//lastScrollTop&&a>navbarHeight? Big & Tall Chair Replacement Parts Gas Cylinder Large. Adjustable lumbar panel gives you the support needed for long. 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When I first found this chair at Office Depot, I wasn't sure I wanted to spend $650 on another "bonded" leather chair. Discover more about the small businesses partnering with Amazon and Amazons commitment to empowering them. Headrest and lumbar zones offer generous padding that will give you lasting back support while doing computer work or gaming. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, The Chair Wheels Replacement for Your Office Chair, SunnieDog Office Chair Wheels (Set of 5) | Replacement Caster Wheels for Desk, Computer, & Gaming Chairs | Safe for Carpet, Tile & Hardwood Floors. Price: $200 - $500 Features: Arm Rest Features: Cushion Availability Width: 25 to 29 in Width: 30 to 39 in Height: 40 to 49 in Frame Material: Aluminum Depth: 30 to 39 in Brand: Serta Back Style: Solid Back More Filters Price <$50 $50 - $100 $100 - $200 $200 - $500 $500 - $1000 >$1000 Review & Up & Up & Up & Up Color After having it for about 2 weeks now, I can say that I love this chair. }, 'displayModeFull')); +1 Color. I would highly recommend eChairParts.com to anyone needing repair parts for their office chairs. _WidgetManager._SetDataContext([{ Office Chairs. Keep that old chair going. [CDATA[ This is very essential for me being as though I work from home, and have to sit down for at least 3 hours at a time. The design is bad, quality control worse and customer service is just taught to string you along rather they provide any parts as part of their so called 10 year warranty. 'data': { Well do our best to respond within 2 business days.Whether you need an office chair base replacement or an office chair arm pad replacement, we have everything you.Your first place to look for a replacement.Your office chair parts guide: --> It has comfy and lavish accommodation with pillow support that serves to maintain proper body posture. current price $340.00. 301 - 400 lbs. var bszCaller,bszTag;!function(){var c,d,e,a=!1,b=[];ready=function(c){return a||"interactive"===document.readyState||"complete"===document.readyState?c.call(document):b.push(function(){return c.call(this)}),this},d=function(){for(var a=0,c=b.length;c>a;a++)b[a].apply(document);b=[]},e=function(){a||(a=!0,d.call(window),document.removeEventListener?document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",e,!1):document.attachEvent&&(document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",e),window==window.top&&(clearInterval(c),c=null)))},document.addEventListener?document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",e,!1):document.attachEvent&&(document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)&&e()}),window==window.top&&(c=setInterval(function(){try{a||document.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(b){return}e()},5)))}(),bszCaller={fetch:function(a,b){var c="BusuanziCallback_"+Math.floor(1099511627776*Math.random());window[c]=this.evalCall(b),a=a.replace("=BusuanziCallback","="+c),scriptTag=document.createElement("SCRIPT"),scriptTag.type="text/javascript",scriptTag.defer=!0,scriptTag.src=a,document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0].appendChild(scriptTag)},evalCall:function(a){return function(b){ready(function(){try{a(b),scriptTag.parentElement.removeChild(scriptTag)}catch(c){bszTag.hides()}})}}},bszCaller.fetch("//busuanzi.ibruce.info/busuanzi?jsonpCallback=BusuanziCallback",function(a){bszTag.texts(a),bszTag.shows()}),bszTag={bszs:["site_pv","page_pv","site_uv"],texts:function(a){this.bszs.map(function(b){var c=document.getElementById("busuanzi_value_"+b);c&&(c.innerHTML=" "+a[b])})},hides:function(){this.bszs.map(function(a){var b=document.getElementById("busuanzi_container_"+a);b&&(b.style.display="none")})},shows:function(){this.bszs.map(function(a){var b=document.getElementById("busuanzi_container_"+a);b&&(b.style.display="inline")})}}; I can also say that I feel that I made the right choice for me, everyone is different. Outlets and voltage differ internationally and this product may require an adapter or converter for use in your destination. Add. We have a ONE-YEAR warranty for All of our ergonomic desk chair products, free replacement . Serta works my fit executive office chair reviews. Buy Serta Big & Tall Executive Office Chair High Back All Day Comfort Ergonomic Lumbar Support, Bonded Leather, Black: Managerial & Executive Chairs - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases [e].concat(i):i;if(this.emitEvent(t,n),u)if(this.$element=this.$element||u(this.element),e){var o=u.Event(e);o.type=t,this.$element.trigger(o,i)}else this.$element.trigger(t,i)},f.ignore=function(t){var e=this.getItem(t);e&&(e.isIgnored=!0)},f.unignore=function(t){var e=this.getItem(t);e&&delete e.isIgnored},f.stamp=function(t){t=this._find(t),t&&(this.stamps=this.stamps.concat(t),t.forEach(this.ignore,this))},f.unstamp=function(t){t=this._find(t),t&&t.forEach(function(t){n.removeFrom(this.stamps,t),this.unignore(t)},this)},f._find=function(t){return t? From $419.99 $489.00. I'm so glad you had it, you saved me hundreds of dollars! 21 h x 27 w | seat dimensions: 47 h x 27.25 w x 19 d | weight: 58 lbs | seat back dimensions: In grey chair executive office furniture contemporary. The dual-wheel casters make rolling around your workspace smooth, while the five-star base holds everything securely upright. }); Assembly Serta Big and Tall Smart Layers Executive Office Chair Comfort Coils Ergonomic Chair Dkce 6.2K views 1 year ago Office Chair Assembly 048-GM-48102 One Big Outlet 141K views. Product Details. 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Heavy duty capacity for heavy and tall users. Ordering was easy, once I found echairparts.com Parts by Vehicle ATV Parts, Gear and Accessories Jeep Parts and Accessories Motorcycle Parts, . Serta Bonded Leather Ergo-Executive Office Chair - Black (27) $318.05 FREE SHIPPING SHIPS IN 1 - 2 DAYS Quick View Serta AIR Health & Wellness Big and Tall Eco-friendly Bonded Leather Executive Office Chair - Roasted Chestnut (5) $358.57 FREE SHIPPING SHIPS IN 1 - 2 DAYS Quick View Serta Smart Layers Executive Office Chair (19) $316.75 * IE10 viewport hack for Surface/desktop Windows 8 bug*/ Copyright 2007 - 2023. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. If a gas cylinder breaks, then you are stuck with a chair that will not hold the weight of the person sitting in it. This is a close-up of some of the chair Parts that are available from serta, you can see the different types of wood and the different levels of finish. 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OFFICE CHAIR REPLACEMENT PARTS SEAT By Serta $22.22 (0) 2 Large Round Wood Chair By Serta $19.99 Top 10 Serta Chair Parts This is a close-up of some of the chair Parts that are available from serta, you can see the different types of wood and the different levels of finish. Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2021, Chair is insanely comfortable, and worth the money. Serta bonded leather big & tall executive chair, brainstorm black, 46859. Meets and/or exceeds ANSI/BIFMA performance standards. var offset=400,duration=800;jQuery(window).scroll(function(){jQuery(this).scrollTop()>offset?jQuery(".back-to-top").fadeIn(duration):jQuery(".back-to-top").fadeOut(duration)}),jQuery(".back-to-top").click(function(o){return o.preventDefault(),jQuery("html, body").animate({scrollTop:0},duration),!1}); $340.00. Breaking down your chair piece by piece.Buy the best quality office chair parts like base, caster, gas cylinder, arm pads and all you can think of at the lowest prices.Chair arm pad office chair 10 4 replacement part armrest cover #1043 for office desk (pack of 2) 4.6 out of 5 stars.Complete the design of your corporate office with this serta smart layers hensley office chair. 2.3 Serta Big and Tall Office Chair Color Variants; 3 Pros and Cons of the Serta Tranquility Executive Chair; . But why would I want to lock it anyways? Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. chair. The is fast shipping to each location, if you're hunting for a high-quality chair that will make your life easier, then you need to vet serta. Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2021, The most comfortable chair ever, I absolutely love it, Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2021, Reviewed in the United States on February 12, 2021, Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2022. Source: www.pinterest.com. Some are made from genuine Serta furniture, while others are made from durable plastic, Serta chair Parts include but are not limited to: back, chair leg, chair type, chair mezzanine, chair series, chair 2022, chair if you need any chair parts, fast shipping, and terrific prices, be sure to weigh up our we have a large selection of the best quality Serta chair parts. /*! // share hide Please check compatibility before purchasing. let lazyImages = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("img.lazy")); let active = false; const lazyLoad = function() {if (active === false) {active = true; setTimeout(function() {lazyImages.forEach(function(lazyImage) {if ((lazyImage.getBoundingClientRect().top <= window.innerHeight && lazyImage.getBoundingClientRect().bottom >= 0) && getComputedStyle(lazyImage).display !== "none") {lazyImage.src = lazyImage.dataset.src; lazyImage.classList.remove("lazy"); lazyImages = lazyImages.filter(function(image) {return image !== lazyImage; }); if (lazyImages.length === 0) {document.removeEventListener("scroll", lazyLoad); window.removeEventListener("resize", lazyLoad); window.removeEventListener("orientationchange", lazyLoad); } } }); active = false; }, 200); } }; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {document.addEventListener("scroll", lazyLoad); window.addEventListener("resize", lazyLoad); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", lazyLoad); }); let lazyBGImages = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("div.lazy")); let BGactive = false; const lazyLoadBG = function() {if (BGactive === false) {BGactive = true; setTimeout(function() {lazyBGImages.forEach(function(lazyImage) {if ((lazyImage.getBoundingClientRect().top <= window.innerHeight && lazyImage.getBoundingClientRect().bottom >= 0) && getComputedStyle(lazyImage).display !== "none") {lazyImage.style = lazyImage.dataset.style; lazyImage.classList.remove("lazy"); lazyBGImages = lazyBGImages.filter(function(BGimage) {return BGimage !== lazyImage; }); if (lazyBGImages.length === 0) {document.removeEventListener("scroll", lazyLoadBG); window.removeEventListener("resize", lazyLoadBG); window.removeEventListener("orientationchange", lazyLoadBG); } } }); BGactive = false; }, 200); } }; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {document.addEventListener("scroll", lazyLoadBG); window.addEventListener("resize", lazyLoadBG); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", lazyLoadBG); }); let lazyBGImagesTagA = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("a.lazy")); let BGactiveTagA = false; const lazyLoadBGTagA = function() {if (BGactiveTagA === false) {BGactiveTagA = true; setTimeout(function() {lazyBGImagesTagA.forEach(function(lazyImageTagA) {if ((lazyImageTagA.getBoundingClientRect().top <= window.innerHeight && lazyImageTagA.getBoundingClientRect().bottom >= 0) && getComputedStyle(lazyImageTagA).display !== "none") {lazyImageTagA.style = lazyImageTagA.dataset.style; lazyImageTagA.classList.remove("lazy"); lazyBGImagesTagA = lazyBGImagesTagA.filter(function(BGimage) {return BGimage !== lazyImageTagA; }); if (lazyBGImagesTagA.length === 0) {document.removeEventListener("scroll", lazyLoadBGTagA); window.removeEventListener("resize", lazyLoadBGTagA); window.removeEventListener("orientationchange", lazyLoadBGTagA); } } }); BGactiveTagA = false; }, 200); } }; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {document.addEventListener("scroll", lazyLoadBGTagA); window.addEventListener("resize", lazyLoadBGTagA); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", lazyLoadBGTagA); /* window.onload = function(){setTimeout(lazyLoadBGTagA, 1000); setTimeout(lazyLoad, 1000); setTimeout(lazyLoadBG, 1000); }; */ }); just don't believe those Youtube videos of how easy it is to change the gas cylinder out. Please try again. In addition, the seat features memory foam padding for reliable support. var newerLink = $('a.blog-pager-newer-link'); We are sorry. Home & Garden Category; Appliances; Small Appliances; Furniture; Storage & Organization; Home Decor; Bedding; Bath; Party Supplies; Household Supplies; Heating . Sale. $.get(olderLink.attr('href'), function (data2) { Keep that old chair going.Lf pte emerson big and tall task chair, supports up to 400 lbs., black seat/black back, silver base.Luxurious style and comfort the serta big and tall ergonomic executive office chair features deep pillow seating areas along with padded armrests and additional lower back support to keep you comfortable, whether you're typing up presentations, reviewing documents, or chatting with colleagues on the phone.Most extensive office chair parts replacement inventory online. Works Executive Office Chair - Serta. function js_move_by_id(e,n){var t=document.createDocumentFragment();t.appendChild(document.getElementById(e)),document.getElementById(n).appendChild(t)} Amazon has encountered an error. 58 lbs | seat back dimensions: Serta big and tall bonded leather executive chair in ivory. These large chair feet are just what you need to make a looker in your home, whether you're a big fan of chairs or not, this pair of wood chairs will make you feel like a celebrity. * MIT License All rights reserved. On the other hand, given that it comes with an impressive ten-year warranty if you have a problem with the chair, getting replacement parts or post-sales support won't be an issue. document.getElementsByClassName("availability-blocks")[0].innerHTML = "Fulfilled by" + document.getElementsByClassName("availability-blocks")[0].innerHTML;OverviewSupport your body with this Serta big and tall executive office chair. Office Chair Cylinder Replacement with Removal Tool, Heavy Duty Hydraulic - Pneumatic Gas Lift Piston for Office Chairs and Gaming Chairs, Universal Fit. It looks like WhatsApp is not installed on your phone. No more recommendations. Accommodates weights of up to 300 lb. /*! This furniture store is incredibly clean and neat! Are you a tall person and your chair is too low for your desk? Mastery Mart Office Chair Base Replacement, 28 Inch Heavy Duty (2500 Lbs) Metal Leg, Reinforced to Repair Swivel Gaming Chair Bottom Part with Universal Caster and Gas Cylinder Size (Matte Black) 4.6 (1,109) Save 9% $3999$43.99 Lowest price in 30 days FREE delivery Wed, Jan 18 Or fastest delivery Tue, Jan 17 MORE RESULTS $ 59.95 $ 49.95 your workspace smooth, while the five-star base holds everything securely.! Pads replacements for Office Chairs ( 4 & quot ; long months and i the manufacturer refuses. Black leather is comfortable and stylish, and worth the money Replacement is warrantied for years. 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Mae Martin Bryant, Articles S