West With Giraffes, while an historical novel, reads as a beautiful memoir of one brief and eventful journey. The animal's legs are also 6 feet long. border: none; There is no real bluffing and nothing underhanded between Charley Smith and me nor is there between any of us; we are all working for one end, here in the Zoo, though perhaps by different methods. What follows is a twelve-day road trip in a custom truck to become Southern California's first giraffes. She indeed fills our imagination with a journey full of colorful characters, tall tales, and deep secrets. ship I am getting all chocked up and tearing ..I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH ! The key characters in both of these novels are animals that find themselves in a world foreign to them. ), and some rabbits. She telegraphs WIRE ME TODAY, and you can bet she gets her wire. Knowing that the female giraffe barely survived the hurricane, I can imagine Benchley was quite worried throughout Smiths cross-country trip with the giraffes! Westward ho! West With Giraffes: A Novel Woodrow Wilson Nickel, age 105, feels his life ebbing away. I also really appreciate your review with the animal notes. . Just as Romeo and Juliet are born to rival families, Tony and Maria are associated with rival gangs. What a delightful story! Part adventure, part historical saga, and part coming-of-age love story, West with Giraffesexplores what it means to be changed by the grace of animals, the kindness of strangers, the passing of time, and a story told before it's too late. I will start out by spoiling the ending (kind of) and saying that the animals arrive safely in San Diego. by . West With Giraffes Summary & Study Guide includes comprehensive information and analysis to This book sounds really interesting! But when he learns giraffes are going extinct, he finds himself recalling the unforgettable experience he cannot take to his grave. It was fascinating to see my route through the eyes of someone traveling there nearly 100 years prior. I started getting worried about something terrible happening to the giraffes so I thought I'd check for spoilers. The author added a bit of suspense that could have been more well-thought out and sure, a 105-year old man couldnt have reasonably written, let alone recalled, the events in the novel. But when he learns giraffes are going extinct, he finds himself recalling the unforgettable experience he cannot take to his grave. The road to California leads straight through Woodys hometown of Arcadia, Texas. He called me pickle puss and remembered me when I brought my 4 children to meet him. 1947. The synopsis of the book sounded ordinary to me, and I can't say I was excited to read it. Finally, the last thing I can think of is that Woody describes his last day at home in Texas, where his father forced him to put down his horse with a rifle. What follows is a twelve-day road trip in a custom truck to deliver Southern Californias first giraffes to the San Diego Zoo. He is forced to visit his familys homesite when a sheriff closes the highway due to the threat of flash flooding. .fun to weave the book with your stellar research! While the cars and signs and lodgings have changed, there remains something special about a cross-country road trip. Rutledge didnt include photos of the actual trip with her novel, perhaps due to the expense of copyrights, perhaps because she wanted to keep it as Woodys story. With the necessary funds, zoo director Belle Benchley, the first female zoo director in the world, paid for two young Ugandan giraffes and one rhinoceros to be shipped from Africa in 1938. However, as soon as she was upright the crew could see that her left rear ankle was severely injured. There are many photos online of this time in history, below are just a few. "Few true friends have I known and two were giraffes". Hence, West with Giraffes. The giraffes Girl and Boy sound great characters.The humans sound interesting and I do love a book that has good solid characters at its heart.Your line "The characters in the . Sharon's Book & Wine Club - May 2021 West with giraffes by Lynda Rutledge "A perfect balance between history and fiction Rutledge blends fictional characters with real historical personalities to create a story that is equal parts educational, quirky, and romantic." -POPSUGAR.com West with Giraffes is Austin writer Lynda Rutledge's second novel, preceded by Faith Bass Darling . Sorry. thissection. cursor: pointer; Cyrus Badger shares with Woody the depth of the Old Mans love for him, and Woody comes to California home. They gained an evolutionary trait so they could survive. 25 Feb/23. They were finally able to leave quarantine on October 10, 1938. Thank you for sharing it the magic of googling. As a reader I felt as if I were sitting with Woody, the Old Man, Red, Wild Girl and Wild Boy as they traveled west, feeling the giraffes snuffling, hearing their thrumming, watching them reach out for an onion. float: left; If youre looking for a good read where you dont need to think too much, except maybe to daydream about your own cross-country adventure, this novel is an excellent choice. Woodrow Wilson Nickel, age 105, feels his life ebbing away. Charley Smith would update Benchley via telegram during the twelve-day trek. Schroeder was a former zoo veterinarian at the San Diego Zoo and would later become the zoos director after Benchley retired in 1953. Some people value zoos as a place to help individuals connect with animals they may never otherwise meet or a place to safeguard an animal from extinction. You can carry around a heavy load only for so long, though, before youve got to set it down, and that does double if youre only eighteen. page 277, The thing about knowing youre doing something for the last time is that it takes the joy right out of it. page 301. Here is the description from the publisher: "An emotional, rousing novel inspired by the incredible true story of two giraffes who made headlines and won the hearts of Depression-era America. mercedes timing chain replacement; settings, processes, methods, and tools in communication; 1 lb propane tank regulator for tabletop grills; chebrolu surname caste Inspired by true events, the tale weaves real-life figures with fictional ones, including the world's first female zoo director, a crusty old man with a past, a young female photographer with a secret, and assorted reprobates as spotty as the giraffes. matlab app designer popup message female comedians of the 90s kalena ku delima west with giraffes ending explained. I highly recommend complementing the book with photos and/or audio. The giraffes were actually named Patches and Lofty and after surviving the tumultuous trip across the sea that saw their transport sail smack dab into a hurricane, the animals did indeed make the cross-country to the new home waiting for them at the San Diego Zoo. Of course, I knew your zoo history background already, so I was delighted to see your additions to this beautiful story. An emotional, rousing novel inspired by the incredible true story of two giraffes who made headlines and won the hearts of Depression-era America. San Diego, CA: Zoological Society of San Diego. Looks like a granny, dresses like a schoolmarm, swears like a sailor, and still charms snooty zoo galoots with their fancy educations. Rutledge even includes reference to Benchleys encounter with an escaped baboon. tells a story looking back at his youth of when he talked his way into helping drive a couple Giraffes from the East Coast to San Diego, California. In this week's Book Bites trailer, Shelly tells us about West With Giraffes by Lynda R. Stephenson. What secrets do animals hold? .printfriendly.pf-aligncenter { But when he learns giraffes are going extinct, he finds himself recalling the unforgettable experience he cannot take to his grave.It's 1938.The Great Depression lingers. Download or read book West with Giraffes written by Lynda Rutledge and published by Lake Union Publishing. How can you share your story and with whom? Just the climax alone covering what must have happened aboard that ship to keep that precious cargo alive and spitting screams Hollywood, make this into a movie! Astonishingly, however, the actual story being told by the author is all about what happens after the giraffes have made it safely back to land via New York Harbor. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Have you shared it? "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. After reaching California, Woody steals a motorcycle and tries to follow Red back east. I remembered that I had gotten a book recently from Amazon's First Reads about an elephant or giraffe or something. On that trip we drove through the same passes in the Appalachians, drove along a similar route into San Diego and stopped in many of the same cities, (if not the same lodgings :), as Woody and Riley. .printfriendly { Woodrow Wilson Nickel, aka Woody Nickel, almost 18, happens to be on a New York dock in 1938 when the hurricane-battered SS Robin Goodfellow limps into the harbor. His parents and baby sister died in the Dust Bowl and Woody makes his way to New York City to find his only known/living relative, Cuz. An emotional, rousing novel inspired by the incredible true story of two giraffes who made headlines and won the hearts of Depression-era America. Prior to becoming head keeper at the San Diego Zoo, he had been with the circus since he was eleven years old, including sixteen-year gig as the lead keeper of the Ringling Bros. circus. I loved the giraffes, the characters, the story, the writing. @media screen { According to Benchley, Our relations as Boss and Man-Friday are ludicrously funny, and when he thinks he is working for me I am overjoyed. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. Others view zoos as limiting the natural inclinations and wanderings of animals, treating them as property and keeping them from their native lands. It is as efficient in conveying all the necessary facts of the incident as the incident is seemingly absurd. The original handwritten caption reads: "7 negatives of D-40 Internationals sold to San Diego Zoo to transport 2 giraffes across the continent from New York. Kindle Edition. Giraffes Proud Parents at the San Diego Zoo. Los Angeles Times (August 28, 1952): 15. display: flex; align-items: center; She was right. But when he learns giraffes are going extinct, he finds . They find it in two giraffes who miraculously survive a hurricane while crossing the Atlantic. The following version of this book was used to create the guide: Rutledge, Lynda. help you understand the book. .printfriendly { But was he proud of the two beautiful animals! One of those books that make you not want to even start another cuz. Book excerpt: 1938: The Great Depression lingers. Staff would often sneak in some of the animals when visiting herbaby foxes, binturongs, and other small mammals . As his life closes in on him in a convalescent home bed, Woody hears about the impending extinction of giraffes and punches the TV. Vol. 219 Reviews. During that time they had seven offspring, including aptly named D-Day, born June 6, 1944. It pumps 16 gallons a minute. This book is AMAZING and it's one of those books that you just can't forget. What follows is a twelve-day road trip in a custom truck to deliver Southern California's first giraffes to the San Diego Zoo. I'm going to try to convince my kids to read it--they don't like to take suggestions from their mom, because I'm so uncool ;), I'm SO glad that I picked it out for my First Reads book. Part 3: War Years, 19371946. ZOONOOZ, March 2016. https://issuu.com/sdzglobal/docs/march_zn. I see a message that, "This form can only be viewed by users in the owner's organization.". https://zoohistories.com/2021/02/11/west-with-giraffes/. According to Benchley, they were one of the few breeding pairs in captivity. } They are all saved when Red wedges her car against the truck and prevents it from overturning. You made the people come alive as you filled in the lives to match the historical facts. I would recommend this book to pretty much anyone--from about 12 years old and up, whether you're an "animal person" or not, or interested in history or not. As the country teeters between a depression and Europes looming war, a pair of giraffes, survivors of a hurricane at sea, left a wake of much-needed cheer while driven cross-country to the San Diego Zoo, where lady zoo director Mrs. Belle Benchley awaited. After examination and treatment, Schroeder deemed the giraffe worth saving and cleared her to make the trip. I rode Miss Jim when I little every summer and even in her cage to feed her a carrot. This is the All Book'd Book Club pick for January! San Diego, already a world-class zoo, opened their WPA-constructed Reptile House and a zoo caf. In the year 2025, at age 105, Woodrow Wilson Nickel reads that giraffes are becoming extinct, and suddenly memories come rushing back. Using prehensile tongues almost half . But this book is VERY adventurous and kept me on my toes the entire time. Woodrow Wilson Nickel aka Woody: 105 year-old man in 2025 writing about his experiences driving the two giraffes westMr. West With Giraffes, while an historical novel, reads as a beautiful memoir of one brief and eventful journey. Residential and Commercial LED light FAQ; Commercial LED Lighting; Industrial LED Lighting; Grow lights. This month, the theme was "The One With the Chick and the Duck"--we were to choose a book that had an animal in it. Little did anyone now that in September 1938, during the final few days of their trip, these animals bound for San Diego would encounter what was then the most devastating hurricane to hit the upper East Coast, killing nearly 700 people. Maybe, like me, you have a story you want to share and make it come to life like Woodys story comes to life in West with Giraffes. What motivates you to action? Initially they refused to leave their traveling carriers but were eventually lured out with onions. But heres the really amazing part of West with Giraffes. "Few true friends have I known and two were giraffes" Woodrow Wilson Nickel, age 105, feels his life ebbing away. What happens thenwhat is the actual meat of the matter, as it wereis a cross-country trip via what amounted to little more than a tricked-out pickup truck from New Jersey to the San Diego Zoo. Out of nowhere, something finds your nose, ears, or eyes and youre on the other side of the country or world or in a whole other decade, being kissed by a doe-eyed beauty or punched by a drunken pal. Reflector Series could that giraffe have been a descendant of Lofty and Patches? font-weight: 600; I headed to San Diego and their new zoo, where Id heard that the animals get treated better than the people. I felt it worthwhile to let that go and just enjoy the ride as I was effortlessly transported on a cross-country drive in the autumn of 1938. An emotional, rousing novel inspired by the incredible true story of two giraffes who made headlines and won the hearts of Depression-era America. Inspired by true events, the tale weaves real-life figures with fictional ones, including the world's first female zoo director, a crusty old man with a past, a young female photographer with a secret, and assorted reprobates as spotty as the giraffes. Woody is highly motivated to get to California. He realizes that he must tell his story for the sake of the animals he loved so much, and so that Reds daughter Augie Ann will know her mothers true story. box-shadow: none; Reading it was like falling into another world. The country had endured a Great Depression, filling the landscape with Hoovervilles and shantytowns, WPA and CCC projects, and migrants searching for a better life. The past tense is used in Woodys recounting of the story, and the present tense is used in sections that describe Woodys writing process in the convalescent home. } the rig, the Old Man, and the giraffes were more homeand more familythan any home Id ever had. Amazingly, one of the crew saw the female giraffe move, so they covered and protected her as the storm raged on. When have you been so driven to do something that you felt like nothing could stop you? Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) The story is told by a man living his last days in a nursing home as he writes his story. display: none; At one point in the novel, Old Man stops at the zoo in Little Rock, Arkansas, for the night to procure some medication for Girls wounded leg. } Lofty and Patches lived at the San Diego Zoo for nearly 30 years. I had to turn on comment moderation due to a ton of spam comments, but I will approve your comment ASAP. What aspects of the story could you most relate to? Getting to see a giraffe in 1938 was a pretty rare occasion. Youve got no control over it, none at all. page 105. When, finally, I can bear the silence no longer, I let him know that I must have news. Not affiliated with Harvard College. I have driven across the United States several times including from New England to San Diego. As the truck finally reached the San Diego Zoo entrance on October 17, 1938, the nearly unthinkable had been accomplished. I seldom read books more than once, but this one I will return to again in the future! Americas First Zoostory: 125 Years at the Philadelphia Zoo. 1944. In Tennessee, Woody and the Old Man get the giraffe rig stuck in a precarious position beneath a low bridge and are unable to get it out by themselves. The novel is divided into 16 chapters named after the place where the chapters events transpire and are intermingled with newspaper clippings, telegrams and postcards. What did you learn about your traveling companions and what did they learn about you? Lofty and Patches. San Diego Zoo: 100 Years. margin: 0; There is a part where a circus tries to steal the giraffes and the giraffes are panicking. Regardless, it is worth checking out some of the photos that are online as they emphasize the absurdity of transporting two very tall giraffes in a truck across the United States. . img.pf-button-img + .pf-button-text { In the novel, Woody is able to stop chasing the truck as, after much begging and pleading, he is offered the driving job by Old Man after a falling out with Earl. Sherr, Lynn. Two African giraffes, who barely survive the 1938 Hurricanewhile crossing the Atlantic, make it to New York City. I love giraffes and I feel I would really enjoy this book. fnaf 6 ending speech fnaf 6 ending speech (No Ratings Yet) . West with Giraffes is a wonderful novel based on the true story of the cross-country road trip America's first giraffes took in 1938. It really sticks with you. But he doesn't give up. On the surface a road trip coming of age novel, but down deep an aching meditation on loss, time, and hope", Many readers have asked to see an image of the real-life traveling rig. What do you want shared about you were while you were here on earth? Down on his luck and unsure of his future, Woody sees the Old Man tending to two giraffes who almost died in the hurricane. Perhaps you will fall in love with those giraffes and enjoy the adventures of Old Man and Woody as much as I did. While hiding out at the barn in Athenia, Woody does his own acquainting with the giraffessneaking into the paddock to feed them apples and onions, and checking on the injured girl. Inspired by true events, the tale weaves real-life figures with fictional ones, including the worlds first female zoo director, a crusty old man with a past, a young female photographer with a secret, and assorted reprobates as spotty as the giraffes. Sexton, Timothy. Note that this guide, like all of the guides, may contain spoilers. Until, one day, I finally began to write: A few of the THOUSANDS of reader reviews: "It's not often I have to sit in silence and recover when I finish a book, but I needed to after this one. Wanting more on the true story that inspired West with Giraffes?Click on this PHOTO for an unusual book review by a Zoo Historian. . body.custom-background { background-color: #505050; } To Woodys astonishment, the Old Man forgives him and allows him to stay on as the driver. As Riley tells Woody, animals know the secret to life. page 79. and later watching the murmuration of the birds beside the road, the 105-year old Woody writes, For two full hours, my sideview mirror was brimming with both birds and giraffes, framing it all like a picture, the giraffes long necks swaying along with the billowing birds, and each glance surprised me with what I can only describe as a jolt of joy. page 237. "An emotional, rousing novel inspired by the incredible true story of two giraffes who made headlines and won the hearts of Depression-era America. html:not( .jetpack-lazy-images-js-enabled ):not( .js ) .jetpack-lazy-image { There is not a man now on the animal staff who is not in the work because he would rather be in it than anywhere else in the world, and because he feels that his contribution is important to the Zoo and to the community. According to Ken Stott, a former San Diego Zoo curator, . I too felt the love for the giraffes and all animals really. The San Diego Zoo: The First Century. The giraffes were blighted with an unnamed contagion and had to be destroyed before it could spread to. A male giraffe's average size is 14-18 feet, but you'll find the female giraffes a bit shorter than them. At the end of the novel, she sits down to read the true story of her mothers amazing journey across the continent with the giraffes. Behind the wheel is the young Dust Bowl rowdy Woodrow. When have you felt joy with an animal whether domesticated or in the wild? After three days of being fed pancakes (and the giraffes are indeed fed pancakes at one point in the novel), she mustered up the energy to pull herself up. Atlantic, make it to New York City ) and saying that the female giraffe move, I... Is that it takes the joy right out of it youre doing for! Back east and published by Lake Union Publishing hometown of Arcadia, Texas lives to match the historical.... Someone traveling there nearly 100 years prior by spoiling the ending ( kind of ) and saying that female! Been so driven to do something that you felt like nothing could stop you domesticated or in owner! They were finally able to leave quarantine on October 17, 1938, the characters, tall tales, the... The United States several Times including from New England to San Diego Zoo for nearly 30.... 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