They are a lot stronger than leopards and have the advantage here. Maybe in a surprise attack, but once the gorilla gets hold of you, thats that. That doesn't mean gorillas are weak, leopards are very powerful and lethal ambush predators. Which Firefly Cast Member Had The Most Successful Career After The Show Ended? As for bite force, you know what blows them all out of the water? A damn male tiger and a male lion. Trump was bad but at least the economy was booming and he was putting China in check. Silverback Gorillas are one of the most aggressive creatures out there. Also the gorilla is not a predator. A Tiger has 4 inch claws but a Lion has 1.5 inch claws?! Gorillas have 32 teeth, just like us. An average male tiger weighs in at around 500 pounds and can reach up to 700 pounds. Press J to jump to the feed. The grizzly is also faster than the gorilla, but they stand about the same height. Leopards hunt gorillas, Including adult male silverbacks. This would be very difficult with the lions speed and agility. Gorilla has no chance, leopards have killed several silverback gorillas in time. Theres proof of this. BTW nigga if you happen to drop by this area what superheroes outfit would u parade in? WebThe habitats of Western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) lay at the western side of Congo river. They cannot make a fist. Keep in mind a gorilla is not going to chase down and hunt a leopard, so that's the "win" for the gorilla. If a gorilla sees a leopard, the gorilla is going to run and hopefully get away. Unless big cats can some how hit a main artery they aint making it far. Leopards are smaller than lions and have being known to kill silverbacks. When the dark comes, leopards have a mirror-like membrane at the back of the retina that reflects light and allows them to see in total darkness. What animal can beat a gorilla? the gorilla holds 10 minutes against the tiger, 5 minutes against the lion and 1 minute against the bear. And no, cats are some of the most durable creatures on the planet. But to offer a critique of this article. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". If you wanna use numbers. The lion won. Both have around 3-4 inch claws measured along outer curve and both can dig in about 1,5 inches deep. The gorilla would need to get a bite on the lion for it to be fatal. Yes, the silverback can easily defeat Leopards. Other teeth are used for cutting flesh and grinding bones. I mean, look at your Spiderman profile pic, you clearly have a love for men in colorful costumes. Youd think thered at least be a bunch more if the gap were closer. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. I say the comments against each other may be silly and childish but they are still mean. Fuck u retarded lion hater. Size is never an indication of ability or prowess. Not only are they strong, but gorillas are also fast. Maybe you have never seen an actual fight between a tiger and a lion. But yeah as far as creatures that fight for mating and leading rights go gorillas are very peaceful and are actually pretty easily scared. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Against a grizzly bear, male or female, the gorilla doesnt stand a chance in hell. -Tiger haters, Lion lovers. The think skinned silverback would bleed out in minutes against any lion, grizzly, or tiger. In Roman times they would pit lions and tigers against each other. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The difference between "can it happen" and "is it reasonable for it to happen" is very broad indeed. Lets not forget pride. I think some of the biggest tigers could win. Itd be a different fight every time! Bears have more penetrating length, theoretically a bear could make a 4 inch puncturing wound, while tigers and lions are unable to do the same, not even close. Leopards are the only animals in their range that have the ability to kill an adult gorilla. It would be a slaughter. Real life a silver back can stomp a leopard easy. Tigers have documentary evidence of killing the largest sub species of crocodile and largest bovine ( gaur), rhinos and elephant. When silverbacks are mature, they will often mate with multiple females. Required fields are marked *. Cant be a nigger cos they cant read or right..!! In a fight all that matters is who has the largest courage. Just to end with why I started reading all this BS. Even leopards have killed many silverback gorillas. They can't rip off a man's arm, no way. Leopards do occasionally hunt gorillas, but they go after females and non-mature gorillas, and they only do it at night when they can surprise them, and even then they have to get a perfect bite. They move around by knuckle-walking they put their weight on the knuckles, rather than on palms. As for the lion vs tiger debate where they cross paths in the wild the lion drives the tiger out, for example in India with the Asiatic lion. gorillas are actually quite peaceful animals all things considering and arent very aggressive overall at least in comparison to some ACTUAL aggressive animals that do stuff like hunt you down to your home and burn it down because you sneezed in their presence lol. The leopard would put up a fight and leave a mark on the gorilla. But may I just say, a tiger is physically stronger than a lion too. When it comes to bite power, a gorilla has almost 4 times stronger biting power. Dont be naive. You guys have it all messed up. the word im talking about is write (from this point on my clean ass will now transform into a dirty ass because my foul mouth is being brought into this comment now) which is what your retarded hillbilly dumb ass should of used but now its too late because you already look more illiterate, ignorant, irrelevant and most of all illegitimate than any black folk i have ever met just by that one mistake especially knowing the fact that any african american i have ever associated myself with are at least smart enough to realize which words and grammar their supposed to use to keep from looking like a brain dead inbred cousin fucker like your bitch ass looks now at least in my eyes you fucking dick sucking, anti tit fucking, wrist cutting, horse bucking, adult ducking, dick and ball tucking to make yourself look like buffalo bill, throwing racial terms with that dirty ass mouth of yours from all the dicks of the KKK you probably look forward to gobbling up every second of every day of your pathetic close minded ass life of yours you dont deserve knowing how many yucks or laughs you get out of using the nigger word i will type out one time but only because im sticking up to your hateful, and do not ever forget dirty, ass so with all that being said or typed out in this case i will end this comment with one more question. And if you ever wanna see a cool juxtaposition in the animal world check out the differences in lifestyle between chimps and bonobos and then see the physical difference (they evolved from the same species but on different sides of the Congo. WebLeopards kill non-silverback gorillas, Lions are larger and more designed for a frontal fight. I am about do some googling, I dont know who to believe. They can grow up to 2 inches long. Each of these two has a different mechanism it helps it survive. Lions are stronger than gorillas, so are tigers. Oftentimes the best fighters whip ass and do it without hatred or malice. THEN THE LION. They might also use weapons such as sticks or rocks. can you kill a tiger with your bare handsdoes keegan allen have a child 26th February 2023 / in west warwick viewpoint / by / in west warwick viewpoint / by Gorillas run on all fours and can reach speeds of up to 25 mph. If you actually change your profile pic bc of this, Id get a good chuckle out of that. Gorilla needs feats if he wants to stand a chance in this fight. This article is pretty ignorant what comes to facts. The first to strike successfully wins. Believe me, Lions would not have any problems with mauling a gorilla. Given their IQ and their strength, speed and size doesnt matter anymore. In the internet forums' "bloodlusted cage match scenario," the gorilla decimates the leopard, and comes out heavily bleeding. An extremely fit and quick human can move at about the same pace as an average gorilla running speed, give or take a few steps. They can't move their skin without moving their body, which leopards and other animals can do. Now gorillas main weapons are bites. If a gorilla has rarely battled anything, its losing to all of them. This gives a leopard a clear edge under night conditions. Most male lions are banished from prides once they are sexually mature and have to hunt and fend for themselves until they can defeat a pride leader who is usually older lying on his way out. There are no scientific studies saying gorillas can lift a 1000kg etc. WebInsaneRanter 1 yr. ago. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Theres absolutely no settings or moderators to keep trash like that off here. And believe it or not, these two animals happen to meet one another in their habitats in Africa. Hard choice! Tigers are natural born killing machines. Yall are actually morons. Ive got to ask were you one of the ones who invaded our capital you POS! And just saying to everyone who really believes a male adult lion can bite with a force of 650 psi it can actually bite up to around 900 psi. Thank you for sharing a very nice blog. Then from 12 years old, they develop a silver section of hair over their back and hips, earning them the name 'silverback'. The lion isnt surviving an attack from that. IIRC thats not true. The tigers would win so easily that they started doing 2-3 lions vs a tiger. All these animals have dangerous assets who is quick and got courage wins on the night. They just flail around, when they fight each other for dominance or fight predators they bite. A pride is around 15 to 20 lions so one leader means you got about a10% shot of being that guy. They are lucky if they can fight off a leopard. Gorilla looses to tiger, but wins against lion? Leopards are natural predators of gorillas and there are several cases in which a leopard has killed silverback gorillas. If you want to say tigers on average could beat lions in a fight that could be true but its still competitive. They dont hit as hard as you might think because they cant hit things effectively. Speed is usually the deciding factor when other factors are close. It is said that one gorilla has the strength of 15 men. To the aspect Lions are larger than tigers except siberian indeed the same with African lions in length but not in height. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. If a gorilla wins easily against This is documented. They can run up to 35 miles per hour and have 4-inch claws and have an immense 1200psi bite force. Well lets be honest Spidey has the best outfit among most of the superheroes. I came to this fucking website to see some black gorilla get dicked down by a fucking tiger cause gorillas are black and need to die, and instead I saw this fucking idiot. The silverback gorilla is an endangered gorilla species. Answer 2: Gorillas can kill leopards if they grabbed it, but leopards have been known to kill adult Even when you compare them to other herbivores. Leopards do hunt and kill gorillas, and while they avoid silverbacks it's not impossible. He might even try to fuck the gorilla. The gorillas only natural predator is the leopard, and even they very rarely actively hunt juvenile gorillas. I believe they could be taught to use a primitive weapon. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Read More: Tiger Against A Kodiak Bear Who Wins? WebAfrican Leopard VS Silverback Gorilla Who Would Win: Gorillas and leopards are some of the toughest and most dangerous animals in Africa. A tiger wouldnt even stand a chance against an adult male. The tiger has becomes the most overrated animal right now, no measurements exist of its bite force or pulling strength(which exist for lion anyways pulling 1500lb on a crane scale). I say gorillas are packed for the fight the body mass muscles are uncomfortable.. Tigers ( prime siberian and bengal) are -50kg heavier than lions on avg in wild and 100 kg in captivity, more denser muscles and bone, longer claws,stouter jaws,longer canines,bigger more muscled hind legs,swipe with both paws,their paws are larger,their bite force is almost twice as big for similar jaw size. Google it if you dont believe me. Even then, theres only been a single account of a gorilla killing a leopard, and that still ended in mutual death. Gorillas have similar senses to humans, including hearing, sight (they seem to be slightly nearsighted and to have color vision), and smell. The gorilla has zero chance against any of these competitors because hes got no size advantage and he has zero weapons to use against these other animals. Not saying it would win a lot. Tigers ( prime siberian and bengal) are 50kg heavier, more denser muscles and bone, longer claws,stouter jaws,longer canines,bigger more muscled hind legs,swipe with both paws,their paws are larger,their bite force is almost twice as big for similar jaw size. The only way a gorilla wins is if a human took a baby gorilla from birth and taught it how to use a spear. Grizzly bears and all other brown bears which are larger than the American grizzly would absolutely destroy gorillas and the Canadian brown bears what did you feed lions and tigers as well unfortunately they are just too big and too strong the largest Tigers would defeat the largest lions but pound-for-pound it can go either way as has been proven on videotape plenty of times although these morons who these hypotheticals never seem to watch the video that exists when these animals are in captivity and face each other. Using this skill it is a 99% victory against the big cats unless the elephants & rhino decided to join in. I seen 1 Crocodile fight Off Several Lions including The Male & Get away But a Very Large Huge Crocodile was Easily Beat By 1 Tiger a Tiger Hunts on Its Own. It dies not rip the leopard to pieces with its mythical strength. With the tigers powerful and razor-sharp claws any attempt by the gorilla to grab it would be met with a fierce and deadly blow. Look it up. A gorilla does not stand any chance against a tiger or a lion male or female or even sub prime juvenile adult. And they are not effective at fighting leopards. So, yeah. Gorillas are herbivores that mostly feed on stems, bamboo shoots, and fruits. I bet you will let a tiger f u in the assss if you could. National Geographic and discovery say around 1000lb each but of course it is ignored by this fucks. Idts, or at least not EASILY. Gorillas are not the best at jumping. Hes not sumo slamming the leopard or throwing haymakers. We will compare the sizes between a gorilla and a leopard, their agility and movement capabilities, their brute strength, offensive, defensive capabilities, and some battle maneuvers and tactics they might use. Nor dies it urbanise punches or headlocks or any other complete fantasy.. In a fight between a gorilla and a grizzly bear, the first thing to note is the size advantage of the grizzly. Their strongest sense is smell, but it is not as developed as in other animals. Kassuts. What a load of rubbish, since when did leopards predate on gorillas ha, ha. Do your research before making assumptions about a lion since you believe the tiger would easily win this battle but the lion would lose. Big cat moves in brushed of held down and crushed into the earth or the ape grabs its leg and swings it around like a rag doll and yes they are that strong! Tiger would destroy a gorilla and have its throat ripped out. They prefer to stalk first, then circle in closely, and finally attack by charging from behind. Even if the gorilla fights off the leopard, it is a desperate fight. That means that they are on top of the food chain and do not have natural predators hunting them. Grizzlies are way bigger and stronger than any of these other animals. You have to have Autism, tigers and bears have equally strong paw swipe force, but a tiger has a stronger bite force, and they get up to 12 ft tall while grizzlies only at like 7 ft. Tiger wins end of story. Cats are pound for pounds really really good and agile fighters. So when the leopards bite gorillas they tear them apart, the gorilla are gushing blood with slashed flesh. Id say tigers win 3 out of 10. It must, however, ensure that its prey is alone, as gorillas live in groups and are extremely protective of their species. Lions and tigers and bears..oh my!!!! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. But a dog? When it comes to physical defenses, it is tied between gorillas and leopards. Throwing 1,000lbs, lifting 1,800-2,000lbs. Remove the Spider-Man picture first you little fagget. In its book, One Travellers Africa, Cynthia Nolan mentions how a black leopard attacked and killed 4 gorillas. All they do is the three R,s So let me get this straight, a leopard is a natural predator of Gorillas, yet a Lion will lose the fight??? When you try to cut the steak with the lose tarp instead of the knife catching and cutting through the steak it will simply pull the tarp along the meat without actually cutting it. It can charge at its enemy, grab its limbs, and crush them. Its fine we understood of your inner hunger / your thirst for Spidey to blast his loads & loads of white sticky silk web to your face or you prefer to swallow both way is okay for Spidey. Gorillas are very vulnerable to slash attacks, and die very quickly when facing leopards. Ha Ha. I say Gorillas are packed for the fight the body mass muscles are incomparable. Gorillas can also bite with an incredible 1300 pounds per square inch, twice the force of a lion, which is enough to crush a human skull like a grape. Tigers are bigger, stronger, and faster than a gorilla. Gorillas are highly intelligent compared to these beast and hulk like strength. Most people have a hard on for specific species of animals if they are animal lovers and they always go for the one that really inspired them as a child. Like they don't know how to punch. The bear would be at least double the size of the gorilla. The lion just needs to use its stealth. A Tiger is 3 to 4 times the size of a leopard and a lion whilst a little different in pound for pound strength is still 2 to 3 times larger than a leopard. Now bear vs gorilla? Ok for me I think The Gorilla would win both fights aganist the Lion and Tiger just because in real life a Lion would kill a Tiger due to males fighting others during their lifetime. Whats gayer than that? Males will often fight with other males to claim territory. A tiger weighs 500 lbs? Bonobos have matriarchs, chimps have patriarchs and for two of the genetically closest animals there are they couldnt live more differently. Gorillas use their teeth to break tree bark and leopards use their teeth for killing other animals; despite that, gorillas have the advantage when it comes to bite power and jaw strength. In that case, the gorilla would probably charge to the leopard. But leopards also can bite with 442325 psi and can carry prey up trees Maybe it's closer than I thought. All your are saying doesnt make sense This makes it so any bite is more deadly for them, and even as strong as a gorillas bite is, probably wont be fatal for the leopard. / Andy Rouse / WWF 10. They bluff and try to intimidate but little more. It is ridiculous to say that a tiger would make short work of a gorilla but a lion would probably lose. Even if the bear got it pinned, the gorrilla could gouge its eyes out w/ ease and would rip off the bears testicles, not to mention a gorillas insane bite force, 1500 psi, which is sig greater than ANY bears or big cats. Google is literally free you dolt. U a bitch ass hide online, you must be a nigger..because you sound like youre stupid as one. Same thing with the bear neck is way to thick. not for you! Tigers or brown bears are the top. Tigers got a lot of size on gorillas, and gorillas arent supernatural. THEN THE TIGER. Your email address will not be published. A lion would take down a tiger 7-8 out of 10. its well known. Youre down hear calling everyone you disagree w/ a faggot but we all know that the guys who are constantly calling people faggots are are the ones in the closet. Now a large croca large croc could take out a large gorilla. Silverback Gorillas are one of the strongest and intimating animals on the planet. The main reasons leopards win are stealth (they are ambush hunters) and skin. It is actually the exact opposite. No! Even if they put up a fight, they dont rip it to pieces, or throw it into a tree. WebSome of the animals that could fight a gorilla include a leopard, a tiger, a lion, and a hippopotamus. The bite force of a tiger is capeable to do up to 1050 psi and a Gorillas bite force is capeable to do up to 1300 psi. How do you even question that? The biggest advantage would be the lions speed, however, it would not help him other than getting away from the gorilla. Both silverbacks and several adult females escaped, but two gorilla infants That's why there are only a few documented leopard-gorilla encounters and it's usually in the leopard's favor; a win for the leopard is killing and eating the gorilla, while a win for the gorilla is scaring off the leopard. Lots of problems with this article. Male lions, also around 400 lbs, are evolved to fight each other for possession of a pride; the other predators here are evolved to hunt. that is good even though in all honesty a male tiger would kill any male lion. While a Gorilla only has it's fists and teeth, Gorillas are also herbivores so their teeth arent suited for meat eating meaning they aint sharp enough to be effective weapons. Also, Im black. Its why we send children to school for the length we do. Because the majority of gorillas are not alone. Like maybe a trained K9 could win if it went straight for the throat, but i think a gorilla would manhandle a dog with relative ease. The lion would attempt to go for the neck. Bear gets tired quickly because of its size. Leopards hunt and kill gorillas. Kaziranga tigers are the largest siberians dont reach that size in the wild. It is likely that the leopard would choose a smaller target but it could certainly catch any gorilla, although a Kenya: Up Close with Elephants, Rhinos and Big Cats. Jeroen van Leeuwen sa U are faggot tiger fans. That being said with the amazing strength, bit force, & intelligence they win 9X out of 10. Does the leopard wins more often than not in a straight up fight? Being much physically stronger, a similar if not superior bite force and the greatest attribute opposable thumbs to grab But like I said the tiger is like a trained MMA fighter against the body builder who never trained to fight in his life. Leopards kill silver backs. Please take a look to my website However, if they all ended up in the ring together, my vote would be on the tiger. Bears are way bigger and stronger than tigers, lions or gorillas and can simply overpower gorilla while mauling it to death. Siberian tigers predate on brown bears and bengals predate on black and himalayas brown bears. You are the one embarrassing yourself if you think the tiger loses this fight. It just has a better physiology for a had up fight. for me, Female lion would probably be pretty close, like 6.5/10, but a male lion would win something like 8/10 times. They have the potential to be like unstoppable just the most difficult embarrassing time realizing it. Sorry factually a tiger will kill any lion any gorilla and most grizzlies as well. Gorillas most effective weapons the weapons they use when fighting are their teeth. When it comes to a tiger and a gorilla in a fight it would be a short fight. Winner: amoeba! Leopards often kill male Silverbacks, so there you go. Theyre the animals that can do that. What about a tiger? One match proves nothing, but combined with the other data is suggestive. A grizz would kill every one of these MFs and play with the dead bodies until he got bored. Fucking idiot Leopards are the slowest of big cats, but still hit a top speed of 35 mph. They're hunters that get their kills from sneak attacks. Gorillas do have the upperhand, and some people are right! When the tarp is skin tight your knife will go through both the tarp and steak. Nothing, but still hit a main artery they aint making it.. Please take a look to my website https: // the tiger loses this fight pounds really really and! They put up a fight, they will often fight with other males to claim territory while it... Did leopards predate on black and himalayas brown bears you think the tiger, minutes! U are faggot tiger fans an adult gorilla strength, speed and agility gorilla... 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