She had inherited the throne at the age of three. After a difficult, and arduous labor, Hrrem gives birth to a boy, ehzade Mehmed. All this time she believed he was dead, killed in the slave raid in their village all those years ago. 1502, Rohatyn While slightly incredulous at his constant tests to prove her love and loyalty, Hrrem merely asks him to embrace her as she is overwhelmed and emotional with the previous night's events. Ibrahim tells her how much he cares for her and Mustafa, and that hell always be there to protect and help them. I agree the way she spoke was odd, like her lip was botoxed. She suggests Selim. Hrrem and Princess Isabella Fortuna Castilian Princess Isabella Fortuna and her servant are kidnapped by Turkish pirates, and sold to Sultan Sleiman. Daye gets discharged for this by the Valide Sultan as a means to cover her own tracks, and for foiling her and Mahidevran's scheme. Sultan Sleiman decides to go to war against Charles V, and he achieves a victory, while on the other hand Malkoolu Bal Bey finds a lead on Ali Aa (who was Hatice Sultan's servant, and is responsible for abducting Hrrem Sultan), and he goes to follow this lead without informing Sultan Suleiman in order to find Hrrem Sultan. She manages to escape, and as Mahidevran loudly accuses her of theft, the Haseki suddenly faints. Fatma Sultan is the sister of Sultan Sleyman, born to Selim I and his wife Aye Hafsa Sultan. When she was 21 years old, Hatice Sultan's husband passed away, leaving her to be a widow at such a young age. She married Ferdinand II of Aragon, bringing the kingdoms together into what became Spain under the rule of her grandson Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor. Days afterward, Suleiman summons Hrrem Hatun to his chambers, but he is informed by Smbl Aa that she was sent to the dungeons by the Valide Sultan. The Valide calls Hrrem to her chambers, but then she faints. Hrrem informs Mihrimah Sultan of her decision to marry her to Rstem Paa which makes Mihrimah deeply upset. Meanwhile, when Daye finds out that Mahidevran has had a miscarriage, she runs to tell the Valide the news. Yavuz releases a pile of boulders hanging over them. The scheme is successful, and Suleiman is intrigued by her. However, she then declares her winter to finally be over, but that the Haseki's has only just begun. However, with Fatma Sultan's consent, a beautiful young woman is prepared and sent to Suleiman. Lots of discussions were made about this, but in the end, the producers choose to find a new actress for the leading role of Hrrem Sultan. Leo makes many attempts to speak with her alone and reaffirm his adoration of her, but according to Hrrem, that time has passed and she believes their love is over. Smbl finds out and tells Hrrem Sultan, who entrusts the doorman, Lokman, with the task of getting rid of the girl. It is revealed she has had a stroke. In the year 1553 in Konya, Sultan Suleiman orders ehzade Mustafa's execution. After Hrrem's arrival back to Istanbul, Smbl tells the Sultan about his wife's illness. She maintains that Suleiman is already poisoned by Hrrems wicked presence, and she has no remorse. Ibrahim threatens her to not breathe a word of this to anyone or he will kill her. She tries to forcefully remove it, but Hrrem holds fast. It states that once he fell in love with Hurrem, (almost instantaneously) Other woman did not exist for him. Mahidevran Sultan and her servant Glah see them walking towards them, and Mahidevran is instantly upset and demands Hrrem unhand her son. ah gives them the fake papers, and gives the real one to Suleiman. However, much to their dismay, Suleiman ends up finding out and sends Huricihan to live with his sister Beyhan Sultan. Mihrimah Sultan is warned by her mother not to trust anyone except her. Malkoolu Bal Bey defeats most of them, but spares one for interrogation. The rumor of Firuze's healing talent spreads through the harem. Ibrahim interrogates a suspicious Aye Hatun, and she reveals that GIah and Mahidevran Sultan put her up to it. Hrrem, with the help of Rstem and Mihrimah Sultan, sends a fake letter to the Persian ShahTahmasp I. Historical inaccuracy aside, i cldnt stand this plotline because it was SO. He agrees. Hatice Sultan and brahim Paa learn of Firuze's deception soon after, and both are shocked. Hrrem returns to Topkap by Suleiman's orders. Hrrem was a young woman who seduced Sultan Suleiman in order to gain more power in the harem she was abducted into. She becomes favorite of Suleiman's harem. After alerting Suleiman, Fatma announces Hrrem's condition to the entire harem during a ceremony. But as Firuze Hatun was the Sultan's concubine, it was strictly forbidden for her to have intimate relations with a ehzade. Hrrem orders Lala to get rid of Huricihan, but in order to stay with Bayezid, Huricihan strikes a deal with Lala telling him that ehzade Mustafa and Mihrnnisa Sultan were married without the Sultan's permission. The unknown young woman heals her. Upon the death of Mehmed, the ehzades are called from their assigned provinces to the capital so that Suleiman can choose the next governor of Manisa. Suleiman gets very upset, and he begins a long and impossible search for his wife. She even sends a venomous snake to the hunting lodge where Isabella has been staying. Ibrahim tells her he cant protect her if she continues to make these rash mistakes. Meanwhile Daye Hatun forces Glah to hand over the ring. She reminds him that she is not Mahidevran Sultan, and she will not share their love with anyone. But Leo will not go without "Alexandra", his long lost love. Meanwhile the Sultan summons the physicians, and they just barely save Hrrems life. This declaration visibly surprises Valide Sultan and Hatice Sultan. Daye Hatun and Smbl Aa find Hrrem unconscious on the floor, bruised and bloodied from Mahidevrans attack. Suleiman sleeps next to Hrrem all night, and never leaves her side. ; Deceased Fall-Guy Gambit: When sent to assassinate Hrrem, she killed some maids and an eunuch.After almost being busted by Smbul, she pretends to be the savior and pins the blame on one . She later beats Hatice Sultan on her way to Suleiman's chambers, and orders her servants to throw her body in the woods. He attends the culus ceremony without waiting. Mahidevran then angrily commands the guards to starve her and deprive her of water, and leaves her in the dungeon. Castilian Princess Isabella Fortuna and her servant are kidnapped by Turkish pirates, and are sold to Sultan Suleiman's harem. Relatives Her name is Firuze, and she came from Assyria. Sultan Suleiman decides to go on a hunting trip with his family, but Mihrimah Sultan doesn't agree to accompany them as Firuze Hatun has been chosen to be by the Sultan's side instead of her mother, the Haseki. Mahidevran Sultan gives the Valide Sultan Leo's old diary with pages covered in Hrrem, which Gulah picked up after Hrrem threw it out of window in a desperate attempt to get rid of it. German-Turkish actress Meryem Uzerli captivated viewers as she enticed and later manipulated the sultan. . Beautiful Women. After her conversion, she is often seen wearing veils when travelling, in the presence of men, and at formal events. ihangir gets better even though he can't recover fully, and Sleiman suddenly has a heart attack. Hrrems first instinct is that Mahidevran Sultan has it. Several janissaries search the woods near where the ambush occurred, but no one can find Hrrem anywhere. At Hatice Sultan's palace, Hrrem Sultan is beside herself with grief and fear for her children's fates. Castilian Princess Isabella Fortuna and her servant are kidnapped by Turkish pirates, and are sold to Sultan Suleiman's harem. Hrrem Sultan is a strikingly beautiful Ruthenian woman. Episode #2.9. Ayse Sultan (Murad's Haseki) Sultan Murad IV. She infiltrated among the captured girls by Hayredin Barbaros, and she took the alias "Firuze". Hrrem regains consciousness, and walks over to the mirror to see her reflection. Sleiman The Magnificent Hrrem decides once and for all to be rid of Princess Isabella, and with the help of Gl Aa, Nigar Kalfa, and her new servant Nilfer, she succeeds in sending Princess Isabella to Vienna, where she returns to the monastery. instagram. The 14-year-old princess made a comment to her mother which has made headlines in the Danish press. Worried that Hasibe would give them away, Glah smothers the girl to death with a pillow, and then strings her up to make it seem as though she hung herself. Of all Europe's queens, argues Giles Tremlett, surely none had a greater impact than the queen of Castile and Aragon. Suleiman is so delighted by Alexandras cheerful and playful personality, that he affectionately changes her name to "Hrrem", which means "The cheerful one or The one who makes us smile. Friday morning when Hrrem is returning to the harem, many of the concubines crowd her and beg for details of her extended time with the Sultan. Valide Sultan summons Mahidevran to her chambers under the guise of concern for her health, and the health of her unborn grandchild. Isabella's change was also signified by her evolving wardrobe, trading bright, romantic dresses for black and gray cloaks, courtesy of costume designer Diana Cilliers. ihangir is developing a hump on his back, and they try to fix it while he is still a baby with physiotherapy. Alex, Sultan Sleymann karsna kt ilk gecede onun ilgisini ekmeyi baarr. When her solo ends, he throws to her the purple handkerchief which is an invitation to spend the night with him the next evening. Religion The Valide Sultan herself is even curious to see. Hrrem steadfastly refuses, claiming she has nothing to apologize for. Ibrahim commands her to stay away from Hrrem, and to ignore her and the Sultans relationship. For some time she would not even hold Mihrimah or feed her, wanting nothing to do with her female child. Meanwhile, brahim Paa is shot during the marriage ceremony with an arrow, and it turns out that it was poisoned. The Magnificent Century Historical Fiction. And announced that Vahide Grdm (Perin) will take over this role. Okan Yalabk. One night, Suleiman requests Hrrem come to his chambers, but she refuses. She is then taken to her daughter Hatice's chambers to rest. Ibrahim tells her to keep her mouth shut. Hatice Sultan returns to the palace, unbeknownst to Suleiman, and decides to finish Hrrem herself because she believes ah is doing nothing. He tried his best to give her the best protection possible. Isabella was initially told to follow her grandmother,Queen Margrethe, up the stairs, but when . The Sultan leaves to tend to his state affairs, and Hrrem approaches Ibrahim Paa and asks him if he has found her would-be murderer. Hrrem confesses she did recommend Selim, but that the only reason she did was to protect Bayezid. In the beginning, Alexandra was a brash and belligerent girl who didn't consider the consequences of her actions due to the trauma of being abducted from her homeland. Still, the Sultan was charmed by her due to her unbridled passion, fierce loyalty, and amusing demeanor. Suleiman discovers that Hrrem sent Valeria and he is shocked, but reassures her he did not feel anything for Valeria. Mustafa leaves for the province of Manisa, but Ibrahim convinces Suleiman to let Mahidevran Sultan stay in the harem. Mustafa gets a letter from Suleiman stating that he is very disappointed in him because he lied and disobeyed his orders. This declaration is the perfect opportunity for Hrrem to achieve what she has so long desired; to become the Sultan's legal wife. This incident brings the two closer and Isabella, though at first utterly disgusted by Suleiman and his allegedly barbaric ways, begins to begrudgingly return Suleimans attraction. Isabella was the daughter of John II of Castile and his second wife, Isabella of Portugal. Know what this is about? She accepts, but only because she is forced to do so by Hrrem. He then orders Ibrahim to personally find the culprit. Mihrimah Sultan is also distraught with her brother's death, though she had a hand in it herself. Muhteem Yzyl (Turkish pronunciation: [muhteem jyzjl], lit. He is later convinced by Ibrahim and the Valide to keep her in the palace for Mustafas sake. In the presence of his mother, Hatice Sultan, Glfem Hatun, and Mahidevran Sultan, Sultan Suleiman announces his marriage to Hrrem. If he doesnt love only her, she may as well be dead. Hrrem then decides to finish ah. Onun bu tavr ilk andan itibaren Valide Sultann dikkatini eker. Hrrem awakens the following morning in utter shock and confusion as she is still alive and breathing. Instead of taking Hrrem, Sleiman takes Nazenin with himself to Manisa to bless the baby. After legally marrying Hrrem, she and Sultan Suleiman go to give the Valide Sultan the happy news. Hearing the lilt of Hrrem and Suleimans laughter next door in the private chamber, Mahidevran bitterly remarks how Ibrahim is asking her to repress herself, her heart, and her feelings. Old However Nigar Kalfa (one of the main Harem leaders) explains to Alexandra that all of them arrived as slaves, and if Alexandra behaves herself and does as she is told, she will be summoned by the Sultan. Near death, Afife warns Hrrem that Suleiman is extremely ill. Then, she dies. Rakilah took orders from ah to tell Hrrem Sultan that Portia could perhaps help Hrrem. In the meantime, the Valide Sultan decides Hrrem should have a bigger chamber so that shell be more comfortable during her pregnancy, and have help when her child is born. Sultan Osman II. Suleiman decides to exile Hrrem to Ktahya. She nearly surrenders herself to her fate when she is finally found by Sultan Suleiman. Fatma takes advantage of the opportunity, and announces it in front of Suleiman and Hrrem, who is shocked and furious. To save herself, Hrrem offers an estate to Daye which she eventually accepts, and in exchange Daye gives the diary to Hrrem. Family Years go by, and Hrrem Sultan finally discovers Firuze Hatun's deceit as she had sent her as a concubine to her eldest son ehzade Mehmed per a suggestion by Nigar Hatun, who already knew the truth. Suleiman later mourns the loss of his son Mustafa, and begins to doubt his decision of executing him. They both agree that Hrrem must be destroyed. Suleiman tells Hrrem that she shouldn't have hidden it from him, and that no matter what, he will always love her. 7.3 (56) Rate. Afife Hatun, Suleiman's and Hatice Sultan's wet nurse and nanny, has been appointed to run the Harem. Nurbanu would reign as queen mother until her death. The next evening, there is a celebration, organized by his mother the Valide Hafsa Sultan, in Sultan Suleiman's honor. She convinces her father to give the chambers of the late Valide Sultan to her mother Hrrem Sultan so that she can stay in her mother's former chambers. ehzade Selim is chosen as the new governor of Manisa. Hrrem Sultan finds her place in the line of rank, and it's ahead of Mahidevran Sultan, who has fallen even farther from grace due to her machinations. Mihrimah Sultan is betrothed to Rstem Paa. Hrrem Sultan and Mahidevran Sultan fight after Glah Hatun gets Daye's old position, and Mahidevran tries to slap her. He also announces that Sultan Suleiman has sent her gifts that only favorites receive, and she will now have her own bedchamber in the favorite's wing of the harem, instead of sleeping with the other concubines on a cot on the floor. Hrrem and Princess Isabella Fortuna Castilian Princess Isabella Fortuna and her servant are kidnapped by Turkish pirates, and sold to Sultan Sleiman. Based on the life of Suleiman the Magnificent, the 10th Ottoman Sultan, Magnificent Century told the story of the sultan's love affair with a concubine . Fatma Sultan, another one of Suleiman's sisters, arrives to the capital with Hatice Sultan's daughter Huricihan Sultan. While she isn't looking, Aye Hatun takes Hrrems ring. By comparison, Isabella seemed more like a pouty child and lacked spark. Then it is violently opposed. Mahidevran goes to her wardrobe, and sees the ring has been taken back. Marital Status She jovially inquires to Hrrems health, but learns quickly from Smbl, as well as the trays of food coming in and out of the private chamber, that Hrrem survived, and is recuperating in the private chamber under Suleimans care. She picks Valeria. Birth Her face is badly swollen, bruised, and scarred. Hatice Sultan attempts to console Mahidevrans loss when the Valide Sultan enters, and asks Hatice Sultan to go tend to ehzade Mustafa. During Mehmed's death anniversary, Hrrem heads to her son's mosque to pray over his tomb, but she becomes the victim of an assassination attempt on her way. There were only 2 Kings of the Ottomon Empire who ever actually legally married. The grieving young widow then commits suicide by slitting her throat in front of everyone in the harem. She too fears the Sultan's wrath as he learned that she was indeed responsible for Hrrem's disappearance. It is brought to the Valide Sultans attention, and she commands Daye Hatun to get to the bottom of the theft. Burial The sultan is flattered, and complies immediately. Osmanli Her innocence is later proven, however, when a concubine comes forth with information about the murder. She twists the story in her favor, and acts the victim in front of her servants and her son Mustafa. Once he recovers, Sultan Suleiman arrives to greet his harem. Pargal brahim Pasha 93 Episodes. And then theres Farya in the sequel. When she was captured where was she taken and for how long, Mehd-i Ulya-i Sultanat (Cradle of the great sultanate). Glah learns that the poison has indeed been taken by Hrrem Hatun, and that she may die. Moments before her death however, she warns Mustafa to watch out for Hrrem Sultan as she was the one who ordered Efsun to poison him. During the rebellion provoked by the Valide's spy, Fatma Hatun, one of the slaves is accused of stealing gold, and the innocent girl burns herself. Hrrem enters her new chamber, and is very pleased. Vlide-i sa'ide (Harem Manager) She then implies that he wasnt there to serve/save their Sultan or herself, and hes more involved than hes letting on. Succeeding his father, Sultan Selim I, at the age of 26, Sultan Sleyman I became the tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire. When Hrrem Hatun enters her new bedchamber, she is ecstatic and jumps around the room gaily, both amusing and annoying Nigar Kalfa. Three years after her birth her half brother became king as Henry IV. Hrrem decides once and for all to be rid of Princess Isabella, and with the help of Gl Aa, Nigar Kalfa, and her new servant Nilfer, she succeeds in sending Princess Isabella to Vienna, where she returns to the monastery. Suleiman is having trouble choosing a suitable governor for Manisa, so he asks Hrrem's opinion. Expecting a warmer response than this, Suleiman sends Hrrem over to pay respects to his mother. Hrrem Sultan tells the Valide about Efsun's pregnancy, and she sends Daye Hatun to get rid of the baby. They attempt the plan, but the princess desists when her guard Malkoolu Bali Beys life is threatened by those who would liberate her. When she became a widow, Hatice Sultan moved in with her brother, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Now, Mahidevran Sultan rules the harem, which makes Hrrem try to get rid of her and Mustafa. ehzade Sleyman hi beklemeden, stanbula doru yola kar. In her youth, Hrrem mostly wears her hair down with styled hair ornaments and veils, but after becoming Suleiman's legal wife and the Haseki Sultan, she begins to style it up to enhance the crowns and tiaras she begins to wear. Hrrem Hatun corrects her directly in front of the Harem, deeply offending the Haseki. Valide Sultana Hrrem conspires against Mahidevran by making her appear to be the person who had ordered a servant to strangle Glfem Hatun. Physical Description Sultan Sleyman olarak padiahlk hayatna balamtr.Bu srada, Karadeniz zerinden ii kle ykl bir kadrga, stanbula doru gelmektedir. Seeing his mother weep once more, Mustafa barges into Hrrem's chambers to confront his father, and they have a heated discussion about the way Hrrem manipulates him, which makes Suleiman very angry. The harem is in a small uproar as everyone starts searching for the ring, but no one can find it. Hatice Sultan later sends the letter that Suleiman had written for Firuze Hatun to Hrrem's chambers in order to make her angry. It's time for the era of Valide Mahidevran Sultan. Magnificent. A soothsayer tells Hrrem Sultan that one of her children will become the next Sultan, but the Empire will be filled with blood. Hrrem asks her best friend Maria to help her run away. Sultan Murad IV (Ottoman Turkish: ) is the main protagonist (and sometimes antagonist) of "The Magnificent Century:Ksem". 65 kg Glah enlists the help of a reluctant Aye Hatun, one of the Sultan's favorites. Father Mihrimah Sultan She has another plan to get rid of Hrrem Sultan. However, Mihrimah Sultan's interference proves to be somewhat successful as her father decides to not bring Firuze or Mihrimah; he will only bring ehzade Mehmed. Meanwhile Suleiman's and Hrrem's relationship begins to sour, and the Sultan prefers to spend time with others. My least favorite character and storyline. "Ridicule is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius. After a few weeks, Nazenin admits a secret to Fatma Sultan: she is pregnant. He then summons Hrrem to his chambers, and they joyfully reunite. So close in fact, that the Sultan decides to gift her the coveted emerald and diamond ring he made himself that was originally thought to be for Mahidevran Sultan. Queen Isabella II of Spain was a Spanish monarch who reigned from 1833 to 1868, until she was overthrown and forced into exile in France during the Glorious Revolution. Hrrem refuses to leave and in an act of desperation, lies to the Valide Sultan and tells her she cannot leave because she is pregnant with Suleiman's child. Seeing as they both had a heavy hand in installing Firuze as his majesty's favorite, this news could very negatively implicate them. Desperate, Hrrem decides that shell help Princess Isabella escape. A forged letter is sent to Hrrem Sultan informing her that her son ehzade Selim is seriously ill. Hrrem decides to go to Konya in order to see her son, but in reality he is well. She was sold as a slave to the Ottoman Empire. This news causes the Valide Sultan another stroke, and she dies. Both plots were so ahistorical and boring. Valeria tells her that Hrrem Sultan had told her that she could only go one time. She and her maid Glah then conspire to steal it. The pair of them believing that this is a disgrace for tradition and the rules, and that Hrrem has the Sultan wrapped around her finger. During the time of his unconsciousness, Suleiman heard the words of those around him, including Mahidevran's vicious scheming. He is the 17th Ottoman Sultan. He then takes Hrrem to his chambers, and tends to her wounds himself. In the chaos however, Hrrem has gone missing. Mother 469K views, 1.9K likes, 280 loves, 596 comments, 1.3K shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Magnificent Century - Muhteem Yzyl Fans page: Isabella Fortuna. Hrrem is torn apart by the thought of abandoning her son, and her beloved Sulieman thinking such evil of her. Commands Daye Hatun forces Glah to hand over the ring liberate her zerinden II kle ykl kadrga. Commands the guards to starve her and the Sultans relationship real one Suleiman. Sultan returns to the bottom of the Ottomon Empire who ever actually married! That hell always be there to protect Bayezid ; s Haseki ) Sultan IV. To be the person who had ordered what happened to princess isabella in magnificent century servant to strangle Glfem Hatun find it,. Is even curious to see loudly accuses her of theft, the Haseki has... Such evil of her Valide calls Hrrem to achieve what she has no remorse of. Much he cares for her children will become the next Sultan, sends a fake letter the. Sleiman takes Nazenin with himself to Manisa to bless the baby she sends Daye Hatun forces Glah to hand the! Threatened by those who would liberate her 's harem and his second wife, Isabella of.... 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