0000090485 00000 n Write expression for: 4 more than one-twelfth of some number, w. Seventeen greater than a number is 151. C He just kind of detected it and they used it. Nobody buys that. Our war is to improve the lives of our citizenry. Write the equation and solve it. This has been in part due to my increasingly active opposition to growing censorship efforts led by this judge and his left-wing allies, censorship which the Brazilian left and their corporate-media allies support with great fervor and with something close to lock-step unanimity. 3.) Nov.23, 2022). Advertisement. {/eq}. 1 pts A When I= $300, P = $3000, and t=2.5 years, the value of r is ? On Thursday, the UN General Assembly endorsed another resolution demanding that Russia withdraw from Ukraine's territory but China, South Africa, India and many countries in the Global South continued to abstain, underlining their alienation from what they regard as the West's war. Adding by 23 is what I'm going to do. He didn't just say I'm against an open check. 21.A Those we can leave to other people for another day. A, Mariah carey is correct I got 92% because of homework helper the 3rd one is d not c, 1.B If six more than three times a number is ten less than seven times the same number, what is the number? But one of the things that was a major source of close debate was the efficacy of natural immunity. Seven times the smaller of 2 numbers plus 9 times the larger is 178. M. Tracey: You know who I even encountered at this Munich Security Conference periphery, in one of the restaurants that they all sort of retreated to huddle and have their slightly tipsy banter about what's the next weapon system to send over to the Donbas - Joe Lieberman was there. We're going to do an entire show on it next week because this law is genuinely threatening not just to free speech in Brazil but to the entire democratic world. But it's a state that's still incredibly unequal. 0000166544 00000 n Then you're woke. From the start of the pandemic, Facebook created a list of ideas, views, arguments, of beliefs that it had declared banned and off-limits. And, you know, the politics are very similar. I might have scratched one of them because I had long nails, but I sure didn't fight back. 1.B ' 4 more than twice a number' means: 2x + 4. A report to NIH on the project's progress in the year ending in May 2018 described scientists creating new coronaviruses by changing parts of WIV1 and exposing genetically engineered mice to the new chimeric viruses. There is a difference between 47. Write algebraically. 'Twice a number' is 'two times a number'. M. Tracey: Give me a break. Some of it has taken place a while ago. I had been talking about getting our rights ever since Jeremiah Reeves was arrested, and now they knew I was serious. The one who's saying we should be open to the lab leak or the one who's saying that it's clearly a lie? But again, I don't know. 3x + 2. He has a genuinely inspiring political story. The difference between a number and 40 is double, so at times it is by two. What is the original number? Enter your parent or guardians email address: By clicking Sign up you accept Numerade's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. B 18.C I was shouting out my rights. And the only reason we were banned from that was because the U.S. government and Dr. Fauci instructed Big Tech that should not be allowed because he was very eager, from the start of the pandemic, for reasons we're about to discover, to ensure that the lab leak was immediately placed off limit as something only people who are barely sane would even consider saying. And what is now called "the democratic world" is founded in the view that secular truths are ascertained not by decrees of monarchs, clerics and emperors, but by free and open debate driven by human reason and the sacred right to dissent. 0000155636 00000 n B No political faction is immune from believing that any dissent from its core pieties is not just misguided but deliberately false and even dangerous. One of them is not doing things for free. Read an excerpt from Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice by Phillip Hoose. Remember during the Iraq war, when McCain was beating the war drums, even more bullishly than Bush at times, and Rumsfeld, to circle back, criticized old Europe, what he called old Europe, meaning Germany and France. What is the number? a) 100! The FBI's commitment to Ukraine remains unwavering, and we will continue to stand against Russia at home and abroad (Feb. 24, 2023). He was behind Obama's regime and really Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice's and Samantha Power's regime change war in Libya. I had a few days at Twitter HQ in December and one or two days after that, but I've done very little new searches. They too want to see Ukraine succeed and Russia fail and that was what we were told for months. 3 And I want to show you just a couple of examples of how the people who always lead the propaganda, namely the U.S. media, are the ones who did that. They claim with the intention of giving the world the way in the most humane and benevolent form. The Justice Department has issued a superseding indictment of Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced founder of what the government now alleges was essentially a Ponzi scheme, the crypto exchange firm FTX. And I said something like, Oh, the first ever female PM, she's broken the glass ceiling, and they all, so easily provoked, started saying that I'm celebrating fascism and Nazism and she's the heir to Mussolini. Find the number. What is it that you've been finding that you think is interesting about a lot of these connections that I think history has forgotten? It is going to be five. Who rules various parts of eastern Ukraine or whether the people of those provinces choose to be independent? CLAUDETTE: One of them said to the driver in a very angry tone, "Who is it?" 4 And we absolutely are going to continue to follow this story vigilantly as it unfolds and we're going to also do that with the help of our next guest. G. Greenwald: Yes, I heard. G. Greenwald: That very much to his benefit, for sure, from like an MSNBC contrast to all sorts of other ways. 1-B Even if you are lucky to have found the most trustworthy and benevolent leaders in history, ones who are somehow capable of decreeing truth without erring and who use such laws only in the most noble ways something the Brazilian left believes of Lula and his government at some point other leaders will be elected and they, too, will have such powers. So, he's saying what I needed to do was win and in order to win, I needed to build a positive PR image that the media and Washington would eat up. Translate the sentence into algebraic symbols. A There is clearly a global movement underway, not within the tyrannical part of the world that has already had laws that criminalize fake news and allow the imprisonment of people who spread them but there's a movement in the democratic world to start adopting identical laws that empower the government to do what they did here, which is decree, official truth and official falsity, and then render off limits the ability to challenge their truths, to question their truth, to dissent from their truth, even to the point where you can risk prison for doing so. 0000153845 00000 n j This is what he said: Ya. David Garrow, a historian and the author of Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, says people may think that Parks' action was spontaneous, but black civic leaders had been thinking about what to do about the Montgomery buses for years. B And independent media really so clearly is the wave of the future. who before getting hired at NBC, got caught submitting all of his stories to the CIA for approval, forced Rumble to cease broadcasting in France, kind of bigoted tropes the left pretends it reviles, one which Lula's government is now proposing, convicted of multiple corruption felonies, consulted by Folha about Lula's proposed law. I always am amazed whenever I think about it to this very day that we do not know and likely never will know, for example, the client list of Jeffrey Epstein, who was in his various books, whether or not there was surveillance footage or blackmail material on the people who ended up falling into his web. He suddenly becomes a vocal crypto advocate and he even helps intervene into an investigation that the SEC was trying to conduct to determine whether there was fraud at FTX and potentially an investigation that could have uncovered this fraud and saved hundreds of thousands of people from losing billions of dollars of their hard earned savings. But you know what would almost certainly [be a deal] breaker? And Dr. Fauci had always vehemently denied that he or his agencies had funded this kind of experimentation, either through EcoHealth and Peter Daszak or directly to the Wuhan Institute. The cops put me in the back of a police car and shut the door. The sum of two numbers is thirty-nine. If seven is added to a number, the sum is 32. Brazil's law would be anything but advisory. This guy wanted him to be even more belligerently express and blunt and in-your-face. A vast middle sees Russia's invasion as primarily a European and American problem. 9)The difference between forty-seven and twice a The Washington Post had an almost equally blunt assessment of Biden's failure to unite the world behind the United States and Ukraine, as the media kept claiming that it did. G. Greenwald: He wanted to remove Assad from Syria. Rewrite each expression using i. And that was why Facebook decided it would allow this idea to be heard, only once, even the Biden administration gave them the green light by saying, You know what? C And I am sorry for being one of the people who used my TV platform to foreclose the debate by saying only idiots and conspiracy theorists believe that or using my journalistic credentials to tell you falsely that that theory had been debunked definitively.. This was not just about directing donations to candidates, Max Berger, a progressive strategist and former McElwee ally, told the Magazine, This was about Sean running a political strategy designed to shield crypto from government oversight so that crypto billionaires could continue to rip off working people (The New Republic. D O 4+ 36 2b, A:The expression is CLAUDETTE: When they led Mom back, there I was in a cell. Twice a number, decreased by twenty-nine, is seven. N. Pelosi: Once again, I'll just say this honestly, that the Bush family is []. .~* *~ is correct I have the same answers and got 100% One is added to twice some number and the result is the sum of the number and 2. It's been proven false after everything, I've just shown you. That was one of the prohibited views. Watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to the podcast on Spotify. Our war is not with Ukraine or Russia. Obviously, the comparison of them all being African American candidates but it went beyond that, which was very ideological. The article was entitled Science not speculation is essential to determine how SARS-CoV-2 reached humans and it was signed by several of the same people, including Peter Daszak. 0000080490 00000 n 19-A Thanks so much, Michael, for taking the time. helen is N years own helen s father is 4 years more than twice her age Remember as well that we are now available on those podcasting platforms also and following us there helps increase the visibility. But there is this kind of overarching effort to exploit, to flatten actual points of difference and cynically exploit them to make us hate each other. O -1 and. I guess it should be a gigantic red flag. 0000226326 00000 n 3, Q:IFA = : ) and B = ( And that's all how it all really works. Both Sam Bankman-Fried and his brother. Now, just to conclude, Mike, I wanted to talk a little bit about we're not going to have time but we'll follow up on this next week the backdrop to all of this is the increasing levels of repression of free speech that are accompanying all of this. And that was just a tool to help us win. And that is why it's madness to watch people in Brazil and the rest of the Western world be willing to give their governments the power to do exactly this, that from now on it will be the government, or other institutions of authority, that decree truth and falsity and not human debate and human reason. By 2022, the situation was reversed as Brazilian courts nullified that conviction (in large part based on the revelations of our reporting regarding the corruption on the part of Lula's judge and prosecutors). And recall that polling data in the U.S. shows that very large majorities of Democrats (and a disturbingly robust minority of GOP voters) would support a law similar to the one pending in Brazil to empower the state to restrict internet freedom in the name of stopping "misinformation." They're looking at it as kind of the test case or the model of how the West and Western governments can seize the power to basically criminalize not just fake news itself, but those who spread it deeply disturbing as these policies become even more fanatical. We really appreciate you indulging us and taking the time when we feel it's necessary to delve into what we regard as complex and important topics in ways that require more time than most shows allow. I'm not sure what [right] exactly she needs to be championed at the moment. The introduction to this story said, "on Dec. 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Ala., Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus and give up her seat to a white person." We had a story recently looking at that and how they're paying off just endless think tanks and consultants and PR firms, a little bit like the indictment today revealed. 11-D 8 6 subtracted from a number. number? expressions? Three less than twice a number. C By now, we've all heard of Sam Bankman-Fried []. And it's a good thing and we should be confident in our advocacy of that. So, the last thing you would think you would do is to say: we know for certain where it came from, it came from a zoonotic source, and only deranged conspiracy theories would even consider that it came from a lab leak when you have all of the most prestigious virologists in the world, or many of them, telling Fauci they believe that's actually where it came from. He has also ordered social networks to remove thousands of posts and videos with little room for appeal. {eq}\text{As we know that seven more than twice a certain number means} (2\times x+7) =(2x+7). Lee Fang: Yeah, this is how money flows into the Democratic side in Congress. G. Greenwald: a little trouble with her notes there. There are lots of people who are using encryption and don't want the government knowing what they're saying and doing who arent criminals. Retiree Claudette Colvin was 15 the day she refused to give up her seat on the bus. I don't know if you saw it on screen. The EU will then say, Oh, look, Brazil has already implemented this law that's implemented here' there may be more problems in doing so in the U.S. because of the First Amendment but Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA have shown over and over that they have no qualms about working around the First Amendment and attempting to influence what the Internet will and will not allow. My Op-Ed (March 17, 2022). 3 more than a number is 7. Here is a Guardian article from June 9, that was also by Peter Daszak, he's returning now and has the lead role in trying to debunk the idea that this came from the lab in which he had any specific interest, something that was never disclosed. He got an unnamed political consultant who, as I said, the identity of that person is an open secret in Washington we're about to show you some articles that suggest who it might be, I'm not saying for sure it is, but who that might be and that political strategist who's known for a lot of things, including inventing the hashtag Abolish ICE, #abolishice, told him that if you want favorable coverage in Washington, the way to do that is by giving to the Republicans, by progressive politicians, and by donating to candidates associated with LGBTQ causes. So, this is that personal project Ritchie Torres. Do you see how they constantly take these corporatist policies, this Ponzi scheme, and justify it using woke terminology? Answers. He had no opposition. More cops looked up when we came in and started calling me "Thing" and "Whore." That's not the kind of rhetoric that appeals to people. 7) 7 reduced by a number. This memorandum surveys U.S. economic sanctions and anti-money laundering ("AML") developments and trends in 2022 and provides an outlook for 2023. -6k = -8 This would mean the number is multiplied by two, or 2n. 6. They're in power to this very day. And this guy stood up to ask the question, I didn't know who was at the time, but he said, How can we convince our leaders to stop beating around the bush, to just come out and say and be loud and proud and demand, unfortunately, that we as a collective Western alliance are dead set up on imposing regime change in force? Judge Moraes has jailed five people without a trial for posts on social media that he has said attacked Brazilian institutions. If anything's racist and playing on long-standing anti-Chinese tropes, it's the view that Dr. Fauci promulgated that the left and the media mindlessly adopted that the reason this virus emerged was because of the filthy, primitive and unsanitary habits of the Chinese at their wet markets. 18.C 2 more than x tripled. 6. It is the rare person, indeed, who does not get excited and emboldened and feeling powerful, watching one's adversaries be silenced or worse and even better, having one's own beliefs declared not only correct but so indisputably correct that it should be illegal to question or challenge those beliefs. 10.A Matthew Johnson, mechanical & aerospace engineering professor and head of the Energy & Emissions Research Lab at Carleton University, joins BNN Bloomberg to discuss his latest research that suggests heavy oil facilities in Saskatchewan are emitting methane almost four times more than what's report to government. 19.A Recently, the Associated Press and The Washington Post published articles of their own about this judge. 2. the difference between seven-eighths of a number n and five-sixths of the number. A senior U.S. intelligence official confirmed that the intelligence community had conducted the update, whose existence hasn't previously been reported. "the supply y quadrupled". For that reason, at the heart of every censor resides one of the most toxic human traits: hubris. The Tri- Caucus, the Asian American, Hispanic and Black congressional caucuses have their own affiliate nonprofits that are almost 100% corporate-funded. So, people like Rand Paul, who in the beginning has been saying the same thing. 14.D Obviously, using straw donations. Twice a number increased by 28. I mean, it's an amazing indictment of the corporate media that insists they're nonpartisan and objective and a fair arbiter of facts that he's saying, look, everybody knows that if you want the media to like you, you have to prove that you're on the side of the Democratic Party and that you're going to use your money for liberal causes. And number three, it proved that the exact kind of research on bat coronaviruses that could easily cause a leak and then an infection of humans just so happened to be taking place in the same city in China where the virus first appeared. There were some bad ones. And people have forgotten as well that Nancy Pelosi, in 2002 and 2003, was the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee and therefore one of the members of the Gang of Eight, which gets very special, comprehensive briefings from the intelligence community. So, let us again work for peace, work for justice. He's saying: Ignore the conspiracy theories" - who are the conspiracy theorists? What do you think, and I realize you tend to look at these things as a journalist, but having presented that problem that you just described, what is the way to kind of get people to find that right balance? It is astonishing to watch some humans believe that they have managed to liberate themselves from this historical cycle of misperception, misapprehension and error, and instead believe that they have become owners of the Truth. Where did all that evidence go? Write the equation that represents this statement and solve it. "My head was just too full of black history, you know, the oppression that we went through," she says. I don't think there's a more important issue at the moment than this one. Excerpted with permission from Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice, by Phillip Hoose. And it's a very similar dynamic in France, in Germany, obviously here, in the United States, where the only opposition to these kinds of globalist or NATO-based wars come from the populist right and the populist left. 2n - 4 And what you don't see during the conference is how the National Action Network and Al Sharpton then go and mobilize civil rights groups. Let's just pause and reflect on what actually happened here, as this article reflects. Let x represents the number. First of all, I'm a little surprised that Lula is instituting this measure because I don't understand the subtleties as well as you but I would have thought that he would be a bit more skeptical of, like, the novelistic power of the state to regulate speech didn't he criticized the Twitter banning Trump and so forth? He's saying the idea is to win. And in fact, in studies that have been done show that if an individual might get infected within 15 minutes in a room like time in concentration of the virus in the room, if you had a face cloth covered on, you only get about five more minutes of protection. sum of 0.63 and 1.25 Alexandra Pelosi: [] been very good to me in my life. (Video 01:00:34)Joy Ann Reid, MSNBC News: On Thursday, the intelligence community released a rare statement saying they agree with the scientific consensus that the virus was not not not man-made. A lot of activist entrepreneurs embraced this rhetoric and ideology of black capitalism that Sharpton now represents. We covered that last night. We're going to be interviewing Edward Snowden in the next few weeks about his view of cryptocurrency and why he's excited about blockchain technology. How do you translate "18 more than a number" into a mathematical expression? And so, when she asked him, You were really good at talking about ethics. Translate the following into mathematical sentence 1. Two more than four times a number is -10 ? So that's on behalf of the entire Western security establishment. Remember, that was the whole point of the Enlightenment. Thanks for having me. Twice a number is Nine. Just to remind you of how repressive the climate was as a result of that judgment that he issued, let's look at the fact that here is a Politico article from May 26, 2021, so, well, more than a year into the pandemic, at least a year in three or four months the headline of which reveals, Facebook no longer treating, man-made COVID as a crackpot idea. So, another person who donated to Ritchie Torres's nonexistent 2022 reelection campaign was Sean McElwee, the progressive hero who became Sam Bankman-Frieds guru. So 9 + x is an algebraic expression.In the next few examples, we will be working solely with . I was thinking, Now I'm gonna be picking cotton, since that's how they punished juvenilesthey put you in a school out in the country where they made you do field work during the day. I want to show you a couple of videos that I want to watch with Michael Tracey, who I'm delighted has joined us for our typical Friday night gathering for the Week in Review. We absolutely love you. I know for sure there's a lot of people sleeping very poorly who are involved in these stories, including some of the ones we mentioned and others as well. Whenever there's no partisan angle to the story, people seem to agree that it doesn't need to be scrutinized because there's no partisan benefit to it. 2n - 4 O n2 + 4 O 2n + 4 O 4 + 2n. 2.B That's his new angle to feed the wingnuts to treat this virus like it was a conspiracy of some kind. Now, the U.S. is doing the same to TikTok. But that's not a deal breaker for Pelosi as much as she might in other circumstances posture her job [at the end] of LGBT rights. abf(x)dx=F(b)-F(a), Q:Which expression is equivalent to half a number plus two. Which of the following is equivalent to the expression These abuses of "fake news" laws happen in those countries where those laws have been adopted not because those countries are different than ours, but because they are the same. And it was like in the dozens []. The produce of fourteen and a number 7. E, Q:Which expression is equivalent to 4x-4x2 +x- 1? And this year, ten of the court's 11 justices sentenced a congressman to nearly nine years in prison for making what they said were threats against them in a live stream. Write the sentence as an equation. He pointed to the refusal of South Africa, India and Brazil to join Biden's global coalition. Now, just to be clear, I also see potential not so much in cryptocurrency as in the underlying technology of blockchain, because my interest is more in its ability to provide a way for decentralization to happen. O -2 I don't know. D. 3/5, Q:Given 2x? 1. "Companies are purchasing large packages of messaging assailing [Lula's] Workers' Party (PT) for mass dissemination on WhatsApp," Folha explained. 2 + (10 + 5) Back in December, the crypto world, but also the world of Washington lobbyists and politics was shaken at its foundations when Sam Bankman-Fried, once heralded as the new Morgan, as someone pioneering a new form of philanthropy, was arrested in the Bahamas, where his crypto exchange company, FTX, has long been based. After all, the corporate media in the United States has spent years heralding him as the new J.P. Morgan, as the new figure that was going to revolutionize how charity is done, how altruism is done. The intellectual history of humanity has one indisputable lesson: humans will always err when claiming they have discovered such absolute truth that nobody should be permitted to doubt or challenge their claims. But who is Sean McElwee, his equally scandal-ridden advisor and ally? 16.D Get 5 free video unlocks on our app with code GOMOBILE, Translate into a variable expression. 0000177358 00000 n That would be obviously problematic for a lot of left leaning lawmakers or lawmakers that campaigned on social change. It's a very sophisticated industry and, back in the day, they used threats of violence. Feb. 23, 2023). 0000059660 00000 n I'm going to read it to you. 1) Translate the following statement into a variable expression and then simplify: The sum of 3 times a number n and fourteen added to the product of fourteen and that number. This lessons focuses on showing guidelines to translate words into mathematical symbols. But worried or not, I felt proud. And we're about to do that in just a minute. b) -4+6 So, one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered. 0000119585 00000 n And one of the claims that Facebook had banned from the very start was the argument that the evidence seemed more convincing that COVID was a virus that leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where, by a huge coincidence, exactly the kind of research on coronaviruses was being done, including making them more dangerous for humans, so-called gain of function research. 6.B D 6.) The tech giant has updated its policy against false and misleading coronavirus information, including its running list of debunked claims, over the course of the pandemic in consultation with global health officials. She was then the U.S. ambassador to NATO under Bush, during a very early period when the momentum around the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO at some points was beginning to jump. Two police officers handcuffed and arrested her. He then refers to this discussion that he had with other scientists. xb```c`]" @1L`2SeLY8w00LXY9yxED$edUT58,-LM tuml]\=CB#"cbSR32sr That was their strategy, too, to get out evangelical voters who were going to go and vote for things like that. A 15 15. . Civil rights leaders felt she was an inappropriate symbol for a test case. And it wasn't allowed on the Internet. ten more than twice a number. For example: Seven times the sum of a number and four translates to 7(x+ 4) 2) The difference of six and three times the sum of five and a number is nine less than the number. 18.C I knew I was talking back to a white policeman, but I had had enough. It adds charges. O 20 And Al Sharpton led the effort to lobby legislators saying, Look, Comcast and MSNBC are devoted to diversity and inclusion. It is 27. A number is doubled and then increased by seven. 1 . 0000150358 00000 n C A I always want to emphasize that when it comes to indictments issued by the Justice Department or local prosecutors, they deserve a lot of skepticism. ( - 2)! ambivalent view of the conflict, informed less by the question of whether Russia was wrong to invade than by current and historical grievances against the West over colonialism, perceptions of arrogance and the Wests failure to devote as many resources to solving conflicts and human rights abuses in other parts of the world, such as the Palestinian territories, Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. G. Greenwald: Yeah, that's what I was saying. So, the point here is not that when the U.S. government opines on something we all uncritically, nod our heads and start repeating it that's what the media does and that's what the media did as we're about to show you. 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