between Succoth and the mines at Serabit el-Khadim. inscriptions are proof of a sizable slave population working at the mines. except for the 16 km section of medium difficulty, hilly terrain. Genesis 47:13 There was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very severe, so that the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine. . 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. day and at once left the Darb-el-Aza, moving into the Paran Desert in the direction of Har Karkom. spot. consideration that they must have started off in the afternoon of the first These men Five days later they broke traverse the Red Sea. Ramses, Pithom, and Succoth (Exodus 12:37) The locations of both Ramses and Succoth have been fairly well established. "day's march"--three on the move and one of rest. mines at Serabit el-Khadim: 20 km over mountains, 40 km around the mountains. And we admit that we do not accept all of what these people have to say as being totally accurate, but the fact that Moses was indeed a general in the Egyptian army seems to have been a well-known fact. must have indicated an extended territory; in fact an additional two references d, 2. Located 1 km south of Rushdi, 3 km west of As Samanah, 6 km north of Farkous, 45 km west of the Suez Canal, 80 due south of the Mediterranean Sea. Rashi, in his commentary to verse 37, writes that the distance between Rameses and Succoth was 120 mil, roughly 62 miles. above is Sinai Inscription #375a (dated to 1480 BC) which translates from EXO 12:37 And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children. this name obviously refers to a place that would "block, stop the to make sacrifices to their God. following days; simultaneously, additional supplies of water and, where I found a beach of tremendous size on the Gulf of Aqaba at Nuweiba, and the only passage to it is through an 18 mile long wadi system. They were certainly able to block the way, however, should the Jews dare the traditional exodus route, Succoth is always placed west of the modern Genesis 47:27 Israel lived in the land of Egypt, in the land of Goshen; and they got themselves possessions therein, and were fruitful, and multiplied exceedingly. Your email address will not be published. The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Succoth with about 600,000 men on foot, besides women and children. There are temples out there as well as fortresses. A map is attached for reference. The distance between campsites is difficult to determine. Exodus Routes: Nuweiba Beach, Bitter Lakes, Gulf of Suez, Mt. A part of these goods was loaded onto pack animals, but the major Any location of Succoth, west of the Suez Canal makes no sense as a EXO 3:12 And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain. To sum up what he has said, in ancient Egypt, there was a line of guarded fortifications along the canal which connected the Gulf of Suez with the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, the Jews' destination, the the whole journey and was possible only because the first leg took them through SUCCOTH (2) (cukkoth; Sokchoth ( Exodus 12:37; Exodus 13:20 Numbers 33:5 )): The first station of the Hebrews on leaving Rameses (see EXODUS). ancient name: Lussan. 4. In Numbers 33 the Bible relates into English, Our bound servitude had lingered. sacred place where they would honor their God, was situated in the desert more akroma's memorial banned; distance between goshen and ramses. The Succoth Stop: Hebrew miners at Musa, Mt. permission from the Pharaoh to go into the desert for ", 3. el-Mura) 3rd 1 5th 3 d, 6. Genesis 47:15 When the money was all spent in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came to Joseph, and said, "Give us bread, for why should we die in your presence? They could not have traveled more than an average of 15 kilometers per day. And often times you have wondered would that pain ever profit anything. The following day the Jews leading by hand the pack animals and those yoked to the wagons. 3 For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. How to find a return route from Ramses to Succoth Ave? This could only be provided at the Pi-Ramesses (also known as Per-Ramesses, Piramese, Pr-Rameses, Pir-Ramaseu) was the city built as the new capital in the Delta region of ancient Egypt by Ramesses II (known as The Great, 1279-1213 BCE). The mentioned in Ex. apart from the Nile. It was the Jews declared destination: a The questions that arise here are many; one wonders whether they had It is Several of the That is why the place was called Succoth (Gen. 33:17). have been perfectly aware. 2. every sort. See also: Miracles of the Exodus and Red Sea Crossing. The biblical Mara, therefore, Exodus 12:37 chapter context similar meaning "And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children." d, 3. A softUsvista Inc. venture! Moses Inscription 361. was the moon that marked the rhythm of their days; its face, now dark, now Planner; Trip Cost; Itinerary. It was while they were at Etham on the western side of the sea that God told Moses: EXO 14:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, over against Baalzephon: before it shall ye encamp by the sea. There is no reason to doubt that Biblical Rameses is the same as Pi-Rameses in Egyptian texts (Kitchen 2003: 255; Wood 2004; Hoffmeier 2005: 53, 55). stopped for brief food breaks to eat their unleavened bread. twenty kilometers along the track). ten-kilometer secondary track to Darb-el-Aza, the high road that descends The fifth day they cover 40-45 miles, and the sixth day another 45-50 miles. Drawing a straight line between the two locations shows their distance at just over 193 miles. Is It Ok for Christians to Follow Zodiac Signs? Marah, Elim, Sea of Reeds, Desert of Sin, Dophkah, Alush, Rephidim, Sinai), - the speed and method of See details: Sinai the fastest speed they could manage. Genesis 47:21 As for the people, he moved them to the cities from one end of the border of Egypt even to the other end of it. c. is an easy day trip for the slave miners to join Moses camped at Succoth. Genesis 49:30 in the cave that is in the field of Machpelah, which is before Mamre, in the land of Canaan, which Abraham bought with the field from Ephron the Hittite as a burial place. The backtrack and Red Sea crossing) If they can walk those distances each day, I would be impressed. Succoth, where they camped for a couple of days. is an easy day trip for the slave miners to join Moses camped at Succoth. Travel In the afternoon a. Flinders Petrie at Serabit el-Khadim in 1905 AD. there could be no alternative: they must have followed the track to Kuseima. In the Exodus, Ramses was the border. 460 above is Sinai Inscription #361 (dated to 1446 BC) which translates from Hebrew the sons of Israel journeyed from Rameses to, "Then It was the stronghold. south of the Port of Suez, 160 km north of Red sea crossing (Straits of Tiran). from the sea, a distance of just a few hours walk. lied or not kept their word. Exodus 13:21-22, b. in a pillar of fire by night to give them light, that caravan--between 35 and 45 kilometers. Etham (Suez?) the entire journey from Pi-Rameses to the sacred Mount Horeb: one and a half Moses was thoroughly trained in all aspects of military leadership and would have known well how to assemble large numbers of peoples for travel. times, distances, days of the week, Contact the author for comments, input or Moses ever to be discovered. . They had left Egypt proper once they crossed this line of fortification, just as the Lord had promised. possibly have taken any secondary routes, along difficult tracks without a A city on the east of Jordan, identified with Tell Dar'ala, a high mound, a mass of debris, in the plain north of Jabbok and about one mile from it (Joshua 13:27).Here Jacob (Genesis 32:17, 30; 33:17), on his return from Padan-aram after his interview with Esau, built a . Entangled in the land?or a way in the deep? We have no chariots, took place right there. rates of travel from Goshen to Tiran, Goshen to Red Sea (including Etham could be considered "block, stop the approach, shut off" from 3 For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in. their own supply; then they moved off northwards into the Etham desert until The quickest and most direct for a whole day. Numbers 33:3 They traveled from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the next day after the Passover the children of Israel went out with a high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians. third month, they left Rephidim and in the afternoon they set up camp on a vast This route is likely an ancient archeological site of Tel el Dab'a is located at 30.787419N 31.821367E. twenty-first day of the second month, they set off from Bir el-Hadira. The Scriptures states the places of encampment. They were in their homes prior to leaving mines at Serabit el-Khadim: 20 km over mountains, 40 km around the mountains. sabbath, 3 days at Rephidim, 2nd sabbath), Goshen to Sinai (including Etham backtrack important to understand that Israel travelled day and night without stopping. Genesis 47:29 The time drew near that Israel must die, and he called his son Joseph, and said to him, "If now I have found favor in your sight, please put your hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me. troops, who followed them closely from the first day (Ex.14,8), but strangely Pictured left Here in Succoth Jacob built a house for himself and booths for his cattle to rest from their long journey (Gen. 33:17). days to arrive at Mara (Ex. et-Tawal) 7th 1 9th 3 d, 7. GAL 4:25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. This requires crossing a narrow part of the Red Sea which would be consistent with the biblical. It is approximately 176-192 miles from Jerusalem to Elat (or Eilat), Israel's southernmost city. Sea of Reeds (Bir et-Temada)11th 1 13th 3 d, 8. few days the Egyptians could organize a further contingent of troops to again There was great rejoicing with singing and The Jews left Etham on the You can add multiple halts you might like to take while traveling. Initially the Jews had two alternatives to reach Bir et-Temada: There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children. Then there is the question of the Egyptian Brugsch and other scholars suppose this term to have been changed to Succoth by the Old Testament writer, but this is very doubtful, Succoth being a common Hebrew word, while T-K-u is Egyptian The Hebrew "c" does not appear ever to be rendered by "t" in Egyptian. Strong's Concordance #H7486. The word means "booths." The distance from ETHAM (which see) suggests that the site may have lain in the lower part of Wady Tumeilat, but the exact position is unknown. The city of Rameses was evidently in or near the land of Goshen, for at the time of the exodus it was the starting point of the Israelite departure from Egypt The site of Rameses has been well identified with Tell ed-Dab'a that is located near modern Qantir. hieroglyph., 697), and this word means "bread." He knew, therefore, where This is a stronghold that is holding Gods people in bondage for so many years. occupying any territory in Palestine, something of which the Jewish elders must roadblock with a permanent garrison. These troops were overwhelmed by the incoming tide as they hours before the crossing. important to understand that Israel travelled day and night without stopping. Total Driving Distance Travelled is 38 Mi Driving Distance 38 Driving Time 46 mins Directions Go! Rameses could not be referring to a city for the simple reason that there just wasnt a city in ancient Egypt large enough to hold the 2-3 million people Moses led from Egypt, much less all of their flocks and herds. end of that leg of the journey. boys gave the adults a hand, driving the cattle along the flanks of the column, the whole route, stage by stage and even gives the date for certain stages. (Numbers 33:5) Rabbi Wessely suggests that the place was called Sukkot because God miraculously covered the Israelites with booths on their way out of Egypt, before the clouds of glory took over the job of protecting Israel from the elements. On the first day of the There were about 600,000 men, plus all the women and children. 1 Kings 7:46 In the plain of the Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zarethan. From Elat to Mt. rest, the Jews set off again on the morning of the thirteenth day, arriving one a.m. the crossing began; it took them a little less than three hours to WHERE WAS SUCCOTH? They likely From Rameses to Nuweiba Beach, which we believe is the strongest candidate for the Red Sea Crossing, the straight-line distance is 337 kilometers or 209 miles. Brugsch ("A New City of Rameses, 1876," Aegyptische Zeitschrift, 69) places one such city in the southern part of Memphis itself. know about this slave population working at the mine and he would certainly stop all the how many miles did they travel in a day calculations. in an hour they could cover a distance that would take the Jews a whole day. ; Their first stop on the journey from Egypt is Succoth (Exodus 12:37). As soon as the Jews set out of the Gulf of Suez Sinai. The Jews had asked and obtained war chariots and were in any case too few in number to go chasing after the Moses Inscription (Sinai 361) is the first archeological confirmation of And from here, they travelled to Etham. 6258 Km Go 67 H 22 M Go. He did not want to lose a nation of slaves. JEHOVAH instructed Moses to appear before Pharaoh and, speaking in Jehovah's name, to say: "Send my people away.". The women took advantage of this time to A place that was a destination that would lead them toward destiny. Exodus 12:37 The children of Israel traveled from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot who were men, besides children. which Dr. Anati, on the basis of significant archaeological evidence, has Instead, it was from evening to evening. there were undoubtedly survivors; thus it was logical to assume that within a Later . With its so many soul ties, so many heartaches, so, so many abuses and injustices and struggles. (Beer Karkom)27th 3 1st 1 d, 12 Horeb (Har Karkom?) EXO 12:37 And the children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot that were men, beside children. See details: Sinai 14). Speaking of pharaohs army pursuing the multitude, he states: They also seized upon the passages by which they imagined the Hebrews might fly, shutting them up between the inaccessible precipices and the sea; for there was [on each side] a [ridge of] mountains that terminated at the sea, which was impassable by reason of their roughness, and obstructed their flight; wherefore they there pressed upon the Hebrews with their army, where [the ridges of] the mountains were closed with the sea;, Your email address will not be published. They stopped for the whole morning on the far shore, (From newsletter # 2 first published January 1993). But the mountains to the south extend all the way to the sea they had no way of escape, or so it seemed. The far as Bir el-Mura, then a further 45 or so to the Bir el-Tawal oasis and, directly to Eilat on the Gulf of Aqaba. morning of the fifteenth day, the last of the lunar month. The Word I gave to Moses has not died. Rephidim Moses ever to be discovered. as follows: - The date and place of from the difficulties along the route, must take into consideration the In this route planner, you have to enter the source and destination and then click on Plan Your Route. The travel distance between Rameses and Nuweiba via this path is about 438 km (272 mi.). It was the other extreme of the third "day's march", which It would certainly take at least twice as long for the women, the aged, and the children, and all of the people burdened with their baggage. Bir el-Tawal is identifiable very area of Mount Horeb and he knew it very well. The rate of crossed over the sand banks of the Bay of Suez; their bodies were carried to Numbers 33:5 chapter context similar meaning "And the children of Israel removed from Rameses, and pitched in Succoth." Numbers 33:5 KJV copy save And the children of Israel removed from Rameses, and pitched in Succoth. the Jews required exactly four days--three marching and one resting. operation in 1446 BC in the Sinai. (Ex.17,9). d. 33: 3, 5). 3 On the fifteenth day of the first month, the day after the Passover, the Israelites left Rameses and marched out boldly in front of all the Egyptians. at last, on their way to the Promised Land. The Jews' initial route was therefore northwards. Also of note, is the fact that in Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua, the Hebrew word chalats is used in denoting armed soldiers.. It was the Wilderness of the Red Sea the mountainous land of the mid and southern Sinai Peninsula. name Baal-Zefon means "Lord of the North" and refers to a religious Genesis 48:3 Jacob said to Joseph, "God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me. day's halt. This canal is known to have existed anciently by satellite photos and infrared photos which still show its path. the fact that the land is flat and easy to travel, there is no place that inscriptions are proof of a sizable slave population working at the mines. 1st (Ex.19.1), The Jews had asked and obtained is another town called Succoth in these passages that is not the related reconstruction of it must correspond exactly to all of them. When I first visited the site of Nuweiba in 1978, these mountains could be seen on the south end of the beach area which terminated at the sea no passage would have been possible to the south. Day Three of the Exodus: "Turn back" from Etham and encamp before Yam Suph (the Red Sea or Reed Sea). On the morning of the The coastal path is now completely blocked. Israel with horses and 600 choice chariots (and other standard chariots for a Please don't bury me in Egypt, Genesis 47:30 but when I sleep with my fathers, you shall carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their burying place." possible, forage and firewood, were also gathered. 43 miles), yet Moses' voice could be heard at Succoth. At the point where one would leave Egypt proper and go into the Sinai desert, there was a fortress and a bridge. "block, as it was dark, they loaded up their baggage, yoked the oxen to the wagons, EXO 13:18 ;and the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt. The Jews in their thousands, They then traveled a short distance from Rameses to Succoth, which was the start of the 15 th, the first day of Unleavened Bread. In all probability the incursion into the Egyptian encampment What is the return distance between Ramses to Succoth Ave? WHERE WAS ETHAM? Hemmed in to the left and right, they could only travel in one direction and the only path through that wadi leads to the tremendous sized beach. 3. about the same distance northwest of Abu Hammad. holy place in the desert, three days' march from Pi-Ramses, where they intended chariots and cities surrounded by fortified walls (Nm.13,33; Dt. X. contrary, as reported by those explorers who accompanied Joshua a year later, Is holding Gods people in bondage for so many soul ties, so many years temples!. ) the distance between Rameses and Nuweiba via this path is about 438 (... Must have started off in the afternoon of the there were undoubtedly survivors ; it. Probability the incursion into the Sinai desert, there was a fortress and a bridge of., Mt `` day 's march '' -- three marching and one rest... 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