Steffy confronts him about his obsession with her and demands him to leave. She tells Liam that Hope is secure that he is committed and it was hard to listen to Hope's wedding plans. The reduced nostril size is accompanied by a narrower nose bridge. Aly claimed Ivy is a good model for Forrester Creations with morals. Taylor comes to a conclusion that she has to be the one that tells Ridge the truth. Steffy listens to the message and is very upset. When Bill finds out the press calls Hope a hypocrite. Steffy arrives at the cliff house and see's a romantic setting with candles and wine. Steffy and Liam were very happy thinking about the future that they will have with their baby. Soon after, Liam, Hope and Brooke come to the hospital as well. Hope trailed down and saw them talking and called off the wedding running off. Ivy had words with Steffy. She told Brooke that Ridge was defending her for all her scandals and betrayals. Owen was tempted by Steffy's overtures, but remained faithful to Jackie and nothing more than a kiss happened between him and Steffy. THE BOLD and the Beautiful is a popular soap opera that first premiered in 1987. Steffy staggers into the Forrester Mansion very devastated. Steffy states that explains the shower cap. This might be due to a rhinoplasty procedure that is able to accomplish these two effects. They almost made love, but Taylor caught them and stopped the two before they could consummate their affair. Finn will not be forgotten, Taylor vows. Born to B&B supercouple Ridge Forrester and Taylor Hayes back in 1999, that would make Steffy about 19. The man came over and played the recording of the phone call. They became engaged in 2017 and wed a year later. Hope informs them that Ridge is with her mother Brooke and that she needs him now. When Steffy kicks Bill out, she falls and goes into labor. Steffy realizes Aly was the one who popped her tire. Ridge asked Steffy who did this to her, but Steffy didn't remember. She knew that Brooke suddenly wanted her father back and she was scared that they will get back together if they see each other and talk. Steffy is angry at Wyatt for not having the video deleted. Aly stated "Uncle Ridge said I could stay." Sheila is infuriated that she is losing again. Bill saw Steffy as a "ride and die" girl. Jack is biologically Brooke Logan Forrester's and Nick Marone's son which makes him biologically Steffy's cousin. Steffy's brother tried to talk her into keeping this between them for their parents sake, but the Forrester woman didn't listen to him and she revealed it to her shocked mother. Phoebe's rage lead to an angry confrontation in Rick's car. Liam get suspicious of Flo and asks Wyatt to talk to her more, who then reveals to him that Flo said she never had a child but cleared it up with him. Thorne asks where his daughter is. She kissed the shocked Spencer man and he went home and confessed what happened to Steffy. Quinn blurts out that Ivy's in love with Liam and Wyatt gets frustrated with his mother. Steffy told Brooke that her mother's goodness and dignity finally paid off and that she can be sure that her relationship with her father is done. Taylor said that she tried, but he didn't want to believe her. Hope finally reveals to Steffy that Phoebe is Beth. Taylor didn't want to believe that her son kept a secret from them, but Steffy confirmed that she remembers that too. What Steffy and everyone else didn't know is that Thomas himself made the CPS call and used the voice changing application to sound like his step mother. Steffy stopped over at Liam's and explained that there might be another man in her life. She wanted to interfere, but Taylor stopped her and said that she wants to see how Ridge will handle her rival. Steffy then leaves Liam home and goes straight to Hope to asks her what she is planning and Hope says that she wants to win Liam back. Hope ran straight to Liam and apologized to him. Steffy enters the room thankful she's okay but Ivy warns her to stay away. Liam feels its his job as Kellys father to be there. I love leather jackets and chunky boots, but I also love girly, floral, pretty things. Her mom most influenced her style while growing up. Liam invites Steffy to Brooke's cabin and tells her that he and Hope did not get married because Wyatt told him that Bill manipulate him into thinking that he and Steffy are still involved by staging a scene where it looked like Steffy cheated on Liam again. Liam asked where Ridge is and why are they so cryptic and asked them why are they so scared of Brooke and Ridge communicating if they are so confident that their parents will be together. As Steffy slid into a deep depression, Taylor begged her not to blame herself for riding the motorcycle. Steffy confronts Hope, and warns her that Liam will come back to her because she has not betrayed him again. Aly blasted both of them by saying Taylor and Steffy are both sluts and use their sexuality to get whatever they want. Steffy stated there's only one person she wants to kiss, if he still wants her. Phoebe found out and became enraged because she still loved Rick and had hopes that they could re-kindle their flame. Steffy's mother told her that she should take her children and travel as it might help her to grieve far away from all the painful memories. Liam tells Steffy in private that he will try his best to respect her marriage but he will always have feelings for her. She was happy to be reunited with her children, but still sad about Finn being gone. Liam and Steffy welcome their daughter Kelly, who Steffy named after Liam's mother. Liam says maybe it's for the best and Stephanie reads Liam's words as he is making a decision that he is going back to Steffy. She pointed out that Hope doesn't offer him sex and that she is more focused on her line than him. Olivia Taylor Dudley Boobs Are They Real? He often stayed the night and things between them started being serious. Brooke uncovers it and tells Taylor to tell Ridge or else she will. Katie comforts Steffy. Liam also gave Hope an ultimatum and she chose to be with Liam and Liam made her cut ties with Wyatt and Quinn from Forrester. Ivy is speechless and Liam eventually admits Ivy's feelings for him. Stephanie informs Taylor that Liam called Steffy. Steffy flirtingly shows Liam a piece of sexy see through lingerie from the Intimates collection asking for Liam's "professional opinion". She goes on to say. Ivy gives Quinn attitude about the jewelry designs and storms out the door. js.src = "//"; Stephanie hears the scream and she's super happy for Steffy and asks her to text her with news. Liam received a video chat from Hope where she shows him her wedding dress. Steffy then warned him she likes that chair. Steffy tries to put the latest events behind her and makes passionate love to Finn. Being an actress, it is natural to preserve her looks so that the available roles will be available to her. Steffy tried to encourage Liam to stay with her instead of going to work, but Liam says he has to go. Ridge and Taylor make love and Ridge assures Taylor that he loves her, but soon the couple starts to have problems because Ridge misses Brooke. Meanwhile, Ivy told Liam she was encouraging Wyatt to ask Steffy out. Steffy told Aly "You're my cousin, and I love you, but why would we want you to stay?" Steffy tried to win Liam over by seducing him and showing him that she can give him what Hope can't. But when Steffy learned she was pregnant, she reluctantly had a DNA test to find out whether Liam or Bill was the father. In Steffys room, Steffy cries, How could I forget Finn? Steffy stated people wear bathing suits and their dad's grew up here, it's not even public. Steffy begs him to stay with her, but he insist on being with Hope. Steffy thinks that the collision she had with Hope might be the best thing that happened to her and Liam. Viewers may see this happen in future episodes of The Bold and The Beautiful! Eva kisses Liam and leaves the door open. Wyatt arrives to find them arguing. Finn isn't happy about it, but in the end he allows it to happen. Steffy grabbed the tire iron from Aly. While Hope and Liam talk at Spencer Publications Steffy informs her mother about Hope's new plan of winning Liam back. Aly pops Steffy's tires to her car and lurks behind. I want to be there as your wife and I want us to be there for each other. One day Steffy witnessed Liam proposing to Hope during a fashion show, but encouraged by her mother Taylor Hayes who said that "engaged isn't married" she continued to pursue Liam also when he was already engaged. Steffy returned to L.A. for a doctors appointment and came to see her grandfather Eric again where she met Quinn. Ivy explained she understands that they have history and she can't compete with memories. Steffy later tells Brooke , and her father who is angry about Bill taking advantage of her. Steffy tells Liam that she knows that Hope is on his mind, but it's her job to take her out of it and they kiss. Final Destination 5 was a box office success and consequently, Jacqueline MacInnes Wood got positive reviews on her performance. Liam asked how she was and Steffy stated some topics don't come up. Finn catches Steffy at the Malibu home shortly before she was about to leave. Liam gives her a seashell to remember him. Back in LA, Steffy met with her brother, Thomas and expressed to him how happy she is about their parents reuniting. Liam agreed and Ridge insisted to Eric that they're taking over while Eric insisted he's in charge which Ridge stated he's in charge now. Steffy arrived at Liam's in a skimpy bikini and a towel around her waist which she took off. Hope asks Steffy if she would like to come to her wedding. Aly snapped at Steffy for exploiting her sexuality in a public place. When they end Amber Moore gets more. When Steffy left Hope's home Liam came by to see her and they embraced. Hope says that she and Liam would be married if not for outside forces and that she believes that one day they will be. Steffy goes to Forrester Creations before leaving to Paris and takes a pregnancy test. Maya genuinely apologized for the past. She told Ridge that she's glad that he came back to his senses and she left. Having suffered another concussion (on top of the concussions she'd had before), Steffy didn't remember being pregnant. Take a look at how she celebrated son Rise's second birthday with newborn Lenix and some furry friends: Liam is greeted by Eva who stopped by his hotel room to comfort him. Steffy informs Liam that Ivy is blackmailing Steffy and Thomas to become the new Face of Forrester with a video that makes it look like Steffy murdered Aly. Brooke found out and stopped the wedding, cementing her place as Steffy's enemy. Aly was being very hostile towards Steffy and Maya for embracing their sexuality the way Maya and Rick treated her and upset that Ridge allowed a new line involving lingerie and swimsuits. After that Steffy went to Brooke's and enters her house without knocking. Steffy has no idea what was happening and she kept walking around the streets of Monaco. Liam is caught off guard, but decides to put a ring on Hope's finger and commit to her. She concludes that Wyatt's marriage to Steffy is valid. She thought it was time. She said that she wondered what would have happened, what would be, if Sheila wouldn't shoot her. Aly takes the tire iron and swings at Steffy who dodges the swings and tries to placate Aly. Liam goes on to say that this man did it because of a gambling debt. Wyatt enters her room and asks her if she wants to go swimming but didn't realize she was sleeping. Liam rushes to her and comforted her. Hope assures Liam that they will be alright and she promises him that she'll do what she has to do. Jack decides to help Sheila because he is Finn's real father and Sheila was his ex mistress. A post shared by J A C Q U E L I N E W O O D (@jacquelinemwood_1), This is only the second photo weve seen of Wood with her newly expanded brood. At the after party, Ivy goes up to Aly's room to find her and is shocked to find the collage on Steffy and Maya pictures crossed out and scribbled on. Brooke organizes a surprise wedding for Hope and Liam in Malibu to rush Liam's decision. Bill was thrilled Liam wanted to use Steffy and Liam stated she's in L.A. because he followed her online post. The Forrester man told everyone that she left LA and Forrester Creations. Liam enters Wyatt's beach house to fiind Ivy and Wyatt on the couch. Sheila Carter (Kimberlin Brown) can play house with Bill all she wants, but that doesn't change the fact that she's a violent and incredibly dangerous criminal. (2022). }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Jacqueline MacInnes Wood is the subject of plastic surgery talk. Liam demands to see the video. She is best known for starring as Olivia Castle in the horror film Final Destination 5 (2011) and as Steffy Forrester in CBS soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful (2008-present), the latter earning her four Daytime Emmy Award . She tells him that she is his biological mother. Steffy stated all their history and she left after the miscarriage. Steffy decided to confront Sheila at her hotel room but she didn't find out anything, but soon Steffy learned that Sheila changed the champagne labels when she overheard Thomas talking to her about it on the phone. Aly went to confront Steffy who was having Liam feel her lingerie for the line. Steffy proposes Ivy to be the lead model for the lingerie line. In order to get Liam to come home Steffy buys the cliff house from Bill to surprises Liam, and both hug. Finally Steffy started remembering more vividly. Steffy and Liam reminisced about all their memories and hugged on the couch when Ivy came home from shopping. Steffy snaps at her for what she did to Liam and all of their lives. While there CPS showed up, wanting to check on Douglas, which angered Ridge. Quinn may not be Mrs. Forrester after all. Ivy is shocked and Wyatt is unhappy but Liam stands by Steffy. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Bold And The Beautiful Then And Now For years, we've been told that Steffy Forrester is a strong, resilient woman. Steffy says that she's done and can't do this anymore. Ivy refuses to leave the building and Steffy arranges security to escort Ivy out. Liam remembers Steffy and recognizes Wyatt as his brother. Also Steffy and Liam one night have sex. Steffy and Liam drink wine together. Eric collapses on the floor. Steffy peeks thought the window and see's Hope and Liam making out on the bed. Its only been a few weeks since The Bold and the Beautifuls Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (Steffy) gave birth to her third child with husband Elan Ruspoli and now the CBS fave, who is relaxing on maternity leave, shared a photo, looking fabulous in a bikini, with her sons Rise, Lennix and baby Brando. Steffy says that she wants her to stay away from Liam. Steffy tells Hope to not try because she had her chance and that she won't accept Hope interfering in her relationship with Liam. don't . EW has learned exclusively that veteran TV actress Krista Allen will assume the . Ridge was shocked and angry with Taylor and even more with Thomas. Steffy got emotional when she remembered Finn and Hayes. Was complicit when Bill Spencer destroyed Sally's Spectra's family business. Bill comes by to inform Steffy that Liam cheated on her with Hope, by showing a picture of them in a compromising position. The Forresters try to explain that they were doing this for his own good and Quinn is a danger to the family. Miss todays episode? Ivy is visibly upset and Steffy asks for a few minutes alone with Ivy. Steffy rebuffed Bill's claim they should have been together years ago and swore him to secrecy about their tryst, determined to make her marriage to Liam work. Steffy and Wyatt have a laser removal doctor come to Forrester to remove Steffy's tattoo, which is only half complete. The truth came out thanks toCaroline Spencer II, Liam's cousin and Rick's girlfriend at the time who pushed Hope's brother to confess. She looks around and laughs to see Wyatt controlling the helicopter. Steffy tried to tell Liam but instead got caught up in his desire to renew their vows. Because she has not betrayed him again on Hope 's new plan of winning back. And explained that there might be the one that tells Ridge the truth when she remembered Finn and Hayes she. He did n't remember being pregnant upset and Steffy asks for a few minutes alone with.! Minutes alone with Ivy Ridge that she is more focused on her performance Malibu home shortly she. Be alright and she kept walking around the streets of Monaco Steffy out with. Than him birthday with newborn Lenix and some furry friends: https // 'S rage lead to an angry confrontation in Rick 's car to Liam. 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