Some snacks were such a hit that when production halted, an . The Baked Apple and Cinnamon flavored Newtons were just one of the multiple flavors that Nabisco brought to the market - and woah did we love them! (Clearly I find breakfast foods to be excellent snack fare.) more candy. However, when sales started to plummet in the early 2000s, Squeezits went off the market and were impossible to find. Do you recall your first taste of Planters Cheez Balls? However, BOTH were discontinued for reasons that I hope to one day know. ), I call it a HOAX. While an official reason for their quiet discontinuation in the early 2000s has never been confirmed, Interestingly, the way they manufactured this stuff wasprobably not what you expected. Almost everyone recalls their first bite of a delectable Dunkaroo, dipped in confetti-colored creme. Pepsi Blue was a pretty major fail. Had we (as a society) just not come to grips with our insatiable craving for bite-sized bagels yet? But everything changed when the product was pulled off the shelves in 2009. Perhaps for the better? After being discontinued in the early 2000s, the brand announced that it would be making a long-awaited returnbut things got really weird from there. Most likely get mint or tropical flavor now, but years back there were cinnamon Tic Tacs. It is an ongoing process to reach that goal. Growing up, there were some houses known as the snack house: the cabinet was stashed with all things Dunkaroos, Oreo Cakesters, Swoops, and more. However, after being on the shelves for over ten years, they suddenly vanished. For example, say I want to be a better writer, and I want to be better at writing books. So when Jif announced the perfect peanut butter bar as a healthy treat for kids, even the adults got excited by the news. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your POV Orbitz was discontinued for good in 1997the same year it was released. Realistically, I wouldn't have had it any other way. When people couldn't decide whether they wanted crunchy curly or stick straight, they combined the two into the iconic flat ironed bangs and scrunched hair look from the early 2000s. Realistically, I wouldnt have had it any other way. WHAT HAPPENED:The '90s were prettyyyy much synonymous with Clearly Canadian, everyone's favorite sweet 'n' fruity sparkling water (that was always a very welcome sight in a lunchbox). Feels like a good #TBT to announce this throwing it back to 2002 #PepsiBlueIsBack. **WHAT HAPPENED:**There's never been a gum that's lost its flavor as fast as Hubba Bubba's tinned Ouch! WHAT HAPPENED: Elder millennials, this one's for you. Here are a few of those snacks that will most definitely make you feel nostalgic. Posted on Jan 14, 2022 Viennetta, Fruit String Thing, PB Crisps, And 21 Other Nostalgic Snacks That Were "Tragically". WHAT HAPPENED: They've been gone for at least the last seven years, maybe longer. Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. However, Jif announced they were pulling the plug on the delicious snack not even two years later, claiming it was unprofitable. WHAT HAPPENED: Yogos have been yo-gone since the early 2010s. Goals have a specific goal, and projects have a goal that is broader, more abstract. Potato Crisps were another one of General Mills' signature crunchy snacks that dominated in the 1970s. WHAT HAPPENED: Again, the world couldn't handle a product too good for this world. WHAT HAPPENED:I have fond memories of burning every last taste bud on one of these bad boys while dashing to the bus stop to make sure I got to school on time. While they were discontinued in the US, they still sell them in other countries. Nibbles with nostalgia. And just like that, the colorful candy was discontinued in 2009. Whether it's crunchy or smooth, in a bar shape, or between two pieces of bread, there's nothing quite like peanut butter. The maple syrup-flavored cereal was perfectly sweet - especially after letting it soak in the milk for just the right amount of time. They were pure heaven. Here's what happened. ), so Heinz, if youre listening, I have a million dollar idea for you. But we all know how that turned out. And things haven't been the same since. Several online petitions plead for their return, and passionate letters. Fashion Trends We All Regret. Despite being loved by families nationwide, the delicious breakfast treat was discontinued in 2018 after being on the market for over two decades. But after three years on the market, Frito-Lay pulled the flavor off the shelves. WHAT HAPPENED: Elder millennials, this ones for you. Released in the mid-'70s and reaching *peak* popularity in the '80s, Carnation's breakfast bars were a much-loved staple for kids (and adults) in search of an easy, grab-and-go breakfast. The food coloring responsible for the instantly recognizable Windex-blue hue? Revisiting the 2000s Nostalgia for the movies, TV shows, stars, music, food, fashion, and toys of the decade that was already so long ago. The Tastiest Discontinued Food/Drink Items From The 2000s. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your POV Orbitz was discontinued for good in 1997the same year it was released. The Cakesters were made up of two soft chocolate cakes filled with the traditional Oreo vanilla creme filling. Thats right if you miss this stuff as much as I do, you can theoretically grab a box whenever you want it. Sometimes we forget about all the wonderful snacks that we ate in the 2000s. . **WHAT HAPPENED:**Nestl reaaaaally knew how to dial up the nostalgia between Bug Pops and Flintstones Push Pops, they pretty much defined my childhood. Posted 60 minutes ago Not gonna lie, the drama surrounding some of these has me on the edge of my damn seat. Well certainly count your vote for their return! The packaging. WHAT HAPPENED:The other day I ate a cookie that contained (in no meaningful order): pretzels, M&M's, salt and vinegar potato chips, toffee, and popcorn. Trix Yogurt is heading back to shelves in Walmart and SuperValu in early May. Ice Breakers Liquid Ice: WHAT. People complained the mint was way too intense and bitter, knocking it right off the shelves. The beverage company introduced Lime Coke in 2005 before quietly removing it from the shelves just a year later, and soda drinkers were unimpressed with the decision. But what happened? That email doesn't look right. is perhaps the understatement of the century. Even Peggy Bundy from Married With Children was obsessed with these, and its not hard to see why. According to the marketing director for Tic Tac, "The cinnamon flavor was always solid, but not a growth flavor - it wasn't declining nor increasing, so we delisted it [in 2007] to make room for new Powermint and fruit flavors." Your email address will not be published. Even Peggy Bundy from, PepsiCo let the Slice trademark expire pretty unceremoniously but in early 2018, an entrepreneur by the name of Mark Thomann, The venture capitalist who acquired the brand launched a massive crowdfunding campaign which relied on Clearly Canadian fans to pre-order cases of the beveragebut after two years of waiting for their cases to arrive, many folks were, Ever since the early 90s (when Carnation replaced them with the less-loved Breakfast Essentials Bar), people have been trying to get them back. Cheetos has had their fair share of discontinued products, but its widely agreed that Twisted Puffs are pretty much the greatest loss of all. Starburst Fruit Twists were similar to Twizzlers in shape, but that's about it. Altoids needs to bring back the sours I cant be the only one who misses them. **WHAT HAPPENED: **The alpha and omega of chips has been gone since the '90s. The H.J. ), so Heinz, if you're listening, I have a million dollar idea for you. By the 90s, Pepsi got rid of the fruit juice entirelywhich basically meant it was just like its competitors. WHAT HAPPENED: The world just couldn't handle a Skittle you could chew forever. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Her Campus Media LLC. Some are unsure if the candies are the same as the classic Milkfuls, but they are the same candies made by the same company, Storck. When Fig Newtons rebranded to just Newtons in 2012, the company introduced raspberry and strawberry flavors. As the self-proclaimed president of the Warm Delights fan club, I have a theory: Since each and every container of Warm Delights came in its own plastic serving bowl (bad for the environment! And yogurts have never been the same! This new snack is an attempt to combine two old snacks, one being a chocolate chip cookie and the other being a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Remember Squeezits? People were opting for the more traditional candy bar experience, and in 2006, Swoops was forever gone. The company that made Grips, Frito-Lay, decided to discontinue the product because it was not selling well. Some of the best include Trix Yogurt and Scooby Doo Fruit Snacks. Bubble gum? Bostons Vaccine Mandate Starts This Weekend, Upgrade your Takeout Boston Restaurant News and Events, Shepard Avos Are The Superior Avocados And It's About Time We All Woke Up To The, People Are Sharing Their Most Stubborn Food Opinions, I, A Breakfast Expert, Will Pair Your Personality To The Cereal Brand It Matches Most. However, these sugary and sticky-tasting treats became unpopular amongst the masses and were eventually discontinued. Maybe if you really tried it can also stick on you to cover the scratch on your skin. WHAT HAPPENED:Pepsi's short-lived, berry-flavored cola beverage was rolled out with a suuuuuper expensive marketing campaign likely to appeal to young people that had become "bored" with regular Pepsi. Look, maybe this stuff wasn't great. Untouched. Despite believing ketchup was the color red our entire lives, Heinz switched things up in the early 2000s when the company debuted the EZ Squirt bottle. For me, it was that warm cup of syrup-adjacent goodness that sealed the deal. . Nestl / Via And TBH, I think it's *his* fault Just to connect some dots: Kraft's Bagel-fuls hit the market in 2008, nearly 10 years before, Theories as to why exactly the mighty Fruit Twist was discontinued range from "likely" to "LOL can you imagine." In order to create their vibrant-hued ketchups, Heinz literally. Tic Tacs have always been a fan-favorite treat for consumers looking for a sudden burst of flavor while out on the go. It was (and I mean this with every fiber of my being) a true tragedy, as I've yet to taste a soda as genuinely refreshing as this stuff was. Snacks like Jell-O Pudding Pops and Cinnamon Tic Tacs have been discontinued or are difficult to find. Even if you grew up in the '60s and don't feel any nostalgia for, say, Mixed Vegetable Jell-O for Salads, you might still be able to conjure up the . A few years later, in 2012, Swoops were replaced by the Reese's Mini, which still are flying off the shelves. Grips was a popular snack food in the 1990s that was discontinued in the early 2000s. WHAT HAPPENED:Am I the only one who can still recite every word of the Cereal Straws commercial? Everyone who grew up in the 2000s definitely remembers the pretzel stix in the yellow box. Fruit String Thing was pulled off of shelves in the early 2000s, with many citing that it was likely due to the new wave of healthy snacks being marketed to children. Cheetos has had their fair share of discontinued products, but it's widely agreed that Twisted Puffs are pretty much the greatest loss of all. While an official reason for their quiet discontinuation in the early 2000s has never been confirmed, fans speculate that it had something to do with the closure of a Pillsbury Factory in Allentown, PA. General Mills acquired Pillsbury (and all their products) in 2001, and there were massive changes in the following yearsincluding, apparently, the removal of our favorite waffle sticks. There was simply nothing better than letting those frozen bug gummies slowly defrost in your mouth (while pretending you were a literal character from The Lion King), and I still long to feel that immense joy again. Funniest Movies of the 2000s . Updated. The website emphatically asks why on earth would you discontinue these? Since were starting to become more environmentally savvy and ditching plastic straws, may I recommend bringing these bad boys back. Released in the mid-70s and reaching *peak* popularity in the 80s, Carnations breakfast bars were a much-loved staple for kids (and adults) in search of an easy, grab-and-go breakfast. WHAT HAPPENED: Good news, Ooze fans! Im not sure why this is, but the idea of a new snack just didnt seem to be on my mind and my craving for it grew. Theres even a Cocoa Krispies variety this time around, so BRB while I go pick up every package I can find. I dont even know what the difference is anymore. Planters Cheez Balls The cheesy, crunchy balls that every child and teen obsess over. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Need a little afternoon pick-me-up? Their ad campaign that invited consumers to embark on a tour into the bowels of the Orbiterium definitely takes the cake. Pop a Froot Loops cereal straw in said glass of milk, and Ill happily drink a gallon. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! WHAT HAPPENED:Twizzlers are trash, and these discontinued candies proved itand then some. (FWIW,Twizzlers Rainbow Twistsare actually pretty great! And by 2012, the delicious treat had been removed from the shelves. Here are 25 other discontinued childhood snacks we want next. The package described them as that last little extra-crispy fry that people fight for. gave the people the sad-but-true information they needed. Bill would see benefits. 1. Apparently, Breyers tried to re-introduce Viennetta in 2009, but nope, apparently Americans weren't having it (which makes zero sense to me. But eventually in 2011, the delicious product was pulled from the shelves - and knock-offs (not nearly as tasty) took its place. BonBons walked so Dibs could run, and TBH, they deserve better. And TBH, I think its *his* fault. on forums to let other users know there were undercover corporate insiders hyping up products. The delicious morning treat was first available in chocolate chip, peanut butter, and fudge flavors. **WHAT HAPPENED:**To this day, "texturally enhanced alternative beverage" has to be one of the most incredible-yet-cringey slogans I've ever read. It's time for a trip down memory lane. The perfect, refreshing snack I used to have after coming home from school or even playing outside. WHAT HAPPENED: Believe it or not, this creamy take on a classic was only around for a little over a year. WHAT HAPPENED: If you can believe it, as of 2009, Slice is now a seltzer. The drinks and snacks of the 2000s were loaded with some of the most unforgettable flavors and textures of all time. In 2020, Pepsi replaced Slice with Sierra Mist in most markets. Since theres no shortage of nostalgic food items that were tragically ripped from grocery store shelves forever, were sharing some of the best responses including the reasons why they were discontinued in the first place. WHAT HAPPENED: Magic undersells these chocolaty shortbread cookies. Does anyone remember this Hubba Bubba Ouch! WHAT HAPPENED: Unfortunately, according to the good folks at Mars, these have been gone for at least four years. Pudding Pops and cinnamon Tic Tacs have always been a fan-favorite treat for consumers looking for a over! Ever - all in one place maybe longer child and teen obsess over about all the wonderful snacks that ate... Twizzlers Rainbow Twistsare actually pretty great, Swoops were replaced by the Reese discontinued nostalgic early 2000s snacks Mini, which still flying! Everyone who grew up in the early 2000s refreshing snack I used to have after coming home from school even... Their vibrant-hued ketchups, Heinz literally shortbread cookies when the product because it was like... Little over a year the plug on the go little over a year and... Almost everyone recalls their first bite of a delectable Dunkaroo, dipped in confetti-colored creme the.... 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