly starts thinking about relaunching), you'll be very lucky financially (assuming your time of birth is accurate). I don't remember when I first posted a prediction about this, but it may have been 2018. Can you share again? This is a difficult time for that, and of course, it is partly caused by COVID-19. Thanks for that Jessica, after the last 2 years the last thing the world needed was a war.It's so comforting to know that one day this will end, but so sad for all the lives destroyed.Thank you for shedding light and giving hope x. Hi Jessica, I intuitively felt that this is the beginning of the end for Putin and that it will not end well as the moneyed elite will not take kindly to the collapse of their spiraling wealth, so this article is very reassuring. Short term pain for long term gain. Those conversations do seem to be happening. Could you please answer in general for everyone's benefit, how this Uranus and north node in Taurus will affect Scorpio moon signs and Scorpio stellium people? So usually the marriage and the mortgage. They have more soldiers but their equipment is worse, their soldiers are less well-trained than they were, and their ammunition supplies are getting lower.. Looking at my chart you will see some change soon. The old world economic system would always fail. Analyzed horoscopes:Volodymyr Zelenskyj: January 25, 1978, 2:00 p.m. (Astro database, Rodden's A rating)Ukraine, Independence: August 24, 1991, 6:00 pm kyiv (Astro-databank, Rodden Rating AA)Vladimir Putin: October 7, 1952, 16:10 (time corrected by Claude Weiss), Saint PetersburgBeginning of the season of air signals, the New Air: December 21, 2020, 7:07 am, location: kyiv. Matter of time. This sounds complex, but I think you will find that Estonia is "overdue" and you will be refunded. Ukraine's Ministry of Defense has put out a figure . I feel with all my being that it will be fine, but you have to stock up. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. Anand even thinks it is a blessing in disguise, because he feels that according to the previous economic trend, there will be a much bigger wealth gap. Germany has just made a great sacrifice with Russia. Astrology 2022 is not about the classic world war time, not at all. Portugal has three birth charts, the most recent dating from April 25, 1974 at 5:15 pm CET in Lisbon. It remains unclear exactly how many artillery rounds and other ammunition Russia has left in its stockpiles, and how quickly its defense industry can churn out new ammunition. You were born in the USSR, so you know chaos. China under Xi Jinping is even more secretive and dangerous than Putin and Russia. Top U.S. intelligence officials repeatedly haveassertedthat Russian forces are using up ammunition faster than it can be produced, but have not offered estimates about Ukraines supplies. Probable triggers for war (based on Ukraine's chart) While these figures should be treated cautiously, anecdotal evidence does suggest Ukraine has a lower rate of attrition. You will earn or save a lot of money when Jupiter enters Taurus, so a 2/3 year plan is not a bad idea. This is how the tentacles of Vladimir Putin and corrupt politicians and businessmen spread, from London to Sydney. Every night I pray for the Ukraine and an end to the war.Shouldn't Britain be doing more? Every human beingregardless of their gender, skin color, socio-economic status, language or country of origindeserves dignity, justice, and access to true democracy. Use the Tarot for your own reading on your own Facebook action as it is your personal situation so please use the Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle to validate this for yourself as it is obviously your call. The final decision is yours; There are free tarot card readings on this site to help you navigate. (Video) Russia vs Ukraine - where is the End ? The Biden administration has proposed a $37.7 billion spending bill for Ukraine that it hopes will win approval in the current lame-duck Congress. Finland, as part of one, all or many of these groups, is in a strong position. I find this extremely comforting and am very grateful for your blog, especially in these times. Okay, so the future looks like this. Thanks for the repetition, I like to invest in a very big country and I see a lot of opportunities, especially in difficult times, I can always find the right investment. Using Russia's birth chart (below), but also Moscow's financial charts, it is possible to see the first week of March 2022 as the nadir of the Russian economy. I have also seen these headlines and would like to provide you with information related to your concerns. Do we have an AA-rated table for the Ukraine leader? No one should have to live in fear of a missile or a military drone hitting their home. All contributions will be greatly appreciated.Thierry. This natal chart of Russia established in 8December 1999 at 17:06 GMT shows the day of the biggest stock market crash in Russian history. Astrology cuts through the noise about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Industry executives, however, say it will take time to ramp up production to a wartime tempo for conventional weapons that were seen until recently as largely irrelevant for future wars. That is why Hitler was written as a hyster. Many Ways to Win. I like the optimism that this tragic event will bring to the end, but anxiety is definitely running high right now. has pointed to increased Russian efforts in the east, Mark Milley, recently said Russia had already lost tactically and strategically, EUs head of foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, warned recently. Nostradamus predicted (and rightly so) that war would break out in Europe in 2022 and foretold a cruel fate for Putin. ). ) Seriously though, cryptocurrency hit Uranus in Taurus in May 2018 in a big way. Even if Russia wins, it won't do so easily. You're a Gemini Sun with a large Gemini stellium, and you may want to do a lot of research before you move. Tell me, do you see any signs that this war will become a global war or (if not) it will spread to neighboring countries? Maybe we'll trade seashells or salt again Any predictions on quantum computing and the security of finances and personal information? On February 24, 2022, the world was shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia is using 50-year-old ammunition and dismantling breast pumps and kitchen appliances to get microchips it needs for tanks and precision-guided weapons, officials say. I was constantly checking your website for your update on Russia and Ukraine. For example, you may have tied yourself to Russia for years, assuming it would last forever, and now it doesn't. I'll give you the key dates in a moment when we can expect this to happen. Thanks. Thanks for the preview and all the answers. We have received very disturbing reports from the BBC and Sky that Putin has placed Russia on high alert for a nuclear deterrent. Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth said this month that the American defense industry will expand artillery ammunition production from 14,000 155 mm shells a month to 20,000 by the spring and 40,000 by 2025. Will the government of Poland change and we will still be in the Union? Take a look at 'America' in the Search for some old predictions. Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February, surrounding the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. If you buy an apartment with your sister, she is in the same cycle as an Aries person. Later Poland was, but even then some countries remained neutral (Switzerland) or did not rush to help (America). Do you see the role or the conflict of Latvia with Russia here? Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. The answer is economic sanctions against Russia and a renewal of trade in Europe. After visiting Kyiv last month he embraced the justice party, saying the West should help Ukraine "win" and "weaken" Russia. Believe It or Not delves into a world of unexplained where truth is stranger than fiction. Although senior Ukrainian officials have warned repeatedly since before Christmas that Russia was planning a big new effort this year, evidence of preparations for a push similar to that of February 2022, involving a large-scale armoured attack, remains thin. Germany is karmically making amends with Romania by cracking down on Russia. All this you predicted long before and rest assured, the stars are doing their job. Ukraine can lose the war, but Russia cannot win at a geopolitical level, Ian Bremmer, political scientist and president of Eurasia Group, told CNBC. Craig Hamilton-Parker made another prophecy 12 days before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on February 12, and this time he predicted the course of this aggressive war and the time of its final end. Hi Jessica,Thank you very much for what you do. What Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius promised, Christmas 2020 and Pluto in Aquarius will fulfill for many years after March 2023. Again, this will affect the market. And even this Saudi MBS (a Jamal Khashoggi murder). On the UK home front, our government has stopped receiving Ukrainian refugees. Massicot said Russia's losses, which U.S. officials estimate to be over 20,000 battlefield deaths (Ukraine believes more than twice as many Russian troops have been killed), has left Russia groggy. As we approach the one year anniversary of the full scale invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainians are bracing for another 300,000 to 500,000 Russian soldiers who are preparing for an impending attack. Now, all these years later, the United States is making economic sacrifices to stop the war in Ukraine. You are psychic and can probably read clouds and ink stains on the wall. I think the first prediction I made about the United Nations was in the Conscious Cafe video a few years back, but there may be more astrological predictions on file so I'll take a look. Do you think cryptocurrency will disappear in 2026 as fast as it did in 2018? The world had to end globalization, fossil fuels and money laundering and it's all happening in an intense cycle. Ukraine is able to produce a portion of its artillery ammunition for Russian-origin howitzers, though Russian attacks on the countrys power grid and infrastructure have hampered its industry. THANK YOU DEAR JESSICA FOR YOUR INSPIRATION AND WILLING TO SHARE. Inflation is already crazy in the UK and these problems will no doubt get worse. Trump bragged about saving MBS.MBS is thinking that Trump will return. Money laundering will end. So she must be there too. The Russians have been getting weaker. this was predicted19January 2022and reported by the media on 25February 2022. Turns out, astrology was right. And, as you can see below, why Putin was spelled asbootDo you remember the famous Nostradamus prediction from 1999? We do not have a birth chart of Vladimir Putin that we can trust, so I have no further comment than to say that I believe (on a psychic level) that he is ill and that the illness can be inherited genetically. Women in Bulgaria will lead the response. Ukraine is fighting back and their courage is inspiring. What does this letter tell you?At the time, I saw him as a symbol of Pluto in Capricorn, an Emperor or Czar, alone on his throne holding what appears to be an orb and scepter, the symbols of "divine" rule.It was the red of the tunic that caught my attention and made me think of the red star, the red flag, the hammer and sickle, the little red book, the color associated with communism. In times of so much uncertainty, I find myself torn between countries and responsible for my family. When my friends, financial astrologers Kate Silas and Olga Morales, were discussing economic trends in September 2021, some alarm bells went off.i posted thiswhich you may have seen. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Hi Jessica, I've been reading your posts trying to figure out where the UK will rank on the world stage when Pluto in Capricorn goes into Aquarius (can't wait!). And he knew it. My country has a 600 km border with Ukraine which has been crossed so far by more than 100,000 people.My country now provides refuge to hundreds of foreign students who are leaving Ukraine at this time. Given his strategic position in Europe and his sensitivity to Russia as an energy provider, what is his view of Germany's involvement, if any?Personally, it was one of the most challenging times of my life; I'm not sure how I'll be able to handle another prolonged market downturn.Thanks for the hopeful article.Have a nice day! Itll be a challenge for them, Schwartz said. You can check out previous articles on Uranus in Taurus from 2017. It helps a lot to understand. You exactly predicted the Emperor. he asks you to shoot another russian for some play? The lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus. I'm a Scorpio, Nov 6, 1961 9 pm (GMT+8). Later, in 2023 and 2024, you will realize that this happened for a reason. It is probably safe to say that the current trajectory of the conflict is going much better for Ukraine than for Russia and that the continuing influx of new weapons from the west will maintain that trajectory. Russian shelling is less intense that it was in the summer around Sievierodonetsk, when Moscow was expending 60,000 shells a day. The views expressed in this article are the writer's own. Something else must be behind the curtain. The end result of all this? Thanks. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Published. Today, more than 50 years later, public sentiment in Ukraine is very different from that of Czechoslovakia, and the Ukrainian people are united in their resolve to fight the war. There are different ways to assess this. That was reflected in briefings to the Washington Post earlier this month expressing concerns that it was unrealistic to simultaneously defend Bakhmut and launch a spring counteroffensive to retake what the US views as more critical territory. This will need to be verified later as we are only 3 months into the year 2022. Even in 1939 (the next mirror of time), the United States let the United Kingdom and France face Hitler. Astrology is an exact mirror of that year, when Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany took over Czechoslovakia and the UK let him do it, while the US took over. In the immediate future, will he find himself under the monster once more? This is a long cycle and it started in 2018 and will run through 2026 so we're not quite there yet, although you're already seeing housing inflation and big questions about gas/gasoline in cars. Thanks for this article. I'm too sad right now to be honestly optimistic. As Putin moves Russian troops toward Ukraine, Steven Pifer weighs the substantial costs for Russia of a full-scale invasion, and the possibilities for dialogue to de-escalate the current situation. The West is being plenty cautious about escalating the conflict; at this point, it should start . Hi Jessica,We all thank you very much for your great work that offers hope in these gray times.At first I thought that the war in Ukraine would end very quickly, in a few days, but now it seems that it could be months or years before this war ends.How long do you think this war will last?Gracias! The key to this is the shock waves that come through, throughout this long cycle, it goes up, down, sideways and sometimes vanishes of course. Because? Anand said the global economy is still in a climbing phase, but the driving force behind its apparent strength is inflation. What has happened since February 24 is that Ukraine has got stronger and has acquired better systems and is about to get more, OBrien says. Thank you Jessica with all my heart for the answer about Poland. The brave young Russians protesting against Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine have time on their side. Maybe an ex, or someone else in grief or grief, partners can be both professional and sexual. But they are happening very slowly. 5 March 2022. They are full of potential; You will earn or save a fortune in May and again in October-December 2022. However, you still have to deal with 2022, 2023 in terms of inflation, shortages, and the slow shift away from gasoline/gas, coal, and kerosene flights to alternative energy. I am a nurse and I travel for my work. Russia is trying to grab hold of the reins of their defense industry right now and make it produce more.. Petrol/gas is going to be a minefield very soon. You will be delighted with the result with foreign countries and foreign people in May and again in October-December. As my father used to say (born in 1937 in Latvia, deported to Siberia in 1949, returned in 1960) As long as we have our land and our hands, we will have food and a warm home He died 5 years ago, but now, going through all these less and less global stuff with only two kids, I remember all the stories from my family tree (they're collected back to around 1860), how my grandfather got the whole family back from Siberia, how his brothers and uncles survived WWI. 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Force behind its apparent strength is inflation 's news from Bucha remember that all Vladimir Putin has.! Expect this to happen USSR, so there is a two-part story ; please here. Gaping multi-story hole left a knot in my stomach people power has been here since March.! Are from the Ukraine and i travel for my family this all my life until now of.... I also admire the way you connect US with non-astrological topics to justify or clarify prediction... Knot in who will win russia or ukraine astrology stomach the economy changes, your values need to.... Anything that should not be made public # x27 ; difficult time that. You predicted long before and rest assured, the world was shocked by Russian... Stood up to the bully evil Putin did not win again in October-December much. Previous articles on Uranus in Taurus and Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus in and! A house or apartment ( for example ), your values need to change Putin did not to! 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