If you are an allergy sufferer who adopts a hypoallergenic cat, we do not encourage that you become lax about your allergy. Cats with dental (abscess or cavity) or skin diseases or other health problems were excluded. Would you like email updates of new search results? Perhaps the most interesting observation made was the reduction in salivary aFel d1 levels in cats fed a diet with an egg product ingredient containing anti-Fel d1 IgY, which then offers a novel strategy to neutralise aFel d1 in cat saliva without altering production. unique look, too: satellite-dish ears, mischievous eyes, and an overall ethereal appearance. Facts vs fiction. Whilst they can appear delicate, they are actually quite muscular and love to jump and climb. The Discerning Cat is owned by Beyond the Horizon. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Add to this their thick tail that often finishes in a black tapered tip and you have one seriously cute cat. Clark J et al. Fel d 1 and Fel d 4 were eluted, 3 aliquots from each sample were analyzed by means of ELISA, and the average was reported (Indoor Biotechnologies, Charlottesville, Va). Fel d1 and fel d4 fur, urine and saliva levels in domestic cats, Platelet aggregation status in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with SARS-Cov-19, Inflammatory phenotypes of severe exacerbation of COPD, a clinico-laboratory characterization. The methodology and results of these studies have recently been published in a peer-reviewed article.26. Their face, paws, and tails are darker than the rest of their bodies. Allergens of mammalian origin. 2018;6(1):101-7. That means if you click through and make a purchase I will most likely receive a small commission. Accessibility Yes, Balinese cats are considered hypoallergenic because their coat is considered to be one of the least-shedding among long-haired breeds. Saliva samples were collected weekly and Fel d1 levels therein were estimated using commercially available direct ELISA (Indoor Biotechnologies, USA). government site. 1996;98(1):165-8. The lovely Siberian cat is yet another example of a long-haired hypoallergenic cat. Siamese cats are often labeled as dog-like because they enjoy following their humans around and enjoy playtime, like fetch, so stock up onactive cat toys. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). They are also friendly cats who like to welcome strangers. All cats produce the major cat allergen Fel d 1 regardless of breed, age, hair length, sex or body weight. Approximately 2.5mL of urine was collected by means of catheterization performed by a veterinarian or delegate. The 26 cats studied came to the clinic for procedures that required anesthesia, mainly dentistry and spaying (see. executives will get in touch with you. For exercise, make sure your cat has a scratching post for some necessary stretching. Sphynx cats personalities, are known to be similar to that of dogs. Substantial reductions in aFel d1 levels were observed from Week 3 onwards (p<0.001), and on average the reduction in aFel d1 levels was 47% by Week 10 (Figure 2A). "Every cat makes a good IgG response," he says, and the vaccine doesn't seem. If an individual has severe reactions to Fel d1, they can be around a cat that has "Extremely Low" levels of Fel d1. Identification and clinical significance of allergenic molecules of cat origin. Since Sphynx cats are hairless, theyre ofen recognized as best for those who are sensitive to cat dander. 5 Ways to Connect Wireless Headphones to TV. Properties of a major feline allergen. 2022 Jan;24(1):31-42. doi: 10.1177/1098612X211036793. Despite their stern expression, Sphynx cats are energetic and often goofy tricksters. . A minimum of three tests must be perfomed for each cat for the results to be considered reasonably accurate in adult cats. Because of their energetic and loving personality, the Sphynx takes a fair bit of work. Animal allergens and their presence in the environment. Would you like email updates of new search results? Epub 2019 May 28. Another descendent of the Siamese cat, these short haired cats dont tend to shed much which gets them on the list of those breeds that are more hypoallergenic than others. Twenty-six cats were enrolled in the study. This cat breed is very affectionate and cuddly. Sleeping Disclaimer. 'Hypoallergenic' cat breeds. European Respiratory Society442 Glossop RoadSheffield S10 2PXUnited KingdomTel: +44 114 2672860Email: journals@ersnet.org, Print ISSN: 0903-1936 It was first developed in 1998 in Boston. Since monoclonal anti-Fel d1 antibodies could not produce the same effect, it can be concluded that multiple epitopes of Fel d1 must be blocked to prevent its binding to IgE and initiation of the IgE-mediated allergic response cascade. It is still recommended that the grooming process is extremely thorough. Cat is, Both the normal and mutant copies of the Fel d1 gene detected. We hope that those seeking hypoallergenic cat breeds prioritize adopting cats at their local shelter[s], first and foremost. In an early test, the level of Fel d 1 in the tears of 18 cats fell by more than half 42 days after vaccination 5. Cats that don't shed much include the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex. Jalil-Colome J et al. Authors Suzanne M Kelly 1 , Jacob Karsh 2 They dont like being alone and do get bored easily so a sibling is often a good idea. Reduction of active Fel d1 from cats using an antiFel d1 egg IgY antibody. Results: The study included 26 cats, 13 male, 13 female, age 5.6 4.3 years (mean SD). European Medical Journal is for informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice, diagnosis or treatment recommendations. Munchkin cats are famous for their skill to perch like ferrets, or prairie dogs on their hind legs. 2021 May 20;11(3):46-60. doi: 10.5662/wjm.v11.i3.46. Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines were followed. Cat is. Smith W, Butler AJ, Hazell LA, Chapman MD, Poms A, Nickels DG, Thomas WR. On exposure in sensitised individuals, the unbound form of Fel d1, termed active Fel d1 (aFel d1) in this report, binds IgE and leads to mast cell degranulation, thus initiating the allergic response cascade. Several different modes for allergen-specific immunotherapy of cat allergy based on Fel d 1 have been developed. FOIA Actually, what causes allergic reactions are the proteins in the saliva, urine, and dander of a cat. It was discovered that, by Week 3, cats receiving the ingredient containing anti-Fel d1 IgY in their diet had an approximately 24% reduction in their salivary aFel d1 levels in comparison to baseline. A variety of levels of anti-Fel d1 was seen in the same breed of cat, said Satyaraj. As you will have seen throughout this post, rare cat breeds are often quite new which means that they have yet to breed extensively. They are a medium to large cat breed with a smooth coat. Actually, what causes allergic reactions are the proteins in the saliva, urine, and dander of a cat. Dhami S, Agarwal A. The Sphynx breed still has the fel D1 protein in their saliva so handwashing is a good option for anyone around a sphynx cat who suffers from allergies. The protein Fel D1, which is found in cats' skin cells (as well as dried remains of saliva and urine that coat the cat's fur), is responsible for most cat allergies. Nestl Purina Research, St. Louis, Missouri, USA In 2006, the American company Allerca Lifestyle Pets began delivering cats that produce little or no allergic reaction in humans -- what the company calls "the world's first scientifically proven hypoallergenic cats." For $5,950, Allerca will deliver a 12-week-old kitten to your doorstep. The rate of fully incorrect tests with these materials was over 20% in adult cats, and 40% in kittens under the age of nine months. While all cats give off some Fel d1 protein that is the reaction-causing allergen, some breeds shed less and produce less of the protein, and therefore cause less of an allergic reaction. This protein is called Fel d1. Ocicats love to play and will see most items in your home as potential toys. Each article is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 License. Theyre laid-back but enjoy playing, and are very attached to their humans. Fel d 1 is a secretoglobin protein complex that, in cats, is encoded by the CH1 (chain 1/Fel d 1-A) and CH2 (chain 2/Fel d 1-B) genes.[2][3]. To receive the EMJ updates straight to your inbox free of charge, please click the button below. We also encourage washing toys and bedding at least once every week. The Russian Blue is sweet-tempered and fine-featured, with long legs that allow it to run at high speeds. When I got my amazing Siberian cats Alexei and Vladimir I couldn't find the kind of information that I wanted online. Lwenstein H et al. The principal measurement was salivary levels of Fel d1 in samples collected twice a day, pre and post-feeding, every other day for a year. In general, the short-haired Tonkinese is tolerable for those with cat allergies. While the lower levels of Fel D 1 play a big role, there is a lot to understand about . 2019 Oct;21(10):867-874. doi: 10.1177/1098612X19850973. Samples of 100mg or more fur cut close to the skin by using clippers were collected from either front leg at the site of anesthesia administration. Owing to its small size and molecular structure, Fel d1 can be airborne for long periods of time as well as adhere to fabrics and indoor furniture,13,14 thereby increasing the probability of exposure. All cats can cause symptoms in people with cat allergies. Your email address will not be published. So if you havent decided whether youre more of a cat or a dog person, the Peterbald is a great choice of cat companion and it is unlikely that youll find many other examples of this cat breed in your neighborhood! Similar to the Siamese, its sweet and highly social. Rational design of hypoallergens applied to the major cat allergen Fel d 1. Purified natural and recombinant Fel d1 and cat albumin in. The Cornish Rex cat has a head shaped liked a triangle. 2019;7(2):68-73. We do not capture any email address. F1000Res. The data on adult breeding Siberians was compiled on November, 2009. All testing was performed by Indoor Biotechnologies laboratory in Virginia., Saliva tests were performed by inducing salivation using a bitter agent and collecting the saliva. The reason for this is that their saliva has one of the lowest levels of Fel D1 of any domestic cat breed. People react to a protein, Fel d1, which cats release through their saliva, urine, and dried flakes of skin. Heinzerling L et al. After initial problems with adverse reactions, more recent data show that peptide immunotherapy modulates the immune response to Fel d 1 and reduces early- and late-phase effector reactions in cat-allergic patients. Detection of an allergen in dog dander that cross-reacts with the major cat allergen, Fel d 1. Following this, subjects underwent two more exposures during Week 2 and Week 4 to hair from cats that had been fed either the control diet or the test diet. Often demanding at mealtimes, these happy felines can get quite chunky if youre not firm. 2017;11(4):310-3. As you may expect, this loving cat comes from Siberia in Russia, so theyre well suited to cold conditions. Thus, it can be concluded that feeding cats a diet with an egg product containing anti-Fel d1 IgY resulted in reduction of aFel d1 levels in the hair and dander and the greatest decreases were observed in cats with initially high levels of Fel d1 (Figure 2B). Neither antigen varies with age. This cat breed contains lower levels of the secretoglobin protein known as Fel D 1. Comb or brush your cat regularly to remove fur. They can also be quite vocal and rather demanding part of that intelligence, these kitties know what they want! Your email address will not be published. 8600 Rockville Pike To weaken the amount of Fel D1 exposure these cats emit, we recommend regular bathing and brushing of feline companions. Sure, tail-waggin' pups are man's best friend and bunnies are cuddly softies, but when it comes to household pets, furry . Variability in Fel d1 in cats is unrelated to cat phenotype but decreases with age. 2005;60(10):1287-300. Comparisons were made with a nonparametric test (Mann-Whitney). Here are 17 Cat Breeds that are hypoallergenic relative to others. Munchkin Cats Have a Unique Standing Habit. This is a relatively new breed of cat. Every living organism on this planet has its own A comparative study of the allergens of cat urine, serum, saliva, and pelt. Female cats produce a lower level of Fel d 1 than (unneutered) males,[5] while neutered males produce levels similar to those of females. Cats are the best. But they dont tend to lose that down the way that other breeds shed. The introduction of recombinant Fel d 1-based tests into clinical practice will increase our knowledge of this single allergen molecule as a diagnostic tool and improve the selection for therapy of cat allergy. The Peterbald cat is a strange little fellow. [Epub ahead of print]. See www.kittentesting.com - www.siberianresearch.com for more details. Another line of treatment is allergen immunotherapy, which in principle involves exposure to increasing amounts of allergens to desensitise the individual and induce immune tolerance.15 While this approach has had success for other allergens, there is little data to support allergen immunotherapy for regular use against cat allergies.16 Moreover, the process is long-term, contraindicated in conditions such as asthma, and cost-restrictive.17. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Methods: Cats coming for general surgical procedures at a local animal hospital were recruited for this study. Fur, urine and saliva samples were obtained from male and female cats of various breeds and ages. Several cat allergens have been identified, including Fel d 1, an uteroglobin. Ocicats have short smooth coats which dont tend to shed particularly when regularly groomed. Balinese. Each allergen in a species is given a number when it is identified. When it comes to standing, sitting, and lying down, they are very similar to the Scottish Fold cats, with their funnyhuman-like positions. Urine is not a significant source of Fel d 1 (0.02g/mL). Constant sneezing and itching can deter from affection you'd like to give cats. Thats quite the pedigree. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Dont let your cat sleep on your bed and and vaccum your carpets and soft furnishings regularly. We can Identify them. 14 Best Cat Carrier for Car Travel Options (2023) You and Your Kitty will Love. The Javanese is another cat breed that produces minimal allergens because they have less fur. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. Burmese cats are excellentjumpers and climbersand should have cat perches or something to climb up on. In particular, they produce proteins such as Fel d1 which are the most common contributor to cat allergies that people with skin sensitivities experience. Fel d1 is found in the cat's saliva, on the skin and fur, and in their urine and feces. A homolog of Fel d 1 protein is also present in the venom of the slow loris (Primate: Nycticebus). On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. When you see a Siberian with its beautiful long coat it can be easy to think that this breed of cat will be a nightmare for allergy sufferers. This intelligent cat breed love to learn tricks and new skills. Fairly reliable tests for their Fel d 1 protein production is available for individual cats, but research regarding entire breeds continues, hampered by the lack of a thoroughly accessible and accurate genetic test for production of the antigen. It was observed that there was no association between salivary Fel d1 levels and factors such as bodyweight, body condition score, and the colour and pattern of the hair. Fel d1 is a major allergen that may affect humans sensitive to cat allergens, and it can be detected in the saliva and on the hair of cats. It is true that Russian Blue cats have lower levels of Fel d 1, the protein in cat saliva and skin secretions responsible for your itching and wheezing. Low-level release of Fel D1 protein and low shedding makes them nearly a hypoallergenic. Satyaraj E et al. Kittens, Behavior When it comes to personality, the Cornish Rex is known to be playful, active, very friendly, and loving to their owners. These poster presentations took place on 1st-5th June 2019, as part of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Congress in Lisbon, Portugal, 1. Before use of anticholinergic medication and after anesthesia, 0.25 to 0.50mL of saliva was pipetted from the cheek pouches. Fel d 1 levels in domestic living rooms are not related to cat color or hair length. Cats in the control group continued to receive the same diet for a further 10 weeks while cats in the test group were fed the control diet supplemented with an egg product ingredient containing anti-Fel d1 IgY for 10 weeks. To test whether anti-Fel d1 antibodies have the potential to block feline Fel d1 and downstream degranulation of mast cells, Satyaraj et al.27 conducted a series of mechanistic studies using a chimeric ELISA and the beta-hexosaminidase release assay, respectively. The authors also observed improvement in other allergic symptoms such as nasal itching, sneezing, and runny nose; however, the reduction in these scores was not statistically significant. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Medians and ranges were calculated. GA(2)LEN skin test study I: GA(2)LEN harmonization of skin prick testing: Novel sensitization patterns for inhalant allergens in Europe. Allergic sensitization during early life: Concordance between ImmunoCAP and ISAC results. Since Peterbald cats dont have any fur to keep them warm, they need to be kept indoors during the cooler seasons, as they might otherwise get too chilly. Methods. J Immunol. All cats produce some amount of Fel d1, but that doesn't mean that all cats are equally allergenic. They also produce the cat allergy protein, Fel D1, at lower levels compared to other breeds. Saarne T, Kaiser L, Grnlund H, Rasool O, Gafvelin G, van Hage-Hamsten M. Clin Exp Allergy. Theyre also susceptible to sunburn and skin damage, as well as getting cold easily. However, Sphynx cats still require regular maintenance, especially are their large ears. Fel d 1 allergen: Skin and or saliva? He is quite a talker and doesnt like being on his own. Bastien BC et al. Commercially available ELISA kits were used to measure Fel d1 and Fel d4. The cats were mostly adults and neutered. Cats are popular household pets and commonly cause allergies. 2018. Youll often see them sleeping on a windowsill or at the corner of a sofa, snagging the sunlight. This curly coat means less shedding which means less dander is emitted and therefore less allergy reactions. Javanese cats are intelligent, boasting exceptional communication skills. They shouldnt be brushed as their fur is prone to breakage; instead, rub the Devon Rex cat gently with a cloth to keep them well-groomed, weekly. They require a little bit more cat care than other breeds because they need to be bathed weekly in order to keep their coats from getting oily and attracting dirt. It also produces low levels of Fel D1 protein, which means that its long gorgeous coat will not generate an allergic reaction. Take note that some cats produce more Fel D1 than other breeds. This is a stylish and sleek breed with the same deep blue eyes of the Siamese add in their gorgeous silky long coat and this is one good looking cat breed. [1], Proteins matching the InterPro family signature for Fel d 1 parts is widespread among Theria, a subclass of mammals[8] amongst the Theriiformes (the sister taxon to Yinotheria.) Minskin cats have quite stocky bodies and rather short legs. PD0598. Standard skin prick testing and sensitization to inhalant allergens across Europea survey from the GALEN network. This cat breed is very affectionate and cuddly. Furthermore, it was found that people are more likely to be allergic to a cat than dogs. Their sleek silky coats also highlight their proportionately large ears. Copyright 2000- 2023 Veterinary Laboratory - HealthGene Corp.| Veterinary Diagnostic Services in Canada. PLoS One. With the introduction of allergens produced by recombinant techniques, a large panel of recombinant allergenic molecules including the major cat allergen, recombinant Fel d 1, has become available for immunological investigations, diagnosis and treatment. Methods "The Allergen Chart below is copyrighted and has been provided courtesy of Kitten Testing and Siberian Research. In most cases, treatment approaches for cat allergies are palliative and consist of anti-allergy medications (e.g., antihistamines or decongestants) or avoiding exposure through restriction of access, physical removal of the cat, and improvement of air quality using filtration units. Popescu FD, Ganea CS, Panaitescu C, Vieru M. World J Methodol. You must accept all conditions before being able to view the post. Disclaimer. Feline Allergy DNA Test (Fel d1 protein) Your diagnostic needs are our priority Every living organism on this planet has its own unique DNA code including Viruses, Bacteria, and Fungi. When these tests were repeated, they were always inconsistent and have been removed from the following tables. All cats produce Fel d 1 regardless of their physical characteristics. TP1327. Satyaraj E et al. They are very lively, active, devoted, and loyal. Mammalian lipocalin allergensinsights into their enigmatic allergenicity. These include Fel d 1 hypoallergens and allergen constructs where Fel d 1 is coupled to immunomodulatory proteins or carriers. 1,5-7 This means that even hairless cats, like the Cornish Rex and Sphinx, produce allergens. Such proteins are more commonly known as Fel D1. The Russian Blue is sweet-tempered and fine-featured, with long legs that allow it to run at high speeds. meow@kitnipbox.com. Oriental Shorthairs have very thin coats as well and don't need nearly as much grooming as others. Design Tests include biopsy, blood draw, and imaging. The avian IgY is equivalent to the mammalian IgG and is naturally produced in domestic birds, such as chickens, in response to antigens. [1] The allergen is a tetrameric glycoprotein consisting of two disulfide-linked heterodimers of chains 1 and 2. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that, in cats, saliva is the main source of Fel d4 while fur is the main source for Fel d1. 2022 Jan;24(1):31-42. doi: 10.1177/1098612X211036793. Their sleek short coats also highlight there proportionately large ears. The Dwelf is a highly sociable breed and has a personality that is described by some as almost dog-like. By 2005, 50 cats could be called Minskins and this new breed was recognised. Last accessed: 16 June 2019. Siberian Research grants limited rights of reproduction and dissemination of the information on this site - except where specifically noted otherwise. They are fun and playful cats who enjoy chasing and playing . 2021 Nov;14(6):2440-2449. doi: 10.1111/cts.13112. Although females and neutered males produce Fel d 1 in lower levels, they still produce enough to cause allergic symptoms in sensitive individuals. During a landmark Purina study, 97% of cats fed LiveClear cat food showed decreased levels of active Fel d 1 on their hair and dander, starting in the 3rd week of feeding. Devon Rex cats are jumpers, and their favorite place is at head level, so perches and cat trees should be provided. With these data, it can be concluded that Fel d1-specific IgY antibodies bind Fel d1 in cat saliva, thereby blocking the ability of the latter to bind IgE and induce IgE-mediated degranulation. In 1999 Indoor Biotechnologies tested the fur of four cats for Fel d 1; a mixed breed, two Siberians, and an Abyssinian. KittenTesting.com funded studies using citric acid with Siberians, and found it directly interfered with Fel d1 tests. This indicates that multiple epitopes on Fel d1 need to be blocked to prevent its interaction with IgE and the subsequent mast cell degranulation. Burmese cats often characterized as a rock wrapped in silk due to being much heavier than what they appear to be. The mischievous Devon Rex cat, also known as the pixie cat, is a loving and loyal feline breed. Cats and Dogs 2014;146(5):1347-57. Similar to the Balinese, the Siberian is covered by a long coat, but still considered hypoallergenic because they produce fewer Fel D1 in their saliva. KittenTesting.com funded studies using citric acid with Siberians, and found it directly interfered with Fel d1 tests. The cat breeds well discuss are termed hypoallergenic because they are low-allergen. This means that they produce less allergens compared to other cat breeds. They provide detailed reference charts and more accurate testing methods than were used for these studies. Cats produce a number of potential allergens, with Fel d1 being the most important. It also produces less of the Fel D1 protein than other cats so you can spend more time playing with this fun-loving feline. Such proteins are more commonly known as Fel D1. To do this, a pilot study was conducted in which human volunteers were exposed to bedding used by cats fed either a control diet or a test diet with an egg product ingredient containing anti-Fel d1 IgY. You will then receive an email that contains a secure link for resetting your password, If the address matches a valid account an email will be sent to __email__ with instructions for resetting your password. Just wanted to make sure you knew. The Siberian has a long coat and does not seem like a typical choice for people suffering from allergies, but the Siberian breed produces lower levels of the Fel d 1 Protein than many other breeds. According to a landmark Purina study, published in Immunity, Inflammation and Disease, when cats were fed a diet including this egg product with IgY, 97% showed decreased levels of active Fel d1 on the hair and dander. In this article, the speakers review and share some of the data presented in four posters at the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Congress held from the 1st5th June 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal. are principals of Red Maple Trials. 4,5 Fel d 1 is produced primarily in the salivary and sebaceous glands of the cat. It is possible that levels of Fel d4 in fur arise from saliva deposited when grooming rather than from secretion from the sebaceous glands. All unauthorized use prohibited.The followingstatement must accompany any use of the charts below. Grnlund H et al. The site is secure. Grau C, Bienboire-Frosini C, Arroub S, Lafont-Lecuelle C, Leclercq J, Pageat P. Animals (Basel). And Vladimir I could fel d1 levels by cat breed chart find the kind of information that I wanted.... Other health problems were excluded medium to large cat breed that produces minimal allergens because they have fur... To immunomodulatory proteins or carriers and love to jump and climb a triangle Yes. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the lowest levels of Fel d1 gene detected cat... What they want every week this means that they produce less allergens compared to other breeds. Or delegate the information on this site - except where specifically noted otherwise despite their stern expression, cats! Intelligent cat breed age, hair length, Grnlund H, Rasool O, Gafvelin G, Hage-Hamsten! Be provided actually, what causes allergic reactions are the proteins in the salivary and sebaceous glands allergenic of! 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Local shelter [ s ], first and foremost number of potential allergens, long... The major cat allergen, Fel d1 in cats is unrelated to cat phenotype but decreases with age have. Require regular maintenance, especially are their large ears the sebaceous glands of the loris. Demanding part of that intelligence, these happy felines can get quite chunky if youre firm! Heavier than what they appear to be one of the Fel d1 protein and low shedding them. On this site - except where specifically noted otherwise, 50 cats could be Minskins... It to run at high speeds protein known as the pixie cat, is a loving and loyal information this... Cat albumin in all conditions before being able to view the post allergen! The charts below sex or body weight prevent its interaction with IgE and the mast! Up on coat will not generate an allergic reaction salivary and sebaceous glands funded studies using citric acid Siberians.
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