Special finish - 0x161E9241: Marksman Rifle. Flashlight - 0x7BC4CDDC: SMG, Assault SMG, Combat PDW, Assault Rifle, Carbine Rifle, Advanced Rifle, Special Carbine, Bullpup Rifle, Pump Shotgun, Assault Shotgun, Bullpup Shotgun, Heavy Shotgun, Marksman Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Smoke Grenade Launcher. NoScript). Returns the model of any weapon. With a diverse range of content and a welcoming, amicable and tight-knit community, Se7enSins is a forum open to anyone and everyone. Here you'll learn how to work with alt:V in these languages, how to properly setup a project and build out your very own gamemode. These servers can utilize languages such as C# and JavaScript. 4 min ago Vehicles. By Equinox407. 25 min ago WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER = 0x63AB0442, 1672152130, WEAPON_PROXMINE = 0xAB564B93, -1420407917, WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK = 0x678B81B1,1737195953, WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL = 0x5EF9FEC4,1593441988, WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG = 0xEFE7E2DF,4024951519, WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE = 0xBFEFFF6D,3220176749, WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE = 0x83BF0278,2210333304, WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE = 0xAF113F99,2937143193, WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN = 0x1D073A89,487013001, WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN = 0x7846A318,2017895192, WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN = 0xE284C527,3800352039, WEAPON_BULLPUPSHOTGUN = 0x9D61E50F,2640438543, WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE = 0x05FC3C11,100416529, WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER = 0x0C472FE2,205991906, WEAPON_REMOTESNIPER = 0x33058E22,856002082, WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER = 0xA284510B,2726580491, WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER_SMOKE = 0x4DD2DC56,1305664598, WEAPON_PASSENGER_ROCKET = 0x166218FF,375527679, WEAPON_AIRSTRIKE_ROCKET = 0x13579279,324506233, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE = 0xFDBC8A50,4256991824, WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER = 0x060EC506,101631238, WEAPON_DIGISCANNER = 0xFDBADCED,4256881901, WEAPON_BRIEFCASE_02 = 0x01B79F17,28811031, WEAPON_VEHICLE_ROCKET = 0xBEFDC581,3204302209, WEAPON_BARBED_WIRE = 0x48E7B178,1223143800, WEAPON_DROWNING_IN_VEHICLE = 0x736F5990,1936677264, WEAPON_ELECTRIC_FENCE = 0x92BD4EBB,2461879995, WEAPON_HIT_BY_WATER_CANNON = 0xCC34325E,3425972830, WEAPON_RAMMED_BY_CAR = 0x07FC7D7A,133987706, WEAPON_RUN_OVER_BY_CAR = 0xA36D413E,2741846334, ----------------DLC Weapons----------------, WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE = 0xC0A3098D,3231910285, WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL = 0xD205520E,3523564046, WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE = 0x7F229F94,2132975508, WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL = 0x083839C4,137902532, WEAPON_HEAVYSHOTGUN = 0x3AABBBAA,984333226, WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE = 0xC734385A,3342088282, WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER = 0x63AB0442,1672152130, WEAPON_GARBAGEBAG = 0xE232C28C,3794977420, WEAPON_MARKSMANPISTOL = 0xDC4DB296,3696079510, WEAPON_MACHINEPISTOL = 0xDB1AA450,3675956304, WEAPON_AIR_DEFENCE_GUN = 0x2C082D7D,738733437, WEAPON_SWITCHBLADE = 0xDFE37640,3756226112, WEAPON_COMPACTRIFLE = 0x624FE830,1649403952, WEAPON_AUTOSHOTGUN = 0x12E82D3D,317205821, WEAPON_COMPACTLAUNCHER = 0x0781FE4A,125959754, GADGET_NIGHTVISION = 0xA720365C,2803906140, ----------------Vehicle Weapons----------------, VEHICLE_WEAPON_ROTORS = 0xB1205A4E,2971687502, VEHICLE_WEAPON_TANK = 0x73F7C04B,1945616459, VEHICLE_WEAPON_SPACE_ROCKET = 0xF8A3939F,4171469727, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLANE_ROCKET = 0xCF0896E0,3473446624, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_LAZER = 0xE2822A29,3800181289, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_LASER = 0xEFFD014B,4026335563, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_BULLET = 0x4B139B2D,1259576109, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_BUZZARD = 0x46B89C8E,1186503822, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_HUNTER = 0x9F1A91DE,2669318622, VEHICLE_WEAPON_ENEMY_LASER = 0x5D6660AB,1566990507, VEHICLE_WEAPON_SEARCHLIGHT = 0xCDAC517D,3450622333, VEHICLE_WEAPON_RADAR = 0xD276317E,3530961278, VEHICLE_WEAPON_WATER_CANNON = 0x67D18297,1741783703, ----------------DLC Vehicle Weapons----------------, VEHICLE_WEAPON_TURRET_INSURGENT = 0x44DB5498,1155224728, VEHICLE_WEAPON_TURRET_TECHNICAL = 0x7FD2EA0B,2144528907, VEHICLE_WEAPON_NOSE_TURRET_VALKYRIE = 0x4170E491,1097917585, VEHICLE_WEAPON_PLAYER_SAVAGE = 0x61A31349,1638077257, VEHICLE_WEAPON_TURRET_LIMO = 0x2B796481,729375873, VEHICLE_WEAPON_CANNON_BLAZER = 0xEBF9FF3E,3959029566, VEHICLE_WEAPON_TURRET_BOXVILLE = 0xB54F4918,3041872152, VEHICLE_WEAPON_RUINER_BULLET = 0x02FCC0F9,50118905, ----------------Explosions----------------, PICKUP_WEAPON_BULLPUPSHOTGUN = 0x6E4E65C2,1850631618, PICKUP_WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG = 0x741C684A,1948018762, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG = 0x68605A36,1751145014, PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL50 = 0x6C5B941A,1817941018, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_PISTOL50 = 0xD3A39366,3550712678, PICKUP_AMMO_BULLET_MP = 0x550447A9,1426343849, PICKUP_AMMO_MISSILE_MP = 0xF99E15D0,4187887056, PICKUP_AMMO_GRENADELAUNCHER_MP = 0xA421A532,2753668402, PICKUP_WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE = 0xF33C83B0,4080829360, PICKUP_WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE = 0xDF711959,3748731225, PICKUP_WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE = 0xB2B5325E,2998219358, PICKUP_WEAPON_COMBATMG = 0xB2930A14,2995980820, PICKUP_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE = 0xFE2A352C,4264178988, PICKUP_WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER = 0x693583AD,1765114797, PICKUP_WEAPON_MICROSMG = 0x1D9588D3,496339155, PICKUP_ARMOUR_STANDARD = 0x4BFB42D1,1274757841, PICKUP_WEAPON_RPG = 0x4D36C349,1295434569, PICKUP_WEAPON_MINIGUN = 0x2F36B434,792114228, PICKUP_HEALTH_STANDARD = 0x8F707C18,2406513688, PICKUP_WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN = 0xA9355DCD,2838846925, PICKUP_WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN = 0x96B412A3,2528383651, PICKUP_WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN = 0x9299C95B,2459552091, PICKUP_WEAPON_GRENADE = 0x5E0683A1,1577485217, PICKUP_WEAPON_MOLOTOV = 0x2DD30479,768803961, PICKUP_WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE = 0x1CD604C7,483787975, PICKUP_WEAPON_STICKYBOMB = 0x7C119D58,2081529176, PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL = 0xF9AFB48F,4189041807, PICKUP_WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL = 0x8967B4F3,2305275123, PICKUP_WEAPON_APPISTOL = 0x3B662889,996550793, PICKUP_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER = 0x2E764125,779501861, PICKUP_MONEY_VARIABLE = 0xFE18F3AF,4263048111, PICKUP_WEAPON_STUNGUN = 0xFD16169E,4246083230, PICKUP_WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER = 0xCB13D282,3407073922, PICKUP_WEAPON_PETROLCAN = 0xC69DE3FF,3332236287, PICKUP_WEAPON_KNIFE = 0x278D8734,663586612, PICKUP_WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK = 0x5EA16D74,1587637620, PICKUP_WEAPON_HAMMER = 0x295691A9,693539241, PICKUP_WEAPON_BAT = 0x81EE601E,2179883038, PICKUP_WEAPON_GolfClub = 0x88EAACA7,2297080999, PICKUP_WEAPON_CROWBAR = 0x872DC888,2267924616, PICKUP_HANDCUFF_KEY = 0x094AA1CF,155886031, PICKUP_CUSTOM_SCRIPT = 0x2C014CA6,738282662, PICKUP_PORTABLE_PACKAGE = 0x80AB931C,2158727964, PICKUP_PORTABLE_CRATE_UNFIXED = 0x6E717A95,1852930709, PICKUP_PORTABLE_CRATE_UNFIXED_INCAR = 0x4B5259BE,1263688126, PICKUP_MONEY_CASE = 0xCE6FDD6B,3463437675, PICKUP_MONEY_WALLET = 0x5DE0AD3E,1575005502, PICKUP_MONEY_PURSE = 0x1E9A99F8,513448440, PICKUP_MONEY_DEP_BAG = 0x20893292,545862290, PICKUP_MONEY_MED_BAG = 0x14568F28,341217064, PICKUP_MONEY_PAPER_BAG = 0x711D02A4,1897726628, PICKUP_MONEY_SECURITY_CASE = 0xDE78F17E,3732468094, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL = 0xD0AACEF7,3500855031, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_APPISTOL = 0xCC8B3905,3431676165, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_PISTOL = 0xA54AE7B7,2773149623, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_GRENADE = 0xA717F898,2803366040, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_MOLOTOV = 0x84D676D4,2228647636, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE = 0x65A7D8E9,1705498857, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_STICKYBOMB = 0x2C804FE3,746606563, PICKUP_VEHICLE_HEALTH_STANDARD = 0x098D79EF,160266735, PICKUP_VEHICLE_ARMOUR_STANDARD = 0x4316CC09,1125567497, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_MICROSMG = 0xB86AEE5B,3094015579, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SMG = 0xCC7CCD1B,3430731035, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SAWNOFF = 0x2E071B5A,772217690, PICKUP_VEHICLE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT = 0xA5B8CAA9,2780351145, PICKUP_VEHICLE_MONEY_VARIABLE = 0x65948212,1704231442, PICKUP_HEALTH_SNACK = 0x1CD2CF66,483577702, PICKUP_AMMO_PISTOL = 0x20796A82,544828034, PICKUP_AMMO_RIFLE = 0xE4BD2FC6,3837603782, PICKUP_AMMO_SHOTGUN = 0x77F3F2DD,2012476125, PICKUP_AMMO_SNIPER = 0xC02CF125,3224170789, PICKUP_AMMO_GRENADELAUNCHER = 0x881AB0A8,2283450536, PICKUP_AMMO_MINIGUN = 0xF25A01B9,4065984953, PICKUP_WEAPON_BULLPUPRIFLE = 0x815D66E8,2170382056, PICKUP_WEAPON_BOTTLE = 0xFA51ABF5,4199656437, PICKUP_WEAPON_SNSPISTOL = 0xC5B72713,3317114643, PICKUP_WEAPON_GUSENBERG = 0x5307A4EC,1393009900, PICKUP_WEAPON_HEAVYPISTOL = 0x9CF13918,2633054488, PICKUP_WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE = 0x0968339D,157823901, PICKUP_WEAPON_DAGGER = 0xBFEE6C3B,3220073531, PICKUP_WEAPON_VINTAGEPISTOL = 0xEBF89D5F,3958938975, PICKUP_WEAPON_FIREWORK = 0x22B15640,582047296, PICKUP_WEAPON_MUSKET = 0x763F7121,1983869217, PICKUP_AMMO_FIREWORK = 0xF92F486C,4180625516, PICKUP_AMMO_FIREWORK_MP = 0x602941D0,1613316560, PICKUP_PORTABLE_DLC_VEHICLE_PACKAGE = 0x31EA45C9,837436873, PICKUP_WEAPON_HEAVYSHOTGUN = 0xBED46EC5,3201593029, PICKUP_WEAPON_MARKSMANRIFLE = 0x079284A9,127042729, PICKUP_GANG_ATTACK_MONEY = 0xE175C698,3782592152, PICKUP_WEAPON_PROXMINE = 0x624F7213,1649373715, PICKUP_WEAPON_HOMINGLAUNCHER = 0xC01EB678,3223238264, PICKUP_AMMO_HOMINGLAUNCHER = 0x5C517D97,1548844439, PICKUP_WEAPON_FLAREGUN = 0xBD4DE242,3175998018, PICKUP_AMMO_FLAREGUN = 0xE013E01C,3759398940, PICKUP_WEAPON_COMBATPDW = 0x789576E2,2023061218, PICKUP_WEAPON_KNUCKLE = 0xFD9CAEDE,4254904030, PICKUP_WEAPON_MARKSMANPISTOL = 0x8ADDEC75,2329799797, JSON | We will only notify you about major updates. Please do not hesitate to share the experience. JOAAT Converter. Weapon Groups (Incomplete list) melee: 2685387236; Handguns: 416676503; Submachine Gun: 3337201093; Shotgun . because all the kids using dns servers will be running around with god mode and stun guns, it will only be matter of time before their cars start flying, i get what you mean but it is fun for the one with the stungun but ist not so funny for the other player becouse he can't go up, Yeah, I agreed as soon as you said kids and DNS. Yes this is what i used to search AmmoTypes, then I converted that number from decimal(10) to Hexa(16) ! https://forums.gta5-mods.com/topic/11337/reference-weapons-meta-flags-and-hashes, Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. @lulzmodder Where i suppose to use this EXE, anywhere? As a result, your viewing experience will be diminished, and you have been placed in read-only mode. Objects. This page was last edited on 16 December 2020, at 10:03. [Reference] Weapons.meta Flags and Hashes. Your browser does not seem to support JavaScript. Hash list of All Objects, vehicles, skins, weapons, in GTA5, GTAV, GTA-5, GTA 5,HEX with pictures and more information. The website takes a lot of work and time, so thats why we have to rely on ads. Object Hash: 388542025: Object Hash (uInt32): Extended clip - 0x64F9C62B: Heavy Pistol. Page 54 - Grand Theft Auto V Scripting - Grand Theft Auto V Hacks and Cheats Forum [Coding] Grand Theft Auto V Scripting - Page 54 We strive to provide all our services for free and not interrupt your visit with intrusive advertisements or restrictions - support us by disabling your ad blocker or whitelisting our site. sub_6663a(&l_115B, WEAPON::GET_WEAPONTYPE_MODEL(${ammo_rpg})); All categories Handguns Heavy Weapons Machine Guns Melee Sniper Rifles Assault Rifles Shotguns Thrown Weapons. All Rights Reserved. Special finish - 0xD89B9658: Carbine Rifle. 33 min ago Do you think there is any way to use these in the following code from the tunables.json? This commment is unpublished, pending moderation. This simple tool reduces your work to some extent. can we have a source code on pastpini dont which function to transfer from vehicle hash to vehicle name string. Just felt like sharing, have fun. Copyright 2023 GTABase.com. GTANet.com 2001-2023. . | 13.43 KB, JSON | Weapon Ammo Type (won't exist if the weapon doesn't have an ammo type) Weapon Components. @FiveM Ready if its not working then there's another hash tool to download in this site. Code Weapon and Explosion Hashes list ap ii intense Dec 26, 2013 242,866 gta 5 cheats gta 5 mods gta mods 1 2 3 6 Next Dec 26, 2013 #1 ap ii intense Crescent Fresh Messages 647 Reaction score 540 Points 875 Here are all the weapon and explosion hashes in the game. Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repositorys web address. @FoxtrotDelta Still collecting more, there's hundreds of vehicle weapon stuff. Scope - 0x9D2FBF29: Micro SMG, Assault SMG, Assault Rifle. Extended clip - 0xCCFD2AC5: Marksman Rifle. GXT Resolver. Most complete GTA 5 Objects list & data browser. That's a good UI! Jump to navigation Jump to search. The complete Grand Theft Auto V & GTA Online Weapons Database, including all Guns, Rifles, Explosives and every weapon available in the game. Here is what I've found : * 0xBC7AF403 = MK2 Pistol *standard AmmoType* (Only Revolver MK2) * 0xDBACD794 = MK2 Shotgun *standard AmmoType* * 0x2D31ADD9 = MK2 SMG *standard AmmoType* * 0xD05319F = MK2 Assault *standard AmmoType*. PICKUP_WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE = -1296747938, PICKUP_WEAPON_SAWNOFFSHOTGUN = -1766583645, PICKUP_WEAPON_ASSAULTSHOTGUN = -1835415205, PICKUP_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER = 779501861, PICKUP_WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER = -887893374, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_PISTOL = -1521817673, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL = -794112265, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_APPISTOL = -863291131, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_MICROSMG = -1200951717, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SAWNOFF = 772217690, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_GRENADE = -1491601256, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_MOLOTOV = -2066319660, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE = 1705498857, PICKUP_VEHICLE_WEAPON_STICKYBOMB = 746606563, PICKUP_VEHICLE_HEALTH_STANDARD = 160266735, PICKUP_VEHICLE_ARMOUR_STANDARD = 1125567497, PICKUP_PORTABLE_CRATE_UNFIXED = 1852930709, PICKUP_VEHICLE_CUSTOM_SCRIPT = -1514616151, Native Functions Database (Alexander Blade), https://gtamods.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Pickup_Hashes&oldid=14161. Clone via HTTPS Clone with Git or checkout with SVN using the repository's web address. please help me! GET_PED_AMMO_TYPE_FROM_WEAPON(Ped ped, Hash weaponHash) ? Vehicles, Weapon,Arena War Props 1.46 Hash list. Most complete GTA 5 Objects list & data browser. Powered by Invision Community. Contents. NoScript). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Contacts . Advanced scope - 0xBC54DA77: Sniper Rifle, Heavy Sniper, Extended clip - 0x249A17D5: AP Pistol, GTANet.com 2001-2023. GTA-OBJECTS.XYZ Objects Vehicles Weapons . JavaScript is disabled. Anyway thanks for answering, I found an use for this. As a result, your viewing experience will be diminished, and you have been placed in read-only mode. Objects . Hash list of All Objects, skins, weapons, animations, in GTA5, GTAV, GTA-5, GTA 5, RolePlay, RP Nick, RP nickname, HEX with pictures Because any name i put in name box with clicking generate hash results in "invalid input" in hash box, i cant get it to convert. @lulzmodder is it able to show the addon weapon hash? Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: HashTool 1.3 Version 1.3: Modern UI update and additional hashes, which includes explosion hashes and vehicle weapon hashes (Example: spotlight, rotors etc.) This topic has been deleted. Extended clip - 0x971CF6FD: Heavy Shotgun. 5 min ago List of static models hashes B. I hope it will help someone J. JohnFromGWN. Grip - 0xC164F53: Combat PDW, Assault Rifle, Carbine Rifle, Special Carbine, Bullpup Rifle, Combat MG, Assault Shotgun, Bullpup Shotgun, Heavy Shotgun, Marksman Rifle, Grenade Launcher, Smoke Grenade Launcher. https://wiki.rage.mp/index.php?title=Weapons. https://gist.github.com/root-cause/faf41f59f7a6d818b7db0b839bd147c1. Add-on vehicle weapon hash. its not working with doors. Special finish - 0x4032B5E7: Sniper Rifle. collected from grand theft auto v\common.rpf\data\ai.. weapon names weapon_unarmed weapon_animal weapon_cougar weapon_knife weapon_nightstick weapon_hammer weapon_bat weapon_golfclub weapon_crowbar weapon_pistol weapon_combatpistol weapon_appistol weapon_pistol50 weapon_microsmg weapon_smg weapon_assaultsmg weapon_assaultrifle weapon_carbinerifle . You are using an out of date browser. GTAV Hashes Objects Show All Objects construction bush rooftop bar other Walls And Fences potted utility procedural bins cacti To vehicle name string which function to transfer from vehicle Hash to vehicle string! Another Hash tool to download in this site Pistol, GTANet.com 2001-2023 website takes a lot work. Clip - 0x249A17D5: AP Pistol, GTANet.com 2001-2023: Sniper Rifle, Heavy Sniper, Extended -... Static models hashes B. I hope it will help someone J. JohnFromGWN C and. Use this EXE, anywhere rely on ads 2685387236 ; Handguns: 416676503 ; Submachine:! Rooftop bar other Walls and Fences potted utility procedural bins it will help someone J. JohnFromGWN following from... Rifle, Heavy Sniper, Extended clip - 0x249A17D5: AP Pistol, GTANet.com 2001-2023 a source code pastpini... Found an use for this have a source code on pastpini dont which to! Pastpini dont which function to transfer from vehicle Hash to vehicle name string the following code from tunables.json... 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