30 is a crucial effort to meet the urgency of the moment. how much protein should a large breed dog have EN; shawnee, ok police arrests; does bandlab copyright your music. -How San Francisco Makes It Insanely Hard to Build Housing in the SF Standard. Notably, this is not a new tax, it is just redirecting existing funds. We think the Public Defender should focus on defense, not activism. This tax generates around $100 million in tax revenue per year. Prop F is a simple ballot measure that reauthorizes an existing 0.025% property tax (that's 2.5 cents per $100) and allows the city to temporarily freeze increases to Library funding if the city projects a budget deficit. If landlords can't be taxed into offering their vacant unit for rent, then this new tax will raise some revenue until those owners figure out how to either offload their asset (sell their home) or restructure it into a different legal fiction that insulates them from the tax. N:Another Article 34 authorization measure. Nancy Pelosi is the only person qualified for this position who aligns with our values. San Francisco enacted a flavored vaping ban in 2019, and Oakland implemented some restrictions shortly before us. Chen graduated with degrees in law and political science from Harvard, served on the Social Security Advisory Board under President Obama, and currently teaches public policy at Stanford. Youve been struggling with feeling unheard and unseen by the San Francisco D.A.s Office. There will be no change in the cost to taxpayers or in administrative overhead. D, it needs a simple majority to pass. The campaign, paid signature gatherers nearly $18 million to get this on the ballot. So, if you make your decisions based on a combination of endorsements, experience, and education, you'll probably want to vote for Malia Cohen. No on Prop. Please see the candidates and measures SFWPC is supporting this November: Statewide + Regional Candidates: Governor: Gavin Newsom The SEIU union is behind this measure, along with the previous attempts in 2020 and 2018 which both failed. U:Oakland has urgent housing and other infrastructure needs. San Francisco is in the First Appellate District, which covers the Bay Area and Coastal NorCal. The specialized care that this law mandates is not necessary at dialysis clinics patients have their own regular doctors to see for end-stage renal disease. At schools with more than 500 students, 80% of these funds will be used for teacher salaries, and the remainder used for training and materials. This sounds like a recipe for revolution, not reform. B: Establishing a new Department of Sanitation and Streets wont fix the citys deeply-rooted issues. Voting at San Francisco City Hall as seen on Monday, June 6, 2022. Yes on Prop. In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution does not protect the right to privacy of reproductive choices and does not protect the right to seek and obtain abortions, regardless of the health impacts to the mother. Click herefor more information on Same-Day Registration. San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu District Attorney (Sole Endorsement) Brooke Jenkins Assessor-Recorder (Sole Endorsement) If Prop H passes, the majority of voters in San Francisco will be asked to complete 6 ballot cards, select 18-20 candidates, and rank another 15-20 candidates for the 5-6 ranked-choice offices. We MUST vote for Ann Hsu, Lainie Motamedi, and Lisa Weissman-Ward. We'll leave you with his top three priorities, in his own words: California has an interesting system (PDF) for the State Supreme Court and the State Courts of Appeal. On the Presidio Trust, Hurabiell chaired the Finance and Audit Committee where she ensured issues flagged in audits were fixed. San Francisco General Election - November 8, 2022 Thank you so much for your participation and involvement in our November 2022 endorsements process! She is facing Republican Angela Underwood Jacobs, a senior vice president at California Bank and Trust. The national Sierra Club is responsible for federal candidates endorsements. Peter Coe Verbica (R), a Certified Financial Planner, actually spells out some goals, unlike Lieber: Help the California County Tax Assessors get through their thousands of backlogs and relieve taxpayers of the burden of uncertainty, Ensure that California Taxpayers receive due process in their appeals whether the appeal is remotely heard via videoconference or in person, Help California County Tax Assessors properly interpret and apply Proposition 19 in the most taxpayer-friendly way possible within the letter of the law, Encourage other tax-gathering arms under the control of the Governor to develop and enhance their own Taxpayers' Rights Advocate offices, where the obligation is to the taxpayer rather than garnering revenues for the sovereign. All new housing will still be subject to multiple layers of debate and red tape, fully compliant housing will still be subject to political interference, and it has a poison pill that will kill all of the good things about Prop D. Like Prop D, Prop E will not cost the city any extra money. We recognize that students from wealthier families will typically have easier access to arts and music education, so we think this distribution formula that spends a little more on students from low-income families makes a lot of sense. Assembly Member Matt Haney, who was elected to the Legislature in a special election last spring, runs for a full term. Sign Up Our endorsements Prop G money may be used to pay for grants from the City to eligible schools in SFUSD. Rather than being a place for children and families to enjoy Golden Gate Park safely, Prop I will require cars use this pedestrian space. Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, Board of Equalization, Seat 2 Sally Lieber, Prop 26: New Types of Gambling No Position, Prop 29: Kidney Dialysis Patient Protections Yes, District Attorney (#1) John Hamasaki , (#2) Joe Alioto Veronese, Supervisor, District 2 Catherine Stefani, BART Board of Directors, District 8 Janice Li, Board of Education Alida Fisher, Lisa Weissman-Ward, Lainie Motamedi, City College Trustree - 2 Year Murrell Green, City College Trustree - 4 Year Susan Solomon, Anita Martinez, Vick Chung, Prop B: Eliminating Department of Sanitation and Streets Yes, Prop C: Homelessness Oversight Commission Yes, Prop E: Affordable Housing Production Yes, Prop F: Library Preservation Fund Renewal Yes, Prop H: Increase Voter Participation Yes, Prop I: Uses of the Great Highway and JFK Drive No, Prop N: Golden Gate Park Parking Garage Yes. Alida Fisher: The special education advocate and adoptive and foster parent would bring a compassionate perspective to the board, and was impressive in our endorsement interview. SFYR Meeting with Bill Shireman Mar 16, 2023 An evening with Alex Stein Mar 24, 2023 See All Updates Get Involved Learn More It requires a simple majority to pass. Yes on Prop. Lieutenant Governor: Eleni Kounalakis - WON! Not only will allowing vehicle traffic on JFK require undoing lots of infrastructure built during Covid-19, it will require the city spend as much as $80 million to implement an alternative to the long-planned Ocean Beach Climate Change Adaptation Project. GrowSF believes in treating students as whole people, and especially in assisting students that come from disadvantaged or unstable homes. California will not be bullied by right wing extremists looking to chip away at our fundamental rights. 70% of the funds will be distributed according to a formula that accounts for enrollment in preschool and K-12 education. We thank her for everything she has done. She served as President of the Presidio Trust, and she was a well-qualified choice to serve on that important public body (the Presidio Trust manages federal land, and all appointments are done by the presidential administration in charge at the time). This is a simple reauthorization of an existing property tax set-aside. GrowSF opposes Proposition 26 because it is clear regulatory capture by a state-granted monopoly. GrowSF's philosophy on judicial retention elections is to confirm the justices unless they have committed gross misconduct, violated the trust of the public, or are otherwise failing to perform their job. The 2022 San Francisco District Attorney recall election was a successful special recall election to remove San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin from office. Read his full questionnaire here. Finally, this tax not only doesn't bring existing vacant units onto the market, it also makes it less likely for new homes to be built! SAN FRANCISCO, Thursday, December 1, 2022 - Today, San Francisco Department of Elections Director John Arntz certified local results for the November 8, 2022 Consolidated General Election. GrowSF recommends confirming the appointment of Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero to the State Supreme Court. Sara Aminzadeh: California needs results, not just good ideas and good intentions. While we admire Mahogany for many reasons, we believe she's out of step with the neighborhood. Our recommendations for San Francisco propositions, plus state and federal props and races inside State, federal offices: The Examiner's endorsements in the November 2022 election Our . We think Rafael Mandelman has shown consistent leadership and a nose-to-the-grindstone dedication to passing desperately needed reforms. This tax has the possibility of raising $20 million in tax revenue, but that is only if the tax is ineffective at changing the behavior of large landlords. The former Superintendent of Los Angeles Unified School District, Austin Beutner, personally donated nearly $4 million to help get this on the ballot. Every person ends up housed, but they all end up paying more because they're competing with each other. We agree with Kevin that it's too hard to expand or redevelop your own home, build subsidized and market-rate housing, and build homeless shelters. We typically do not consider their past rulings because an independent judiciary is fundamental to a well-functioning democracy. Since Li has no challengers, we did not send a questionnaire in this race, and your vote doesn't actually matter. All rights reserved. It requires a simple majority to pass. The total cost to taxpayers would be around $350,000 per year in direct costs. Lanhee Chen (R) would bring a political outsider's perspective to a vital government oversight office. Our complete endorsements for the June 7 election. Beyond our principled stand against referenda, we also find the evidence that flavored tobacco bans lower tobacco usage by children very compelling. GrowSF is not thrilled with either candidate in this race. We value experience, and we especially appreciate that Rizzo is not using this important role as a stepping stone for higher political office. Yes on Prop. Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify or Stitcher. Unfortunately, we do disagree with Lara's policy to force insurance companies to cover structures at high risk of wildfires. In the past few years we've seen what happens when we let the grid stagnate, so let's learn from those mistakes and start fixing what needs fixing and building what needs building. To ensure your ballot is counted either: Use a Ballot Drop Box:You dont have to go far from home to vote. For 2022 congressional endorsements (U.S. House and Senate), click here . Regardless of your position on personal drug use, it's clear that what's happening on our streets right now is inhumane. Equally important, Kevin Mullin knows that it's too hard to build housing and has the legislative chops to help solve our housing shortage. Paid for by the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee (www.sfdemocrats.org). Will having yet another commission somehow yield better results? But part of helping is getting the deadliest drugs off the streets and arresting and charging dealers who clearly don't care that their product is killing people. We can help you get involved in issues that matter in our San Francisco community. But we are also left asking: given that Rizzo has overseen a growing fiscal mismanagement crisis and an accreditation crisis is Rizzo's tenure actually the problem? Because this ordinance merely reaffirms an existing program permanent, it does not raise the cost of government. This can be achieved through changing zoning laws, supporting economically diverse neighborhoods through multifamily housing, streamlining housing approvals, stabilizing rents, and preventing displacement. East Bay Municipal Utility District Board: make a difference in local environmental issues. The Chronicle has made recommendations on all statewide and city races and. Proposition I will shut down the extremely popular JFK Promenade in Golden Gate Park, which is enjoyed by thousands of families, seniors, and children every day. By Guardian Editorial -May 9, 2022 (sfbg.com) Chesa Boudin There's plenty on the San Francisco ballot in June, but the defining issue is Prop. In politics, regulatory capture is a form of corruption of authority that occurs when a political entity, policymaker, or regulator is co-opted to serve the commercial, ideological, or political interests of a minor constituency, such as a particular geographic area, industry, profession, or ideological group. Mary Jung, the former chairwoman of the San Francisco Democratic Party and a Chinese-American woman, highlighted the Asian-American community's real concerns with hate crimes under Boudin: [Boudins] failure has directly resulted in increased crime against Asian Americans. Proposition H is a Charter Amendment introduced by the Board of Supervisors which will change the election for Mayor, Sheriff, District Attorney, City Attorney, and Treasurer to be elected in the same election as President of the United States and Supervisor districts 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. Still need to vote in San Francisco's special election? California State law already protects the right to privacy of reproductive choice. GrowSF recommends confirming the appointments of Associate Justices Tracie L. Brown and Jeremy M. Goldman to the Court of Appeal, First District, Division Four. Some of these revenues would support increased state regulatory and enforcement costs that could reach the low tens of millions of dollars annually. Check out more endorsements for key races and ballot propositions below. Prop E is being put forward by the Board of Supervisors in response to Prop D. Their goal is to stop all housing growth in San Francisco, and that's exactly what Prop E will do. Motamedi: Breed, Haney, SF Supervisor Gordon Mar and others. Thats why weve joined together to enshrine abortion rights into the California Constitution with Proposition 1 this fall. Weissman-Ward: United Educators of San Francisco, Breed, state Assemblymember Matt Haney and others. Yes on Prop. This is a simple good-governance ballot measure. We must audit every city-run program and only pay for what works. We invite you to express your views in a letter to the editor. Proposition D is a Charter Amendment introduced by citizens which will make it easier, faster, and cheaper to build three types of housing: This is accomplished by streamlining the approvals that home builders must obtain from the City, and which are usually blocked by the anti-housing Board of Supervisors. The justices serve 12-year terms, but a justice whose predecessors term has not yet expired will initially seek retention only for the rest of that term. SF Ballot Measures F-J Endorsements in the November 2022 Primary Election "NONE" INDICATES GROUP DECLINES AN ENDORSEMENT. To some representatives in state and local government, addressing the housing crisis by building more units of housing for all levels of income and making it easier to build affordable housing is one "out there" change I have been fighting for, but would take the opportunity to change more. Here's Another winter storm? Something went wrong. Fiona Ma is the safe and stable choice for guaranteed performance. Lara became the California's first openly gay statewide officeholder . Yes on Prop. However, by maintaining the status quo of bureaucratic delays, the existing costs to taxpayers will remain. GrowSF endorsed Haney in the June Primary and we stand by that pick in November. Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at a climate event at the Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture in San Francisco on Oct. 18, 2022. This would mean patients would miss appointments. GrowSF believes that critical city departments need a single executive who can be held accountable for poor performance, and passing the buck to a bunch of different unelected bodies means that voters have no one to fire when we aren't getting the services we deserve. Studies have shown that arts and music education increases academic aptitude and achievement, as well as fosters skills that are important for developing brains. San Francisco's district attorney race. Prop G will have a relatively large impact on the cost of government in San Francisco, but only because it will reallocate money away from the General Fund and toward schools. F: This measure will secure the future of San Franciscos robust library system for the next 25 years. Unfortunately, neither candidate returned our questionnaire so we can't make an informed decision on the least-bad option. We heard from a ton of incredible candidates during our August meeting and heard about their plans and priorities, and how they plan on fighting for progressive values across the City. GrowSF did not make an endorsement in this race in the June primary, but in the general we think that Tony Thurmond is your best choice. This measure would eliminate the nascent Sanitation and Streets department. Simply put: organizations should not write their own regulations. Being a voter is just one way to be civically engaged. Gov. The campaign has raised nearly $100 million in favor, mostly from large online sports betting companies like BetMGM (of MGM Resorts & Casinos), DraftKings, and FanDuel. No fiscal impacts because these rights already exist in California, and nothing needs to be implemented other than updating the text of the Constitution. the two affordable housing measures on the ballot, supported by Mayor London Breed and housing supply advocates, controversy over an endorsement questionnaire gaffe, still has the support of a number of groups. The ballot should a large Breed dog have EN ; shawnee, ok police arrests ; bandlab! A large Breed dog have EN ; shawnee, ok police arrests ; does bandlab copyright your.... Of bureaucratic delays, the existing costs to taxpayers will remain ensure your is... Will not be bullied by right wing extremists looking to chip away at our fundamental.. Feeling unheard and unseen by the San Francisco is in the cost to taxpayers would around. State Assemblymember Matt Haney, who was elected to the State Supreme Court Justice Patricia Guerrero the. 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